I'm mad I am.

This topic was created by Colin from the Fast Show (I'manalienI'manalienI'manalien.com)
[Wed 26 May, 10:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Has anyone seen AAOTMNMC, edge, Mr. Nice Guy, or anyone else
who would be interested in a bit of harmless banter? I'm
just off to KFC for supper this evening. Anyone fancy

[There are 22 posts - the latest was added on Wed 26 May, 13:55]

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  1. i have Added by: xtatic
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 10:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    been getting into the crispy strip combo deals latly. kfc
    chips are infinately superior to maccas too.

  2. I would like.. Added by: Gopher Orlando
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 10:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    the new extra crispy falvour (4 piece), a medium Coke, small
    chips, and a cookie for pudding. Nice one. Colin, do you
    also go by the name Slightly Greying Elk? HE were on a few
    weeks ago and I seem to remember him mentioning your name.

  3. I'm mad I am. Added by: Colin from the Fast Show (I'manalienI'manalienI'manalien.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 11:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    xtatic, shall I take that to mean that you would like me to
    pick up a crispy strip combo for you? Really it's no
    trouble, it's why I'm here. For all the annoyance I bring to
    this site it really is the least I can do. Mr. Orlando,
    Slightly Greying Elk, has, I am sorry to report, moved on to
    the big nature reserve in the sky. Having fought in so many
    ferocious battles over the years and, having unfortunately
    contracted syphillis after an encounter with our antipodean
    chum "edge", he passed on late last week after a courageous
    final battle. He is survived by Mrs. Slightly Sagging Elk
    and their only child Son of Slightly Greying Elk. He will be
    missed by all who were lucky enough to have known him.

  4. I have suspended operations Added by: Anti-Colin From The Fast Show (AntiColinFromTheFastShow@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 11:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Due to the fact that the poster known as Colin From the
    Fast Show no longer grates on me and in fact now sort of
    appeals to me, I have henceforth suspended operations as
    his "Anti." Please, enemies of Colin From the Fast Show,
    cease your support of me as my reign is now over.
    While you're at KFC, Colin From the Fast Show, please pick
    me up a three-piece extra crispy chicken combo, with mashed
    potatoes, a cobette of corn, and a Coke. Cheers.

  5. re crispy strips Added by: xtatic
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 11:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    that depends, thanks colin. do you know where to bring
    it? i suspect i might be subject to a fairly hefty out of
    delivery area surcharge? or is the a pick up only service?

  6. Mr Nice Guy update.... Added by: Mrs Nice Guy
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 11:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    As you may remember Mr Nice Guy was arrested last week for
    indecent exposure after forgeting his trousers(In his
    case,the "exposure" wasnt a MAJOR offense ,and I should
    know hehehehe).After 2 days in the pokey the other inmates
    took up a collection for Mr NGs bail.He insisted on staying
    and sharing some more inspirational sayings ,but they
    politely declined(the guards forced them back into their
    cells with fire hoses).Mr NG is at home now and acting quite
    calm (as long as I remember the medication)although he now
    insists on being called Cool Daddy Nice and talks about
    going downtown to hang with the bruthas.(he's so silly,he's
    an only child). I'll give you updates as soon as I can.

    I'll have a #2 dinner and a large iced tea please.

  7. I'm pleased Added by: edge
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 11:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    to hear about Mr NG's fate. At least that's put a stop to
    his horrifying poetry. Seen Slightly Greying Elk, anyone? We
    haven't traded insults for nearly a week, and I'm kind of
    missing the old moosebreath.

  8. Zinger Burger Added by: Cardinal
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 11:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I really don't like fastfood for ethical, environmental and
    political reasons but I am quite partial to the occasional
    Zinger Burger. I wonder how many I could eat if I tried.
    While your ordering keep that in mind that I'm pretty

  9. Mr edge... Added by: Mrs Nice Guy
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 11:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Do you read the posts or just look at the pictures? Please
    refer to post #3 to read about Mr SGEs fate .....and show
    some respect for a worthy opponent.

  10. Mrs NG Added by: edge
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 11:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You're right, sad but true, I only skim posts, and missed
    that about SGE. I'll mourn this tragedy. He had more poetry
    in a gram of his antler velvet than your sorry excuse for a
    partner has in his whole sorry excuse for a body. Tell him
    to head off to his Barry Mannilow concert and never infect
    these electronic byways again with his maudlin trash.

  11. colin Added by: edge
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 12:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    from the fast show, did you previously post under "Slightly
    Greying Elk"?

  12. Does that mean... Added by: Mrs NG
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 12:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    you don't want the extra ticket to Barrys concert?..Front
    row center......Are you sure???
    Unfortunately Mr NG has no antler velvet,but once a year he
    does tell me he's "horny". hehehe

  13. I'm mad I am. Added by: Colin from the Fast Show (I'manalienI'manalienI'manalien.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 12:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Right then, first things first. Mr. Orlando, I have your
    nosh, come and get it, I hope it's right and crispy and all
    that. xtatic, I have some crispy strips for you, sunshine,
    and as this is a cyber-meal get-together, I will get in my
    Colin from the Fast Show hot-rod and pick you up so we can
    all eat together. Cardinal, I have with me 58 zinger
    burgers, 30 of them with "extra" zing, hope this satisfies
    your massive hunger. Edge,, I did, indeed, post under
    Slightly Greying Elk a couple of weeks back. It was an
    "ironic" statement against someone who called themselves
    Black Elk and who wanked on about the end of the world and
    such rubbish. As you have seen from my earlier post, SGE has
    passed on to a better place, where men are men, elk are elk,
    and sheep are left alone by Australian's like yourself. I
    have contacted his son although at only 16 I'm afraid he may
    be slightly immature for this highly evolved branch of the
    Dear Auntie,
    I am delighted you have come to your senses and have decided
    to fight the good fight and join me, Colin from the Fast
    Show. I can now count three real "friends"- Mr. Nice Guy,
    AAOTMNFCMC (or whatever he's called), and now you, dear
    Auntie. I have never had any friends due to my insipid,
    puerile, and disgustingly childish nature so this really is
    tremendously exciting for me.
    Mrs. Nice Guy,
    Please pass this on to your spouse, we miss him terribly,
    hope this helps for a speedy recovery.
    If a guy walks down the street,
    Surely it would be on his feet
    For if it was on his hands
    And his hair was in strands
    It would drag along the ground.
    Does a gun go bang or pow?
    The animal that moos is a cow
    But if it went meow
    Would it still be a cow
    Or a cat?
    Write on and on I could
    But I don't think I should
    It is now time to quit
    Because the room is no longer lit
    And I don't want to sit in the dark.

  14. I'm not mad I'm not Added by: Net Surfer
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 12:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    What is a cobette of corn? Is it a pygmie corn or something? I don't eat much takeaway but I do like the salted squid and crispy quail from our local Vietnamese shop.

  15. Apparently Added by: Cardinal
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 12:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The zing in a ziger burger is contained in ther sauce alone
    and the actual chicken fillet is no different to a
    conventional burger.

  16. Mr Colin, Added by: Mrs CDNfkaMNG
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 13:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Perhaps it was rhetorical but Mr CDNfnaMNG awoke long enough
    (we have to increase his dosage) to give a partial answer
    ..... If the cow goes meow then its in disguise....If the
    cow happens to be a bleach blonde cow named Lucy , then it
    must be that well known cow from the reggae hit "Lucy in
    disguise with dye ,mon"

  17. I'm mad I am. Added by: Coli from the Fast Show (I'manalienI'manalienI'manalien.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 13:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Mrs. Cool Daddy Nice/Nice Guy,
    After your last post I can see why the two of you were so
    attracted to each other and that you are now happily
    married. Whether Cool Daddy Nice's raps turn out to be half
    as shocking as his previous incarnation as the ttyc resident
    Dr. Feelgood remains to be seen but I think I can safely say
    that you, madam, are embarrassingly similar to your husband
    in your eagerness in taking liberties with the English
    language. Or am I being a punt again? I must say I envy your
    relationship. I yearn for a Mrs. Colin from the Fast Show I
    can talk to. I envision a woman with whom I can compare my
    years of physical abuse with, who might have even
    experienced more kickings than me, though that would be
    difficult to believe. I know she id out there and I have
    made it my life's work to find her.

  18. Cobette Added by: The artist formerly known as Anti-Colin From The Fast Show (Email address suspened)
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 13:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    cobette= Americanism (I guess) for small cob of corn.
    Genetically engineered small corn to fit into the KFC boxes

  19. I'm mad I am. Added by: Coli from the Fast Show (I'manalienI'manalienI'manalien.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 13:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Mrs. Cool Daddy Nice/Nice Guy,
    After your last post I can see why the two of you were so
    attracted to each other and that you are now happily
    married. Whether Cool Daddy Nice's raps turn out to be half
    as shocking as his previous incarnation as the ttyc resident
    Dr. Feelgood remains to be seen but I think I can safely say
    that you, madam, are embarrassingly similar to your husband
    in your eagerness in taking liberties with the English
    language. Or am I being a punt again? I must say I envy your
    relationship. I yearn for a Mrs. Colin from the Fast Show I
    can talk to. I envision a woman with whom I can compare my
    years of physical abuse with, who might have even
    experienced more kickings than me, though that would be
    difficult to believe. I know she is out there and I have
    made it my life's work to find her.

  20. Cobette Added by: The artist formerly known as Anti-Colin From The Fast Show (Email address suspened)
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 13:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    cobette= Americanism (I guess) for small cob of corn.
    Genetically engineered small corn to fit into the KFC boxes

  21. Cobette Added by: The artist formerly known as Anti-Colin From The Fast Show (Email address suspened)
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 13:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    cobette= Americanism (I guess) for small cob of corn.
    Genetically engineered small corn to fit into the KFC boxes

  22. Apologies Added by: The artist formerly known as Anti-Colin From The Fast Show (Email address suspended)
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 13:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I got a bit over-excited there.

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