Milking our sexobsession

This topic was created by ISIS
[Sun 13 Sept, 22:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Right, I'm not prude, especially not sexually.
But: this media thing is just getting at me. What the hell
is going on?!? Where ever I look I'm being bombarded with
sexual images. In all shapes and forms, some suttle, some
right in the face.
I know that 20-25 years ago when I was a kid it just wasn't
like that. So what has happened here? Is this what we call
"sexual liberation"? Does this sex-obsessed western society
need, or better can it handle this degree of daily
And what about the next generations? They are being fed
this food with mothers milk. Which degree of importance is
sex going to have in their lifes/society?
I don't think that this has much to do with appriciation of
the human physique, but that it's pure reckless moneymaking.
I mean it's kind of funny in one way, because most of us
( me included ) enjoy to see a halfnaked girl running
around on our TV screen, advertising trainers or cornflakes
or god knows what, and would probably miss to not see these
images anymore. But what do they do subconciously?
Jeez, it's a rainy day. Might have just got out the wrong
side of bed this morning.

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  1. Current generation not as 'hip' as they would think Added by: Elder TT Contributor
    [Timestamp: Sun 13 Sept, 23:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    This is precisely what the 60s and 70s sexual
    freedom generation and the 80s "constraints on our
    actions are wrong" generation wanted: sexual liberation and
    freedom. Well, now that the population has it, we realize
    how truly detrimental it has been on society.
    Desensitization to sex, violence, and drugs has produced an
    infotainment-obsessed society where no one wants to lead, no
    one wants to follow, and rules are declasse. How many
    generations will it take for people to collectively realize
    this and act? The current generation? Obviously not. Our
    children? Doubtful.

  2. Rainy day blues. Added by: Casual observer (...)
    [Timestamp: Mon 14 Sept, 14:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Isn't time to take out the dildo? Or would you like to
    borrow mine?

  3. hmmmmmmmm Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Tue 15 Sept, 8:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    it's a good question,here's a point of view.
    what we are seeing isn't a real view of sex it's a product
    that is being marketed,and sold very well.we are being feed
    a stream of information to make us feel inscure to make us
    buy products to make us look sexualy successful and it seems
    to be working .people are falling for we will see more
    and more of it.
    in the 50 and 60 control was lost but nothing was put in
    place to give a direction so nowdays the kids have no idear
    apart from movies and music videos andthat is the example
    that they are following so we are in for a lot of trouble in
    the future.

  4. yea, steven Added by: skull
    [Timestamp: Tue 15 Sept, 11:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Steven, I like it. Your insights are astounding.

  5. Agree... Added by: ro
    [Timestamp: Tue 15 Sept, 23:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ... with Steven, too. Or, as ISIS is answering her own
    question, it┤s "pure reckless moneymaking". Sex sells,
    that┤s all.

  6. well, Added by: ISIS
    [Timestamp: Wed 16 Sept, 6:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thanx for responses.
    It was a very rainy day and had just watched those kids
    taking in that trainers ad with all those bums and tits in
    it. Got me freaked out somehow.
    But really, I do think it is an issue which shouldn't be
    ignored. Even though there is not much one can do about it,
    part from trying to get peoples attention on it.

  7. another view Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Wed 16 Sept, 9:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    modern people have lost sight of the point of life,every one
    seems to be liveing for themselves,the order that was once
    taken for granted has vanished and in it's place sex and
    drugs are the order of the and drugs are ok but they
    are to be used as helpers to pull people and society
    together for a common cause,people now see no point,they
    look out into an empty universe so use sex and drugs to
    blind there minds to the emptyness they feel insteed of
    opening up and useing sex and drugs to get closer and more
    conected to life.
    . :)sorry about the rant.:)

  8. It's like with everything Added by: ISIS
    [Timestamp: Thu 17 Sept, 2:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    it depends on what you make out of things. Give them
    negative energy and they turn into nineheaded monsters,
    give them possitivity and they will add sparkle to your
    Attitude, attitude, attitude. Probably the one and only
    thing that will ever change the world!

  9. isis Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Thu 17 Sept, 9:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    how do you get and keep the right attitude,when someone look
    s out on the world and all they see is pain and do
    you spread or tell others that the universe is our home and
    we do you make them feel connected?:)

  10. steven Added by: ISIS
    [Timestamp: Thu 17 Sept, 19:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I guess you can't.
    I found out for myselfe that I just can't talk to people
    who are not open about these things. If someone doesn't
    want to believe, they won't. If the hole they sit in is the
    save place they need than hands off!
    But when I'm with likeminded guys, everything flows and
    that gives a lot of strength to carry on. You know, it's
    like quality food that makes you stronger. Not enough of it
    around though!
    One day.....
    Really liked your story on the romantic thread, btw.
    Off to London now for a long weekend of partying, horray!!!
    See ya all next week.

  11. isis Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Mon 21 Sept, 9:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    it's hard to get to know people because the face they put on
    to show the world is not there real self.when you find
    people who are open and honest it's hard to trust that they
    are not just pretending or showing you what you want to see.
    sometimes i think i know people then they do something so
    out of makes me dought if you can ever realy
    know someone.
    hope you dont get to sick from all the partying.

  12. Hi steven, Added by: ISIS
    [Timestamp: Tue 22 Sept, 5:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    didn't think this post would still be up today - nice
    Funny you should mention this stuff above. It's just what I
    was dealing with at the weekend.
    I stayed with a friend/lover and we had an honesty session.
    He let me read bits of his diary and a few letters he wrote
    to ex girlfriends. And for some reason I was really
    shocked. There were so many things going strong in him
    which I had barely noticed. And that is not because of any
    masks - he is a really open guy. I think that it is just
    difficult for an outsider to be emphathetic enough to read
    the sighns right. We are all such complex beings, how can
    anybody ever really understand us? Sad somehow, isn't it?
    I got over the shock, but something has shifted somehow. He
    is still the same person, but I understand much better
    where he is coming from. Some things you can never express
    through talking - they have to be written down, I think.
    And I still don't know him....
    So no, didn't get sick from partying, but nearly from
    Great weekend, though!
    U allright? Sounding a bit low.

  13. happy happy joy joy Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Tue 22 Sept, 9:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i don't think you can know anyone else,it's hard to know
    yourself,i know that i keep lots of things back from people
    for lots of different reasons,i hide things from myself or
    just block them out,we take from the world what we like and
    arange what we see to suit our selves so it is easer or
    and you are right i am a bit low,went to a family gathering
    in the weekend,stress,travel seeing people that you should
    know,but no one was honest,no one realy cared,it seems every
    one put on there happy face,said all the same fake lines.
    so now i'm back and feel a bit empty.
    should never read other peoples diary's some times you find
    out things you don't want to know,it's good to have honesty
    sesions with people you are close to.i had one a while ago
    with a friend/not a lover,it's strange to find out about
    people you think you know,and they tell you things that
    surpize you.
    i like your posts to. everywhere i go here i am starting to
    see the same names and following the trails of there posts.
    :):):):) :P :):) ;)

  14. One of my dreams is Added by: ISIS
    [Timestamp: Tue 22 Sept, 23:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    to live in a society where it is save for everybody to just
    be themselves. No masks, no judgements, no negative
    criticism. Life would be so much more easy and exiting. I'm
    sometimes so sick of not being myselfe - makes me think
    that I've forgotten who I really am. If we could all
    express ourselves savely we would probably deal with our
    shortcomings in a much more aware and creative way. But
    this fear of being misunderstud - and therefore rejected -
    The TT is a bit of a psychological playground for me.
    People - well, some of them - show sides they would
    normally hide very well. Can't be taken seriously, but it's
    fun to watch. And I can play around conecting them to
    pictures of people I know. Makes a great soapopera!
    Untill I get sick of it again...
    Tryed to read my own diary today as if it was someone elses
    and whow! it sounded so different!!! So unlike me, somehow.

  15. isis Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Wed 23 Sept, 10:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i often go back and read what i have written in my diary,had
    it for about five years,i am aways surprized how i keep
    doing the same old mistakes,being atracted to the same kind
    of people,telling my self to change to do things different
    but going back to the same old patterns.
    i always found it strange how easy it is to change the way
    you act around people,if you are talking to some one you
    know and someone you don't know joins in what you talk about
    changes the way you speak changes,your actions,what you
    thing ,how you act,are all changed ,so how people perseve
    you and what they think of you,is false.
    what we show the world is a projection of what we think it
    wants and as everyone is doing this no wonder everyone is

  16. Ha, you're so right! Added by: ISIS
    [Timestamp: Wed 23 Sept, 22:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It's a catch 22. I show you what I think you'll like and
    I'll see in you what I want to see. So easy at first, but
    then after a few month or years it all ends in tears - and
    the divorse rate is rising....
    The sun is shining today - got to get out and make the best
    of it!
    See ya.

  17. isis Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Thu 24 Sept, 11:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i think it changes as you get older,i found all the little
    things i used to do to plaese people has gotten less and i
    am starting to not give a toss about what others's
    like you know time is runing outand you have to do what you
    want or you will never get to do itand you start to
    understand who you are.
    it's been very hot here,in the 20ies not much rain all
    spring another killer summer coming up.

  18. Steven Added by: ISIS
    [Timestamp: Fri 25 Sept, 3:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    so how old are you then?!? Sound about 65 in this last post!
    But basically I agree. If I look back on to those teenage
    years I feel like super-wise-woman now. Don't give a shit
    what people think in general, but then it depends on who it
    is. There is still the odd person I meet where it seems too
    important that they like me, so I might play the game for a
    little while. And also, there are so many sides to me that
    I can always kidd myselfe into believing that all I'm doing
    is showing another side of myselfe. One which I might
    usually not emphasise so much.
    I'm feeling very challanged by all this in my relationships
    at the moment, so writing and reading bits about it feels
    good. It's such a mindfuck, though. Sometimes I think I
    should just forget about it all and live 'normal' life and
    worry about money and success instead, like 'normal' people
    do. Seems so much easier!
    Envy you for the summer. God, I could do with some heat!!!!!

  19. isis Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Fri 25 Sept, 8:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i've never been normal always a misfit.
    it makes life harder but i think you get more out of it.
    i think the reason we have a very big brain is to handle the
    social/sexual relationships,i know its a hassle but if you
    stick to your nature and trust that you will make the best means that what you do is your choise and not
    what others want but sometimes we get it wrong and thats
    what we have to learn from.
    not 65 yet only 33 but people have always said i was mature
    even when i was young.
    i liked my teenage years,lots of fun,good friends it makes
    life now seem very dull.
    :):):)BYE FOR NOW.

  20. Weekend Added by: ISIS
    [Timestamp: Sat 26 Sept, 2:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    No, I don't miss those teenage years. Having much more fun
    now that I actually know what I'm doing and have the
    selfconfidence to play with anything that comes up. Was too
    insecure then, therefore lots of missed opportunities in
    all areas. Feels like I'm catching up now!
    Off for another weekend.
    Wonder whether this will still be up next week...
    Enjoy the sun :)

  21. hmmmmmmm Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Sat 26 Sept, 11:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    other way around for me,teenage years were fun,a couple of
    very close friends,partyies no worryies.
    now every one has growen up settled down,every one else is
    into money,house they seem to have lost the spark of
    life,doing the sameold thing over and over.
    maybe i am just different from them and want more from life
    than that,it seems that all the things thatwe treated as
    important have changed.
    this will still be up, it takes about a week of no one
    posting befor it dissapears.
    i hope your relationships are going ok ,wish i had one ,
    see you monday:):):):):)

  22. i Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Tue 29 Sept, 8:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    full moon is on it's way,

  23. Hi again Added by: ISIS
    [Timestamp: Wed 30 Sept, 2:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    relationships are going okay as they are both ill and needy.
    Have been trying to be a nurse for the last 3 days - not
    something I'm very good at either!
    Seems to me you are surounded by the wrong kind of people.
    There must be some more likeminded guys for you down there
    in NZ! Or are your expectations too high? U know, the
    perfect doesn't exist - and if it does, there is no way to
    hang around waiting for it by not giving the imperfect a
    chance or two, too! But I have to admit that I'm struggling
    with the same issue, as there never seem to be enough
    people around me who have the same set of values as me.
    When I still lived in the Findhorn Community in Scotland it
    was very different. Everybody there is spiritually
    orientated down to the basics of life. Very exiting place!
    Maybe you should go and have a look there some time.
    Fullmoon - when?

  24. wow Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Wed 30 Sept, 8:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    just reading a book on the findhorn community,it's the one
    with peoples story's i'm up to the part where the man is
    starting to have talks with pan as they walk through parks.
    it must have been a different experance to live there.
    part of life is to find people with common interests,over
    the past year i have changed a bit,so it's just at the
    momment i feel a bit disorentated,the people around me know
    who i was,not who i am now,i guess it's the 7 year thing,0-7
    child,7-14 teenager,14-21 trying to be adult,21-28accept
    responabilty,28-35growing up?face life.
    don't know the right date of full moon but will find
    out,equinknox must be soon as well,people are starting to
    talk about holloween partys have you any plans?

  25. isis Added by: steven ( )
    [Timestamp: Wed 30 Sept, 9:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    full moon,6th oct 9am,i guess thats moon rise.

  26. Equinox is gone, Added by: ISIS
    [Timestamp: Wed 30 Sept, 20:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    half missed it myselfe - 23rd sept.
    Yeah, I can relate to 28-35 as growing up phase. Doubt that
    I will ever feel grown up though. At least in the way I
    thought it would feel when I was little. Decided in the last
    few years that I would rather stay slightly irrisponsible
    and unpredictable than get stuck in the rutt too much. And
    what does responsibility mean anyway? In this society mainly
    to earn money, to not be a criminal, to fit in with society
    and to not change things too much. For me it means to learn
    about the universal laws and to try to follow them as much
    as possible. Difficult enough!!
    I never read much about findhorn, so I don't know how
    acurate this book you are reading is. But I can tell you
    that 8 years ago, when I was there it was a very warm
    (emotionally warm) place which had lots to offer.
    Halloween.....never found out what it is all about. We don't
    have this celebration where I come from, so I only join in
    with it a little bit here in England. But hopefully I will
    be off travelling anyway at the time.
    How do you celebrate it in NZ? Witches and pumpkins like
    here? No, can't be pumpkins - it's spring over there!!
    Christ, it's such a different concept. Hard to imagine for
    us here - Christmas in summer and stuff... Guess it's a
    matter of familiarity like everything.
    My freaking phone is playing up. Hope it won't disconnect me
    before I post this.
    I think the 9am means the exact time of it being full.
    Later :)

  27. isis Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Thu 1 Oct, 8:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    it's freaky alright,if you celabrate the seasons or try to
    follow natures lead you end up out of step with everyone
    else,chirstmas in summer with a pine tree covered in fake
    snow is just so strange,
    also the phases of the moon are backwood,it goes from left
    to right and if you look in books at the picture of it its
    upside down plus the sun goes anti-clockwise,
    eveyone celebrates or i should say copies so we do have
    pumkins and witches.most just follow like sheep so if you
    tell them it's all wrong they don't want to know.
    it's strange to read about places like findhorn because the
    books are about ten years old so its hard to know what it's
    like now,there are simalar places here,more or less but less
    open .
    i think how ever old you are relationships are hard,it's
    something thats alive if you feed it it grows ,if not it
    BYE take care:)

  28. steven Added by: ISIS
    [Timestamp: Thu 1 Oct, 9:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    just missed you. I'm still on the computer - can't sleep.
    Should think I'd have more exiting things to do at this
    time a night! But that's life.
    I got to get 'down under' some time to see what the moon
    looks like the other way round. Kind of scary.
    Relationship stuff is freaking me out at the moment. You
    are right about the feeding. that's so important. Also
    willingness to be together and to carry on. It's like two
    people create this third being between them and it needs to
    be feed and looked after like a baby.
    But what happens after a few years when you just know the
    other persons faults so well and feel like you just want to
    have a break from this repetetive scenario and be on your
    own again for a while?! Tough one for me.

  29. isis Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Thu 1 Oct, 13:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    a couple i know have been together for ten years last year
    they desided to marry,it lasted a few mounts then they broke
    up,pressure and following other peoples addvice.
    don't know to much my self never had much luck myself it's
    one of life's great quests i think to find people you like
    is hard enough but to find someone you love is hard and to
    make it last is harder still
    but it's fun trying.

  30. more Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Thu 1 Oct, 15:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    it's like,you see two people who have something missing in
    each of there lives,so when they get together they think it
    will be made into one whole thing/relationship,but it never
    works that way.
    then you get two people who are each whole in
    themselves,inderviduals who when they get together make
    something bigger than both.
    i know perfect people don't exist,but when i was growing up
    the people around me seemed different to the people i meet
    today .people had more time/freedom ,as you get older time
    seems to be speeding up this year has gone so fast so the
    little things seem more important,the time you spend with
    friends and loved ones is very valued .

  31. i was Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Thu 1 Oct, 15:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    going to tell you to look at the posts on anatomy but i felt
    a bit (voyaristic) reading other peoples post is like
    invading there space,there are so many different
    conversations going on it's fun to watch one thats been
    going on for a long time,
    i hope you started to read it from the start and didn't just
    hop in at the end it has some very good posts ;)
    BYE i think i'm geting addicted to this .

  32. yes Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Thu 1 Oct, 15:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i am addicted,another interesting read is at 136 feeling
    happy,it's about depression and medication,
    BYE :)

  33. You gotta be joking! Added by: ISIS
    [Timestamp: Thu 1 Oct, 21:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Of course I've only jumped in at the end of anatomy! Or
    would I be patient enough to spend hours reading peoples
    sassy revelations?!?
    I used to have ideas about the perfect relationship, but
    I've realised that I would have to do A LOT of work on
    myself first to get ready for that. So, as I am not perfect
    I mix with equally imperfect people and fill my empty pots
    with relationships and friendships of all kind. Am I
    getting to honest here? :) Life is maybe more of a struggle
    that way, but there are things I would have never learned
    as fast as I did, if I had stayed single. I believe in
    something like lifepurpose and for me relationships are
    definitly part of mine.
    Don't think that there are too many couples in this world
    who don't substitute something for each other. Maybe the
    important thing is to realize this at least.
    Time is flying, isn't it. Untill 10 years ago time didn't
    really exist for me, and now part of me is getting panicy
    and trying to kram as much in as possible, because in 8 1/2
    years I will be 40!!! HELP!!!! ;)
    Watch out, you'll need to go on a cyber-detox soon if you
    don't stop in time. ;) Always limit yourselfe to one time
    logging-on per day only ( she says, having already wasted
    most of her morning writing and reading nonsense!!)
    I better go and read a book to support my theory on Lou's
    See ya

  34. isis Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Fri 2 Oct, 12:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i've never been one to fill myself with relationships .i did
    the opposite ,shut myself down emotionaly.
    there was a person talking on tv the other day about
    (procrasternation) they said,if you procrasternate and dont
    do the things you want then after awhile ,the things you are
    doing seem empty because it's not what you realy want to be
    doing,i have to admit i;ve mucked around so much ,i lost
    myself somewhere along the way,
    starting to find my way back now though.another weekend
    coming up,think i do someting new,don't know what yet.
    any (cerjestions) maybe i should learning to spell
    have a fun weekend BYE.
    ps don't worry about being fourty it will fly bye so
    fast,worry about 60. BYE

  35. oo Added by: green
    [Timestamp: Fri 2 Oct, 15:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    um hi, i guess the original topic's finished huh? :)

  36. green Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Sat 3 Oct, 9:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    good to hear from you again,
    no it's not add your valued thoughts please.

  37. Hi Added by: ISIS (slightly pissed)
    [Timestamp: Sat 3 Oct, 10:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Is this getting bad, or what? I'm even escaping the Friday-
    night-party for a few minutes, just to check what's going
    on on the TT!!
    Well, steven, got many suggestions for the weekend, but
    spelling would be a worthwhile activity, if not the most
    exiting one!! ;) :) 'something new' sounds great as well,
    what ever it may be.
    Green: The original theme seems to have left a long time
    ago, but it's never too late to add an opinion! Or anything
    else for that...
    Better go back to join in with reality again. Bye

  38. by the way, steven Added by: ISIS
    [Timestamp: Sat 3 Oct, 10:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    is this sat. or friday morning in your parts. And where the
    hell is Canberra???

  39. isis, steven Added by: green
    [Timestamp: Sun 4 Oct, 19:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i don't have any opinions really, i was just reading and enjoying your posts and ah, um identifying with them..
    going through my own mid-life crisis (or should i say every alternate year crisis), but no big stories there just a general dissatisfaction about what i am doing and where i should be going.

  40. to everyone Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Mon 5 Oct, 7:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    well' camberra is in south australia [oz] when it's 1am
    there it's 2am here,hour a head i think but it's also a 24
    hour clock so if it says 15:35 that's 3 pm i think,plus we
    have just had daylight saving this weekend so all the clocks
    were put forward one hour so who knows what the time is.
    this could be a 30's topic,if the dates on greens birthday
    posts are right i am a week older than green and 1 1/2 years
    older than isis,i wonder if thats why we seem to be having
    the same thoughts about life,same time of life.
    what are you doing slightly pissed and useing a computer
    don't you know how danger fulled the web is who knows where
    you might end party party:):):) .

  41. Surrounded by leos Added by: ISIS
    [Timestamp: Tue 6 Oct, 4:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    can my aquarian freespirit handle that?! ;)
    green, you are worse than me. Talking about midlifecrisis
    at 33! What are you on! Got a few years to go for that I
    hope. I think it's just the early 30ies-realising-we -are-
    not-getting-younger-crisis. Needs lots of reassurance, sex
    and chocolate cake to get over it!
    Steven, this chocolate kiss thing happend to me too!
    Full moon tomorrow!

  42. isis Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Tue 6 Oct, 8:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    time 11:04am see what it prints as.
    green eyes ,hmm so have i ,wonder if green has green eyes,
    i'm not much of a leo ,well just as long as you aren't a
    scopio girl i've had a lot of trouble with them they are all
    crazy.but fun.
    sex and food together can be very fun with the right person
    my last girlfriend was into that she brought me out of my
    shell she was a scopio girl.
    what is it about chocolate cake,green is always posting
    about that ,is it a women thing.
    the moon was so bright last night but you get to see it full
    by the time it gets back here it's 12 hours old lucky you.
    crazy weather yesterday it was 15 degrees then it started to
    hail with wild winds then five minutes later it was fine
    again plus i see we are't go to have any ozone above us
    ,it's going to be sunburn city.
    guess i'll have to go and have some chocolate cake BYE.

  43. morning Added by: green
    [Timestamp: Tue 6 Oct, 15:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hi ya'll two
    are we discussing star signs now ak no,
    aquarian eh isis, well you get along fine with leos apparently
    you got me confused there for a bit, had to check up with my birthday thread below, i am actually 34 (weep, sob, etc)
    yup i'm a leo but i think i have a scorpio ascendent (or whatever) so that makes me a bit overdo the gloom bit :)
    no i do not have green eyes! my name (for the last time) has been borrowed off Graham Greene.
    steven, the chocolate cake, ahem, i think you are perhaps reading a bit too much into it hee hee, actually i found that it seems to be a universal favourite :)
    perhaps i'm overcompensating ... :)
    about the not getting any younger bit, i guess although i hate to admit it, it probably does add to my normal state of intellectual angst which i fear is out of fashion these days. i feel i've been in a rut for far too long - i have been working for twelve years now and not done much else. i feel if i don't just chuck it all up for a bit of searching i might never do it.
    it's been raining heavily here, most uncharacteristic at this time of year

  44. Chocolate cake Added by: ISIS
    [Timestamp: Tue 6 Oct, 22:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    is just the ultimate compensation, don't you agree, green.
    There is not much that can beat the satisfaction you get
    from it if you feel needy and/or insecure. Doesn't work as
    well for men, I hear, so try the pub instead steven. Naa,
    can't imagine you to be the pub-typ of guy!
    green, it's strange isn't it: suddenly we are old enough to
    be looking back onto something we've been doing for the
    last 10+ years!! And that makes me feel so old. Remember my
    mum saying when I was a child, that she would have had that
    jumper or something for more than 10 years now. That made
    her look ancient in my eyes. And now I'm there myself, but
    don't feel any of the grownupness which I thought would
    come along whith it! Still the same old me. And I guess
    that won't feel any different when I'm 65.
    steven - got quite a bit of scorpio lurking in my chart, so
    watch out! But I'm not the stingy typ. Love crazyness in
    others though!
    No moon for me :( It's been raining for days and it won't
    stop. Autumn is here.

  45. isis Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Wed 7 Oct, 12:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    spent a lot of good times in seedy pub backbars it's strange
    the way we make images of people from little fragement of
    conversation the picture we build is a projection of what we
    have experanced,i think that the way we see people is mostly
    down to self interest the values and way we see the world is
    filtered and distorted,
    sorry about that.see you.

  46. isis Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Wed 7 Oct, 14:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    sorry i'm in a bad mood today,so all my posts are quite
    fuzzy it's strange the way your feelings afect the simple
    act of puting words together,

  47. steven Added by: ISIS
    [Timestamp: Wed 7 Oct, 18:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It's unavoidable for me to project certain pictures onto
    people I talk to regularly but don't know much about
    because all I know is how they express themselves in
    writing. It's this limitation which fuels my imagination.
    Not that I consciously try to make a whole picture out of
    the fragments I get, but what I read between the lines
    somehow gets put into the equation - it's a VERY flexible
    picture, though. And really, what does it matter? We are in
    cyber-space, aren't we. Anything is possible here! :) :)

  48. hi Added by: green
    [Timestamp: Wed 7 Oct, 22:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    isis, yes that has been the hardest thing to come to terms
    with, i thought the thirties would bring a sort of maturity
    but i still feel the same as more than ten years ago and i
    see many older people who are not just child-like but
    downright childish. and it's no easier to cope with things
    than it was in my twenties. though i will say it's not as
    bad as the teens, thank god. perhaps when i'm sixty i will
    feel thirty at last :)
    hey steven lighten up, that's an order now
    i agree with you but that's okay so long as we can adapt to
    a new perception later,
    we shouldn't let it set us back or put us off though
    hope your feeling better now :)

  49. yes Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Thu 8 Oct, 7:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i think my internal clock stoped at about 18 i still feel
    young and at times quite silly,but when you try to do things
    that you did years ago they are so much harder,i used to
    ride a motorbike around in the middle of winter and didn't
    realy notice the cold last winter it seemed no matter how
    many jackets i put on i was still cold .
    feel a bit better today
    see you

  50. Hi Added by: ISIS
    [Timestamp: Fri 9 Oct, 19:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    anybody here?
    steven, a friend brought some slides back from NZ - watched
    them the other night. Wow, it's just so empty! Never knew
    that. Very beautiful, though. He says you can spend days
    cycling whithout meeting any cars or even people. Makes me
    realise how crowded we are over here. And in greens country
    it's even worse, as far as I remember.
    I think I've toughend up a lot in my 20ies, so things don't
    hit me as bad as they used to and are therefore easier to
    cope with. I'm more in control as in what I allow myself to
    be affected by and from which angle I see what's happening
    to me. A lot comes down to experience, I guess. If you've
    dealt with it a few times before, you know what to expect.
    U alright again, steven? What's up?

  51. oo Added by: green
    [Timestamp: Fri 9 Oct, 20:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hi there isis,
    green's country yup very crowded, stressful, noisy :)
    i am however half from steven's country hee hee in fact
    steven's city (sorry) that's why i once asked him what it is
    like there.
    emptiness um sounds great
    isis i guessed i missed the part about where you are, i know
    i read your post about outside the window (we are changing
    office next week, no more mango trees) and that isis is the
    god of death (isn't it also the name for the river thames?)
    well anyway, your location is a bit hazy.
    sorry for babbling on like that i'm strangely happy today
    part of the reason could be that the internet which was down
    yesterday is up today arrrgh...

  52. i Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Sat 10 Oct, 11:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    forget some times what it like here,spending time in the
    city, christchurch has 450,000 people so it's quite big but
    once you leave the city it's just empty countryside,it's
    very easy just to take off for the weekend,hop in the car in
    2 1/2 hours you have crossed the island it's like a
    different country,east coast is hot ,dry ,beaches west coast
    is wet,bush covered hills ,very wild.and in the middle the
    mountains are so beautiful,.
    isis is'nt the god of death,she is a(it's hard to put in
    words because she covers so much)female allpurpose
    goddess,covering,birth,life-femaleness/womenhood who is
    equal and sometimes smarter than her male half,she is also
    the one responable for the naming of the animals(i think)and
    also the snake biteing the ankle thing .
    what was wrong the other day i couldn't post here either.
    feeling great to day,always get moody on the fullmoon,cant
    sleep,hipper active then crash into funny moods.
    i've got a party to go to today, it a gothic party so every
    one will be dressed up,some of the people have gotten real
    fangs from the dentist put in,it makes them look like real
    vampires,when they smile you can notice the points sticking
    down,it should be fun,hope you all have a good weekend.

  53. The joys and sorrows of relationships Added by: ISIS
    [Timestamp: Sat 10 Oct, 19:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    are making live so much more exiting, don't they?! Well,
    I'm trying to convince myself about this at the moment!!
    Seems like I have to let go of someone here and it's just
    not that easy. So I'm feeling sulky and retrospective today.
    This party sounds great, steven. Hope you get bitten!!!! ;)
    More when I've stopped sulking. :(

  54. green Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Mon 12 Oct, 10:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    can't remember you asking about christchurch but just ask
    anything now while i'm takeing notice,what would you like to
    the party was fun,it was ment to be a afternoon party,but
    itwent on very late,met some new people caught up with some
    old friends ,didn't get bitten though but a good time was
    isis not a lot i can say that you don't already know,as the
    song says" breaking up is hard to do".
    life moves and changes,hold on tight sometimes it a bumpy
    ride.but the sun aways rises after the storm.
    BYE :):):)

  55. Got my act together again Added by: ISIS
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 Oct, 2:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thanx, steven! Yeah, it's been a bumpy ride, but who likes
    tarmack anyway? Still hurts, but life goes on and it's full
    of myricals. Change, change, change. It's everywhere at the
    moment for me.
    green, I'm in England , Suffolk, originaly Austrian, soon
    travelling to Spain for the winter and then to the middle
    east, hopefully. Bye bye Britain!!!
    Isis was the wife of Osiris, and he is the keeper of the
    land of the dead. But she herself is a master of magical
    spells (!), marital devotion, fertility and all those other
    things steven has listed. And one of her symbols seems to
    be the two snakes, biting each others tails, which is the
    symbol for etenaty.
    Yes, tell us some about Christchurch. I remember the slide
    I saw of it. It's at the sea, isn't it?

  56. chch Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 Oct, 10:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    chch is a strange town,it's next to a old volcano next to
    the sea,built on a swamp,very the sumer it's
    25degres in winter it;s -3degres frosty,snows on one or two
    days,so you can have lots of different weather any time of
    year,like the song says "four seasons in one day".
    you can swim at the beach for a bout four mounts over summer
    longer if you don't mind the cooler water,ski in winter for
    two mounts if there snow,this year not much snow,lots of
    people came to early no snow.
    green what is your part of india like,seen it in the movies
    what is it like to be there,it looks so hot.dont know if i'd
    like to be around snakes are there any where you are.
    isis,austrian?some say the southern alps here look like the
    ones in switerland(sorry)but smaller,a friend of mine was
    crewing on a bout in (meyorcar,spain)says its
    see ya,BYE

  57. Sorry for intruding Added by: Gunilla
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 Oct, 17:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I just wanted to tell you that I've been eavesdropping on
    your conversation occasionally. Not polite, I know but I
    found the original topic interesting. But you Isis and
    Steven seem like very reasonable people (I already know that
    Green is), so I hope you don't mind me dropping by like
    this. Just wanted to say hi and let my presence be known to

  58. Hi Gunilla Added by: ISIS
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 Oct, 19:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    thanx for saying hello. It's quite an intimate thread, nice
    and quiet, but you are welcome of course. As long as you
    are in your 30ies!!! :)
    Austria: guess the Alps are smaller than the swiss ones,
    but they are sure still big enough!! And we have warm lakes
    and unpolluted countryside and NO nuclear power and lots of
    snow in winter and lots of heat in summer - sounds a bit
    like NZ, doesn't it? I'm not missing it, though. Looking
    forward to Spain, where I've never been before.
    BTW;the 'girl meets boy' thread is turning into something
    quite interesting.
    see ya

  59. gun Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Wed 14 Oct, 8:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i think every one on the tt spys on every one else,it's so
    much fun,
    isis,do you meen anotomony when you say girl meets boy?
    not alot to say today BYE

  60. Morning Added by: Gunilla
    [Timestamp: Wed 14 Oct, 16:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Yes Isis, I'm 32. I can't say that hitting the 30's meant
    that much to me. I never had an age crisis or anything.
    Maybe I won't until I'm 40. Actually I like both my age
    right now and the person I am. I was far too insecure when I
    was in my 20's.
    Steven, Boy meets girl is a separate thread (somewhere in
    the middle right now) and it's interesting. I've been
    reading that one too.
    Green, too busy working? :-)

  61. gunilla Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 Oct, 9:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    HI ,another person in there 30's,i wonder what the average
    age of the people on the tt is,gunilla is an unusual name
    never heard of it be for,is it a common name in your country
    or has is a meaning of it's own.
    thanks for telling me where boy meets girl is ,i'll go see
    it now so bye for now.

  62. wow Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 Oct, 13:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    found it at last,read the whole thing,isis i like your list
    it sounds like "men are from mars women are from venus" i
    think she is just thinking out loud,in a safe
    enviroment,geting it out of her sistem,it's good to get
    things out in the open,it might help her,might just make it
    more confusing.
    we have been shifted down to fourth from the end,things seem
    to betaken off very quickly if the talking stops.

  63. Hello Added by: Gunilla
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 Oct, 16:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Steven, both my name and I are Swedish. I wouldn't say that
    Gunilla is a common name even here. Especially not among
    people my own age or younger. And I've heard just about any
    possible way to pronounce it, that I can think of.
    I think somebody tried to figure out the average age of
    people here at the TT. To my surprise it was 37 or
    something. This was some months ago and people come and go
    all the time.
    Isis and Green seem to be busy.
    Bye for now!

  64. Sweden.... Added by: ISIS (busy indeed)
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 Oct, 18:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    never been there, but your name reminds me on this woman in
    the old german tale of Siegfried,the guy who fights the
    dragon and whipes its blood all over himselfe to make
    himselfe unvulnerable - you know that one? Used to read it
    when I was little, and it left the deepest impression!
    Steven, I did read 'men are from mars...' a few years ago,
    and I guess you are right, it comes through in my list. But
    the list is still mainly an accumulation of my own
    needyness in this area. :) Reading 'Spermwars' now, which
    is simularly interesting even though it's very different.
    I think she's got some out of it - just talking about it
    and being taken seriously can help so much. Gets it out of
    your system, as you say.
    Hey, I'd really miss this thread if it would get taken off,
    so let's keep on talking! :) :)

  65. oo Added by: green
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 Oct, 22:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hi there isis, steven and gunilla, hah about time you joined us,
    haven't had time to write in detail, hopefully will find time tomorrow

  66. hello all Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Fri 16 Oct, 7:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    isis. i've read sperm wars,the one i read was about all the
    different things sperm do to get to the egg,it had lots of
    different setings and questions,like if one women had sex
    with three people whos sperm would have the best sucess to
    reach the egg,read it a few years ago now.
    green seems to be very busy,lots of people all over the tt
    are trying to say hi to her,it's the price of popularity.
    gunilla,sweden ,don't know much about it,just generaly where
    it is and that sterotype of the blues and blonde hair thing,
    hope everyone has a good weekend BYE

  67. ? Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Sat 17 Oct, 9:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i was talking to some young people that i know(young people
    sounds strange but they are 15-17 so they are young) on
    wedensday when a couple of their friends came up to them.
    a young couple holding hands,i'd never seen them before,said
    hello talked a while,said goodbye then left.
    saw one of the young ones last night and she told me that
    her friend the girl that came up the other day had found out
    that her boyfriend had been seeing someone else.
    so she went out that night and killed herself.
    such a stupid a thing to do,such a waist of a life,every one
    is very shocked/surprized.
    it's a strange feeling i didn't know her but i still feel
    a loss,it's like i can see what could have been,she was
    young ,full of life,could have done any thing with her
    life but choose not to,it makes you wonder about life,why
    some things happen why others don't,how the life we have
    could be changed in a minute,why we should value the time we
    have and live life to the full because we never know when it
    might end
    we have the second highest youth sucide rate in the world
    after finland i think,no one seems to know what to do about
    it ,can't even say suicide on tv or radio because of the
    people that copycat.
    ...hope you are all well and that your weekends are going
    well i'm going out tonight to celabrate life, there's a
    short film festervile on so it'll be a night of strange,wild
    fun BYE.

  68. steven Added by: green
    [Timestamp: Sun 18 Oct, 22:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    been trying to think of something suitable to say but dash it, the words don't come
    i'm sorry that such a terrible thing had to happen
    hope the film festival was wild :)

  69. ? Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Mon 19 Oct, 7:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i know ,when things like that happen it's hard to put in
    words what's going through your mind,didn't know if i should
    put it up here,didn't want to bring any one down,but it was
    on my mind when i came here.
    the films were great,they were student films from the film
    school so there were lots of mistakes,bad lighting,terrible
    acting,not alot of plot,but very funny.

  70. Hi everybody Added by: ISIS
    [Timestamp: Mon 19 Oct, 19:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I was only going to be away for a night - turned out to be
    four days. In other words a great weekend!!!
    steven, this is so hard to swallow, even if I never knew
    this girl. Death always touches me a lot, even though I
    believe in reincarnation and stuff. I don't know what it
    is, probably the suddenness and the fact that it's
    irreversible. And like you say a terrible waste of
    opportunity. Hope her boyfriend gets some support. He has
    to live with this now!
    Glad you posted this.
    I'm busy getting ready for my new life on the road, 2 weeks
    and one day to go and so much more to do....
    See ya

  71. Life Added by: Gunilla
    [Timestamp: Mon 19 Oct, 20:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Steven, I just read your story. Must be terrible for
    everyone; her family, her boyfriend, her friends... it never
    affects just that one person. I've never experienced this
    myself and I can't even imagine how I'd feel about it if
    someone close to me would choose to take his/her own life.
    This has made me think. I mean, it's hard enough when
    somebody dies of old age, accidents or disease.
    Isis, where are you going?
    Talk to you later! Bye

  72. isis Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Tue 20 Oct, 9:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    two week will wizz bye, i hope you have it all planed
    out,but remeber things never go as you plan so try to stay

  73. What do you do if your man changes the password Added by: ISIS
    [Timestamp: Wed 21 Oct, 6:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    so you can't use the computer?!? Do you divorse him, get
    someone to come round, don't talk to him again, or like in
    my case use someone elses computer? Tough one.
    gunilla, I'm going to Spain for the winter in an old bus
    which we've done up. Enough of cold english winters.
    steven, I'm not planning much at all. There are a few
    comunities on the way which I'd like to visit - I'm also
    living in one now. But part from that I feel open for
    anything and everything. Treating it as an adventure.

  74. isis Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Wed 21 Oct, 14:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    make your own password,steal his, or hipnotize him and make
    him tell you his one,
    make lots of friends who just happen to have computers and
    then you can go and see them,
    going around in a old bus sounds fun,lots of stops,cruiseing
    around in the sun.

  75. Got into the computer Added by: ISIS
    [Timestamp: Wed 21 Oct, 18:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    so the world is okay again - sounding like an addict!
    We've had some very expensive soundequipment stolen last
    night. I'm quite untouched by the loss, but it's so
    upsetting for me that I have to protect my property against
    other humans just because they are lacking respect and
    morals. I just don't get it how somebody can justify going
    round someone elses house to take their belongings. In my
    world everybody would understand the laws of karma and
    locks and keys would be non existent. Only dreaming....
    Best thing is not to own anything of value, I guess. Or at
    least nothing I couldn't let go of very easily.

  76. good question Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Thu 22 Oct, 7:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    it's one i've always had trouble with,do we in reality own
    anything out side of our selves,been lucky only had a couple
    of things stolen over the years,at times it seems that
    objects own us,take the bus your are traveling in,you will
    have to feed it,water it,if it gets sick you will need to
    see someone to make it better,you will spend a lot of time
    being controled by the bus,who is controling who,the more
    objects we have around the more control they have over you.
    if you have a house,garden,car,children,pets most of your
    time will be spent in getting money to look after them,your
    free time will be spent,fixing the house,mowing the lawn,
    i've always tryed to keep my life as simple as i can because
    i have a habbit of collecting things,so over the years you
    get a lot of stuff that you don't need but you can't throw
    away that just sits around gathering dust,
    i think it the invasion of personal space that the worst,we
    all build alittle space of our own,it's the brakeing of
    invisable walls thats hard to take.
    thunder storm going on outside,had two in three days,i realy
    like the lightning, BYE

  77. steven Added by: ISIS
    [Timestamp: Fri 23 Oct, 4:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    this thing about owning stuff or being owned by it is very
    true. We all need things to live in a certain comfort, but
    we should never allow these possessions to rule our lifes.
    As soon as they turn into serious restrictions there is
    something wrong. I believe it doesn't matter how much one
    owns as long as you stay detached from it - same for people
    in a way, but even more difficult. Detachment means being
    able to easily let go of it again, so you keep your
    independence. But I don't think it's right - not for me
    anyway - to not own anything just because it might restrict
    you in some absolute freedom, which doesn't exist really.
    I'm not very materialistic, therefore emotional loss is far
    more scary and touching than loss of valuables.
    Thunderstorms....I love them too! ~~~~ #**@$&*#!!!

  78. isis Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Fri 23 Oct, 12:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    also it how you see the world,you said in an earlyer post
    that you believe in reincarnation,i don't i see who we are
    as a set of things,when and in what time we were born,what
    family like was like,how the biology of your body is set up,
    so i think who we are is to some extent predeturmed by life
    befor we have anysay,what and who we think we are is riged,i
    like the phrase"ghost in the machine" or in computer talk
    personality is software.when we die the set of things is
    gone so the energy/sprit of life that goes on canot be who
    you are
    that said.
    the values you put on things verse people/relationships i
    see as not an expresion of will but apart of how you see the
    world and our part in it .why are we here,to get and make
    things or to met and express emotions.
    i need a rest now,BYE

  79. had a rest Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Fri 23 Oct, 14:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    what is our roll in the universe,why are we here,we are here
    to experance,to see and live life,what does that meen.if you
    get a paint set,you can draw and paint what ever you want
    but you can make a painting with no point or you can express
    your self but it is still just a painting, life is still
    just a life does it have a point,is it what you do with it,i
    like the picture of life as the three women makeing a
    tapistry,each life is a threed,some are long some are short
    but all are needed to make the whole,we can't see the big
    picture so we are condemed never to know why,but it's still
    fun trying to find out.

  80. plus Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Sat 24 Oct, 8:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i don't believe the information we get through our sences is
    true,it's like we are being feed information and only being
    told a little bit,the world and universe is so much bigger
    than us how can we hope to know or understand it,we are like
    goldfish in a tank,we can see out but what we see is not
    part of our world,the materal world is a strange place for
    souls to live.

  81. steven Added by: ISIS
    [Timestamp: Sat 24 Oct, 9:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    did I say I like thunderstorms? Wrote a long response to
    your post this morning and a powercut whiped it all before
    I could post it. Was an amazing storm,though! Lots of
    lightening and even hail.
    So, the meaning of life in a few words - easy:)
    Agree that we can't understand what's really going on. We
    can have a good guess and form our own picture, but it's
    always gonna be blured.
    My pic is, that we are born into circumstances which give
    us the best opportunity to grow individually. Evolution and
    growth being the purpose of it all. It's like this planet
    is a playground for souls to experience, develope, learn,
    integrate and therefore grow closer to our destination
    which is to become superhuman - budda - jesus christ....
    Difficulties are there to make us stronger and remind us
    that all we will ever own is inside of us, not even our own
    body, only what's beyond that.
    Well, that's a longterm aim, though, and I'm telling
    myselfe that there is no point in aiming too high, so I'm
    taking it slowly. Wouldn't want to step out of this cycle
    yet. Having to much fun living, making mistakes and
    following the needs and desires of the phisical world. :)
    Late, better go and get some sleep now.

  82. isis Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Sun 25 Oct, 12:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    sorry,can't agree with that we are growing towards being
    super human or even to be better/good,i agree we grow and
    learn ,that this is a playground for the soul but i don't
    know if it has a point that we can understand.we collect
    experances we make and change the world while we are
    here.but when we die what happens to the memories,the things
    only we know,is this world like a play with some thing
    watching /collecting/ recording what we are doing,if we live
    in multi-universe that repeats do we play out all the
    different combernations,do we do all the things we wish we
    had of in this life,and if we do what good is that if we
    cannot remeber from life to life.
    you will be off on your trip soon so you might be busy over
    the next few days so i'll just say now thanks for talking
    back it's been fun,good luck and happy traveling,
    :) BYE

  83. Don't let it end like this! Added by: equus
    [Timestamp: Sun 25 Oct, 14:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    For heavens sake you two, exchange hotmail addreses before
    Isis leaves!
    You can't let this die.

  84. equus Added by: ISIS (
    [Timestamp: Sun 25 Oct, 20:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    :) :) :) this is sweet. Thanx for advice!! Hope it won't
    get swamped with crap now.
    On the subject: if we would remember from live to live we
    would be carrying an unbearable burden with us, so all that
    stays is experience, understanding, wisdom. Memories
    themselves are not important, they only hold back from
    having a new start.
    steven, I can count the days now - exactly 10 left - ahhh
    feels so good! And believe it, it will be full moon the
    night I'll spend on the ferry!! O
    I'll still drop in here untill I leave and after that I'll
    use internet cafe's to check on my mail and stuff -
    couldn't bear to give up computers all together! So I'll
    see you around.

  85. hi Added by: green
    [Timestamp: Sun 25 Oct, 22:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hi there isis, steven, gunilla are you still there and equus, sure i never heard of you before :)
    great takeoff to the discussion, or should i say detached philosophising,
    i am, funnily enough, preoccupied with detachment these days, it just is much more easier to say than do though :)
    it is only when one is detached and therefore not inextricably interwoven with what one's life touches that one can see 'the whole picture' or at least more clearly and with a heightened perception the things around us and where we ultimately are going.
    do you believe reaching that phase can be stiven for without having travelled the hedonistic path ? or do you believe that one should practice something or partake of something in excess so that one can rise above it and move on to another stage?
    but they are all probably just different ways of getting to the same place.
    umm am i making any sense here?
    steven about chch, my mother was born there, so perhaps we are related heehee. i lived there some months when i was little. it sounds a great place.
    why do you think nz has a high rate of suicides, i read somewhere that australia did too, is it because it is a little country with not much of a global identity or is it because of the weather or some dark gothic depression that seems to be reflected in the films, ( vincent price, extreme measures even the piano)
    isis, suffolk eh? well are you happy to be leaving it then?. i'll say good trip now too, in case i can't get in later or you are too busy. where in the middle east are you going.good luck packing :)

  86. green Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 Oct, 8:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hedonistic path is the way to go,what i meen by that is,when
    we think about ideas we make false models in our heads so we
    need to be grounded,when we live in the body not for the
    body there is a can go out and get drunk
    or get a nice drink that you like,take time to smell the
    sent,get the flavour,have fun with the way it makes you
    feel,or just drink lots get drunk and vomit.
    you are in a body so it makes sence to experance what you
    can with out going to extrems.
    have read a few books on the aseticss in india,i think they
    missed the point of life,they consentrat on one thing above
    all else they miss so much.
    heightened perception,had trouble with this one,it's so easy
    to fool the brain it's hard to make a differance between
    what we see outside of us or whats going on inside,we
    project what we are feeling out on to the world then say
    it's the world doing it to us.
    suicide;i think it's because nz is so easy to live in,no
    danger from animals,no countrys next door to bomb or
    invade,no real experance of death for young people so they
    dont have to fight for life,they dont understand how hard it
    is in the rest of the world just to live,don't know how good
    they have it.
    ps the movie thing,movies made in nz seem to have a very
    dark themes the darkist one i like is,vincent wards,vidual
    ,it very dark and depressing

  87. isis Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 Oct, 9:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    10 days the countdown has begun.

  88. isis Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 Oct, 9:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    got it wrong!!!!8 days to go.
    NOT ANOTHER FULL MOON,just getting over the last one,BYE

  89. isis Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 Oct, 9:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    !!!!8 days to go .
    not another full moon,just geting over the last!!!

  90. sorry Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 Oct, 12:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    about that,when i sent the first one it said that there was
    a fault but it seems to have gotten through ok,it's bad when
    you type out a real big answer then when you go to send it
    something happens and it will not send .

  91. ISIS Added by: ARTUR
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 Oct, 14:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]





  92. FULL MOON IS THE Added by: ARTUR
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 Oct, 14:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]




  93. ON THE GO Added by: ARTUR
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 Oct, 19:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]


  94. ARTUR IS 100 Added by:
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 Oct, 19:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

  95. hi Added by: STEVEN (nz)
    [Timestamp: Wed 28 Oct, 13:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    to all,nothing to say.
    good to see the crazy people have computers to ;) i thought
    someone had had a big conversation but it was only artur

  96. oo Added by: green
    [Timestamp: Wed 28 Oct, 19:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    just popping in between work
    halo there isis, steven and ARTUR, still doing your primal scream thing?
    steven: umm i was actually suggesting that senses and sense-related pleasures are just temporal and transient therefore not 'real' we live in a body that should be controlled by the mind not the other way around. the hard part is to control the mind
    vincent ward that's the name, sorry, made error above
    isis, hope the sun's come out. i'd hate to live somewhere where it rained all the time. and some day i hope to see london. hope you can drop in here from time to time on your travels but i guess once one is actually doing something the internet pales in significance eh?
    hey ya'll two do you work?

  97. green Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Thu 29 Oct, 10:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i don't agree with this mind body split,it's one and has to
    be treated as one,it's more to do with who or what you thimk
    you are,if what we feel and see is not real are we real,we
    are only temperary so do we exist,how real is a thought.
    the mind does not control the mind,it is controled by
    automatic biological functions plus the power of the
    will,but what that is and where it comes from i don't know.
    i see it as one thing.when you need food,is it your body
    telling your brain to get food oryour brain telling your
    body,it's both....why should the mind control the body,if
    you do whatyour brain tells you to,and don't listern to what
    your body is saying trouble comes,
    just thinking who is writing this is it my finger,my brain,
    or me,what is personality,what makes us who we are,do we
    have minds of our own,i know some of the time i don't,lots
    of things i do are automatic
    so in the end what do we realy control,if what we sence
    isn't real,ifwe are only here for a short time,and we just
    do as we are told with no thought.controled by
    biology,controled by social regulation.whats the point? freedom only a state of mind...
    :) BYE

  98. isis Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Fri 30 Oct, 15:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    tryed to send a e-note hope it got there,happy traveling:)

  99. Hi everybody Added by: ISIS
    [Timestamp: Sat 31 Oct, 7:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    computer has got packed away now, sniff :( ... but believe
    me, there is life beyond computers! ;)
    3 days to go
    Still so much to do
    Very strange to give up 'home', to not have an address
    anymore or phonenumber, to be a nomad. Feels like I'm
    pulling up my roots without replanting them anywhere else.
    Maybe us humans are not meant to have roots...?!
    steve, :) :) :) thanx. That's just how I see the future!

  100. sunday at work Added by: green
    [Timestamp: Sun 1 Nov, 22:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hi there isis steven,.. hmm am i interupting anything? :)
    steven i guess i'll need more time and reasoning before i can launch my second mind control missive
    once again isis, happy travelling :)

  101. green Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Mon 2 Nov, 11:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    you are not interupting anything,i have just found a place
    where i can send postcards from,i sent a happy traveling one
    to isis and a travel one to you,did you get it.the computer
    i'm useing has got blocks on it so it's not ment to send
    e-mail or posts but some seem to work,for some reason it
    lets me send things here,havent worked out why yet,but i'm
    not complaning:):):):)see ya

  102. oo Added by: green
    [Timestamp: Mon 2 Nov, 21:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    you sent me a card, wow,
    unfortunately :( i didn't get it
    those blocks on you computer obviously work well, shh! don't
    let them find out about tt

  103. BYE BYE Added by: ISIS
    [Timestamp: Tue 3 Nov, 4:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    was so great talking to you guys! Will miss you, but not
    too much ;)
    Have fun, keep on chatting
    See ya

  104. GREEN Added by: STEVEN (NZ)
    [Timestamp: Tue 3 Nov, 11:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    oh well i'll try again,hope it works this time.
    :( no more isis,
    where's artur gone
    is it just you and me green ?

  105. oo Added by: green
    [Timestamp: Tue 3 Nov, 16:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    bye isis, again, hope you catch this, and have wonderful
    i don't know steven. gunilla, equus are you lurking? please
    make presence felt. as for artur, he/she is artur.

  106. five cards!!! Added by: green
    [Timestamp: Tue 3 Nov, 22:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    gee thanks :)

  107. green Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Wed 4 Nov, 8:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    sorry for over doing it,but it's hard to tell if
    it's,gone,the computer says it's timed out,not that it's
    been sent,good to know it works though.
    and as for your posts #85,104#,mind controling the
    body,it's very close to what i used to think but over the
    last few years i've changed my the moment i'm
    lookinging for wholeness ,the liveing in balance of mind
    body spirit,
    looks like it's just us at the momment

  108. oo Added by: green
    [Timestamp: Wed 4 Nov, 21:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    thanx steven i did some great travelling (are they pics of
    i'm off for a couple of days by which time i hope to
    marshall some coherent thoughts on the subjectof mind and
    body. :)

  109. yes Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Thu 5 Nov, 9:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i think they are,the dolphin one is from a place i passed
    through about four weeks ago,haven't been there in
    years,it's very nice,
    there was a program on tv about the roads in india,it looked
    very crazy,see you in a few days:):):)

  110. back at keyboard Added by: green
    [Timestamp: Mon 9 Nov, 22:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hi steven
    back again,
    i guess india would look crazy especially if you looked at
    the roads. what on earth was that programme?

  111. green Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Tue 10 Nov, 8:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    it was ,jeramy clarksons motoring world.they showed some one
    takeing a driveing test and all they did was drive in a
    straight line for afew hundred feet and that was it
    ,everyone was driveing fast and crazy,is it like that all
    over or just it the citys,he also drove around in a three
    wheel taxi everyone tryed to run him off the you
    drive and how safe is it.:)

  112. Lonely Planet Theme Song Added by: SpecBoy (
    [Timestamp: Tue 10 Nov, 14:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Howdy...Sicned this is a Lonely Planet thing...Does anyone
    know the Lonely Planet song? I've tried Email - nada.

  113. hi Added by: green
    [Timestamp: Tue 10 Nov, 19:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ooo do you watch jeremy clarkson then? you a motoring fan?
    well they actually do have more than driving in a straight
    line for a driving test, i believe they have to turn and
    stuff like that, mostly though they just bribe the guy and
    get a driving license :) alas, no i do not drive, but have
    been thinking of learning. i don't have a car so there's not
    much point unless i plan to get one.
    i used to ride a two-wheeler, where i stay it is overrun by
    two-wheelers but haven't for the last few years and now i
    find the traffic situation too bizarre to feel like doing
    hmm i guess it's not safe at all, there are a lot of
    accidents and hardly any rules
    Specboy, i'm afraid i do not know anything about a Lonely
    Planet song. perhaps it's eleanor rigby?

  114. green Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Wed 11 Nov, 8:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i'm not a big motoring fan but i think hes very funny,by two
    wheeler do you mean motorbike,i had a couple of bikes but
    gave it up after a car pulled out in frount of me and we had
    a crash broke a couple of ribs,
    what is specboy talking about,when he says "tryed email"
    does he meen emailing lonely planet and does he meen the
    song to the tv show.
    ps i think it's hay jude

  115. steven Added by: green
    [Timestamp: Thu 12 Nov, 21:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    you mean they play hey jude on the lonely planet show? no!!
    well a two-wheeler could be a scooter or a motorbike or even
    an ungeared two-wheeler you know, like you have in italy hee
    i wonder where isis is now and if she's planning on checking
    in from time to time.
    why don't you pop in on the thread downstairs where we chat
    sporadically, (always provided you can get in) i think you
    know some of the people there from the anatomy thread if i'm
    not mistaken
    my philosophical pursuits (if such naive ravings can be
    called that)have now taken a new tack, i find myself
    increasingly taken up with the readings of carl jung)

  116. green Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Sat 14 Nov, 10:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hes an interresting man but i like the writings of his
    daughter better ,more elemental,i'l try to find the posts
    you speak of ,you say down, which way is that ,not many
    below this one we are just about on the bottom.

  117. winter Added by: green
    [Timestamp: Mon 16 Nov, 20:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hi steven, we've just shifted office so things are a bit
    shaken up,
    glad you made it downstairs although it is rather a long
    way to go.
    jung's daughter? oh oh, i think i'll first finish reading
    some jung first i don't want to be too confused
    so what's the weather like in nz now, is it getting warmer?
    i'm a bit hazy on my geography i'm afraid. out here we're
    heading for 'winter' and i'm feeling cold, the minimum
    temperature is about 14 degrees centigrade!
    okay don't laugh like that

  118. green Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Tue 17 Nov, 9:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    it's 20 degrees outside and geting hotter i hope your winter
    not to bad.
    why are all the interesting posts onthe ones that take ages
    to load

  119. HI EVERYONE Added by: JUJUBEE
    [Timestamp: Wed 18 Nov, 17:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hi. steven said i could come visit here, i hope it's o.k.
    i am in america and am most fascinated with "foreign
    countries" and who lives there. we americans are quite
    full of ourselves aren't we. i'm "foreign" to both of you,
    too. When will isis be back? she is great. i only have 1
    hand to type with since i am holding my new son. sorry
    about the lack of capititalization. i am glad others pay
    attention to the moon phazes also. hope to talk to you
    interestingt people real soon. later;)
    ps-i am 32 so that should meet your requirements
    albert--don't be sad, i care about you. remember--people
    will TELL you who they are, but you should believe who they
    SHOW you they are.;););)

  120. jujubee Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Thu 19 Nov, 9:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i think isis is going to be gone for a while ,lots of
    traveling to do,and your 32 well thats about right for this
    topic,see Ya,ps i never use capitals because i'm a hopeless

  121. steven(nz) Added by: jujubee(jani)
    [Timestamp: Thu 19 Nov, 17:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I tell everybody that I'm 27. The secret is that I started
    backing up a couple of years ago. I always tell people the
    truth anyway. I should be proud of my age and the things I
    have accomplished but it is such a youth oriented society
    it is easy to get caught up in it. You are NOT hopeless,
    just inexperienced. Typing is not counted among your many
    skills. Is she going just around Europe or does she have to
    fly somewhere on her big trip? I hate flying. I would much
    rather take a boat or a car or best yet; a train.
    Be good and be safe angel face ;)

  122. oo Added by: green
    [Timestamp: Thu 19 Nov, 21:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    well hello there,
    hi jujubee you a friend of steven's?
    hey steven whatever happened to your other friend
    babydollface (i'm sorry but i don't quite remember the full
    name :) )

  123. Green Added by: JUJUBEE
    [Timestamp: Fri 20 Nov, 10:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Yes, I am a friend of steven's. We met on another message
    board and he advised me of these whereabouts. He also said
    I could come visit. I have really enjoied all of the posts.
    Gets a bit melancholy at times but mostly interesting.
    I guess there is a reason it's called "lonely planet".
    Even though threre are literally billions of neighbors, we
    really are just alone here. It is nice to be able to talk
    to others without the visual ridicule you can sometimes see.
    ANYWAY-- Hi to you green. Swell name. Where does it come
    from? Your favorite color? Or were your parents just
    creative? My real name is so very boring anything else is
    neat to me.
    Later steven;)

  124. sugerbabydollrose Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Fri 20 Nov, 13:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    thats a name from the past,she was the first person to
    answer back to anything i written,it turned out that she was
    a 16 year old,liveing in a family home,thats a house for
    ,run aways,kids that are trouble, we stoped talking because
    she was kicked out and away from the computer there havent
    seen or heard from her since.
    from what i can remember isis is going to spain on a bus
    the computer is packed so i guess it will not be taken out
    till she gets settled.
    some of the post are a bit down because we all can't be
    happy all the time and what you are feeling comes out in
    what you write.
    will green say once again where green is from(go on)i know
    you said you wouldn't,but thats the price of being popular.
    take care all,see ya :)

  125. UH OH SORRY Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Fri 20 Nov, 16:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I must have missed where she said where her name came from.
    That's o.k. Green-- I'll make up my own story. I'll go
    ahead and believe something about lime kool-aid or pond
    algee. HAHA. That is a very funny story I just made up in
    my head.
    Steven--I was reading some of the other post topics and
    found 2 that interested me. #185 American bashers or Why we
    hate Americans 101. It might have hurt my feelings if I
    were not such a strong hearted girl. There seems to be
    quite alot of hatred going around. That's sad because we
    all are probably very much the same outside of cultural
    differences. Don't you think? O.K. enough.
    #196 Hair and Social acceptance. VERY funny. I was quite
    amused at the wide variety of opinions. My husband kept
    asking what was so funny.
    Sugarbabydollrose, huh? Too bad you lost her.
    Also, sorry about the stupid questions but I won't know
    unless I ask. Right? Ask me some stupid questions about
    America. I promise I won't roll my eyes.;)

  126. jujubee Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Sat 21 Nov, 10:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    take a look at #43 morning by green .
    see yya have n't got any silly question at the moment i'll
    give it a think.:):):):):):):):)

  127. thanks Added by: jujubee
    [Timestamp: Sat 21 Nov, 14:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thanks Steven. I looked-my story was funnier.
    We are looking forward to the big Thanksgiving holiday
    here. You don't have that. I am used to cooking for 15-20
    people but this year 2 of our children are elsewhere. And
    our other regulars are with their respective in-laws so it
    will just be Steve, me, Hannah(11), Twyla(3), and
    George(6mos). If you had Thanksgiving, what would you be
    most thankful for and who would you want there?
    I am most thankful that my children are healthy (we lost a
    son-Sam-to cancer 3 1/2 years ago) and I have you to talk
    to. I wish we were having a big guest list-alot of work,
    but also alot of fun. Talk to you on Monday. Or is it

  128. j Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Mon 23 Nov, 9:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i thought thanks giving was 4 th july or is the intependance
    day,is thanks giving,like christmas or do you have christmas
    as well.
    christmas is big hassle with out haveing another holiday so
    i have been thinking a bout wyhy there is a lot of fighting
    on here,no easy answers,i think it just what happens when
    you get a group of people who can say what thy like with out
    the control of being there,americans make an easy
    target,it's not the people is's the actions the goverment
    has taken over things.
    eg when the french secretly bombed the rainbow warror the
    americans new but did not tell our govenment,lots of people
    were annoyed but the people and workers on the operation
    deep freeze,the us operation from here to the anartic,were
    not held personal responable,it was the government that got
    the blame but because they were the face of america
    here,they would have felt the anger.
    and as people on the tt show how they feel about some of
    the actions taken by america they take it out on people who
    are not to blame,so are confused as to were all this anger
    is coming from.
    sorry just me geting carryed away again,happy thanks giving
    eat and drink to much,take care of the kids butdo not give
    them to much sugar SEE YA :):):)

  129. steven Added by: jjb
    [Timestamp: Mon 23 Nov, 22:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Yes, July 4 is our independance day. We also have
    Christmas--This is called the "holiday season." These 2
    huge holdays are 1 month apart, so it is a busy time of
    I don't remember what is the rainbow warrior? When did this
    happen? Was it a ship? Why would the French of all people
    want to hurt any N.Z.'s? I know they are rude, but really
    this stretches even their rudeness boundries.
    My husband is quite a bit older than I and we argue
    frequently about the difference between people and the
    gov't of those people. Specifically the Vietnamese. I was
    alive during the war but was too young to really know what
    was going on. My brother was drafted and had to go fight is
    really all I remember about it. Steve had many friends that
    were killed and others that came back with horrible stories
    of what happened there. He now has a great dislike for
    Vietnamese and is gradually carrying ove into other asians
    as well. I don't understand it. How can anyone hate a whole
    race of people because of the actions of a few? Or because
    of their skin color? I will never understand racism.
    Again a long post-sorry.
    Thanksgiving is not until Thursday. Then we eat turkey,
    stuffing, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie. It's the law.
    HaHaHaHa not really. later;););)
    ps I am having a fight with some jerk named Jeb-do you know
    him? :):):)

  130. green Added by: jujubee
    [Timestamp: Tue 24 Nov, 8:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thank you so much for the message on my board.
    I was glad to hear from you. I was also glad to hear you
    weren't alge. HaHa. You haven't posted here in a while and
    I thought You were upset that I had invaded your space.
    Leave me a msg. on my board any time I will be happy to
    write back.:)

  131. well Added by: steven (j)
    [Timestamp: Tue 24 Nov, 10:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    green pops back once in a while,she very popular so is tied
    up all over the place.
    the rainbow warror was the first ship in the greenpease
    fleet ,it was about 10 years ago when the french were
    testing nukes in the pacific,they were going to go out to
    protest but the french sent a group of comamdos to blow it
    up .one person was killed,two of the people were
    caught,because they stoped off for a bit of sight seeing on
    the way home!it was a big deal down here.
    did you know that christchurch was the base of the american
    operation for the south pole,lots of big planes and people
    come through.
    don't know jeb,where is it,get him good don't stand for any
    i worked with someone who was in the big V he didn't like
    any one,didn't like asians or americans,
    see ya :)

  132. I AM Added by: jjb
    [Timestamp: Wed 25 Nov, 18:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    really tired today for some reason. Luckily Hannah is home
    from school this week for Thanksgiving and she can help
    with Twyla. I just don't feel good. Maybe I am depressed
    about something. I don't know.
    Fulvia made a guess about what you look like over on
    another page. She said you were probably tall and skinny
    with long red hair. I think she is right. Is she? You never
    talk about what you do for a job or your family so, who
    knows? I have fun guessing about the faces of posters.
    going to bed now.see you tomorrow.:):):);)

  133. gossip Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Thu 26 Nov, 8:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    people talking behind my back,that is so flattering,it's
    usually hard enough to get people to respond to what i have
    written and fulvia got two out of three right!

  134. I know Added by: jjb
    [Timestamp: Thu 26 Nov, 15:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I read yout post on that topic. Guess what? We are BOTH
    being talked about on the BIO-board. Our conversation is
    being monitered by a few people. We were complimented. Go
    check it out--Life in the 50's-- read under Big Bubba to
    Jane then Jane to Camey--I think. Anyway, we are mentioned
    under that topic. I am pretty excited, too. Nobody else
    pays any attention to me. Cool.
    Tomorrow is the big day. As it turns out, one of the guys
    that works for my Steve has no family to go to so...he is
    coming to eat at our house. I'm glad to have the company.
    The pies are in the oven, and I am starting to get hungry.
    If you get hungry, Come on over, we have plenty. ;)

  135. have Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Thu 26 Nov, 15:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    a look at(i'll always remember)it's at about 130!

  136. afternoon Added by: green
    [Timestamp: Thu 26 Nov, 22:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hi you two,
    steve, popular moi? LOL!!
    jjb: hi, so ya'll are being monitored now? this i've got to
    see:) happy thanksgiving, it is today i think?
    i couldn't get in yesterday, seems like this thread is
    getting long
    plus i have a bit of extra work these days :(

  137. we Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Fri 27 Nov, 14:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    have been moved second to the bottom,will we make the 200
    post i've found one in the oz section thats 700,see you soon

  138. all Added by: jjb
    [Timestamp: Fri 27 Nov, 22:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Yeah, they got rid of Fundamentals and Quagmires! Are we
    next??? Scary. Do they only go to 200?
    Thank you green. Yes, this was the day. We ate alot and
    were thankful for our many blessngs. Especially our new
    baby boy. He is helping me type this. Hi from George.
    Steven--what does 130 mean? The #reply in this thread?
    HELP! You are so complicated.~~~
    lata gata:):);)

  139. Guess what??? Added by: JUJUBEE
    [Timestamp: Sun 29 Nov, 17:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I got myself one of those hotmail jobs. Is this cool or
    stupid? Anyway, you can e-mail me at
    Someone stole my name jujubee! Shocking. Steven you need
    this so the ones on bio won't sneak and read. You can have
    it even if you don't have a computer. It's FREE!!!! I am
    quite sure I will never recieve any mail but it is one more
    address to check every day.see ya tomorrow;)

  140. it Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Mon 30 Nov, 14:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    was at 130 but now is at about 200?
    so many posts cant read them all so am skiping most if you
    find any that are good just say the name and title and where
    they are roughly,
    hope everyone ones weekend was ok mine was boring but i;m
    back on line for another while, i'l try your new e-mail see

  141. j Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Mon 30 Nov, 14:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    sorry it's at 304

  142. s Added by: JUJUBEE
    [Timestamp: Mon 30 Nov, 18:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    What is sarky? I thought this was supposed to be english.

  143. ? Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Tue 1 Dec, 8:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i think it's short for sarcasm,pointed wit have you been
    rude to someone.haven't seen greens name any where else for
    a while,must be to busy to get a look in,what do you do for
    hotmail,sounds fun.
    green,hope you take a break and see us soon

  144. no, of course not Added by: jjb (
    [Timestamp: Tue 1 Dec, 21:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I read it on another post--not to me. I was being nosey-
    it's fun.
    I saw green post a reply to brent when his gramma
    died.posted today.
    Go to and sign up. You need a login name
    (remytate for me--jujubee was taken) and a password. You
    pick it. They also want a question to be answered in case
    you forget your password. I used the new babies name for my
    password. If you remember it you can go look at your
    picture.:) I saw a cute new sign:-D not quite as cute as my
    wink, though ;) C U SOON ;)

  145. oops! Added by: jjb
    [Timestamp: Tue 1 Dec, 21:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I almost forgot... read #'s 65 and 146.
    Funny names and sperm theft. Hilarious.
    Look at the purple e-mail address! that is so cool.
    Does it show up in purple on your computer?
    Later sweets ;)

  146. hi Added by: green
    [Timestamp: Wed 2 Dec, 0:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    halo there steven and jjb,
    steven you mean you don't have an e-mail address? i thought
    all this time that your computer was work owned so you
    couldn't get one
    jjb, i haven't managed to get back to your page yet, this
    week has been horrid workwise
    this thread doesn't help matters by being so long
    see ya'll,

  147. hi Added by: green
    [Timestamp: Wed 2 Dec, 0:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    halo there steven and jjb,
    steven you mean you don't have an e-mail address? i thought
    all this time that your computer was work owned so you
    couldn't get one
    jjb, i haven't managed to get back to your page yet, this
    week has been horrid workwise
    this thread doesn't help matters by being so long
    see ya'll,

  148. longer and longer Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Wed 2 Dec, 9:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i see that theres 400 topics up now i stoped reading them it
    took to long,this ones geting long to but i keep waiting for
    isis to pop in,and say how surprized she is that we are
    still here.
    not alot to say to day so bye for now.
    ps i think i will get email but it means i will only be able
    to check it about twice a week and ti will take up more time
    i spent three hours the other day and i could have spent
    longer,i need to get a life.see ya

  149. it takes me an hour Added by: jjb
    [Timestamp: Wed 2 Dec, 20:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    just to get here because I have so many stops along the
    way. I haven't checked my new e-mail yet today. I will go
    do that. I wonder if we should start a new thread with
    ISIS as the title? I have been reading the hostel thread
    and also the one about squat toilets. they are riotiously
    funny. I woke the baby laughing. CUSOON;)

  150. e_mail Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Thu 3 Dec, 10:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i went out to get a e-mial adrress this morning,i thought it
    would be easy,but it 's not a good day for me so far.
    it would notlet me use the name i wanted or the pass
    word,and it wanted a zip code and state ,spent 1/2 hour
    mucking around till i got sick of it,but i'll try again to
    morrow.hope your days are going better.:(

  151. not much better Added by: jjb
    [Timestamp: Thu 3 Dec, 21:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I told you we were going to go look at houses today. What a
    day! I can't believe how sick I am of looking already. We
    went to 11 different houses. I liked 2 of them. My steve
    liked 2 also. not the same 2. Also the $$$$ are huge!
    One I liked $160,000.00. How much is that in N.Z. $?
    Do you guys have pounds? I don't have that sign on my
    keyboard. It is alot here. Well, alot for poor people like
    us, anyway. I talked to my Mom on the phone today for 3
    hours. AGH, the bill. I don't want to see it. I have
    decided to only read the posts that are posted each day(the
    new ones)instead of going through and reading my favorites.
    Well, off to bed. It is 4:45am. Me sleepy.
    tomorrow hon;)

  152. on line at last Added by: steven (
    [Timestamp: Fri 4 Dec, 10:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    the exchange rate is 52 cents so for every american dollar
    you would get two nz dollars.a three bed room house in a
    nice place is a bout 150,000.oo so it would only cost you
    75,oo0.oo.a 600ml bottle of milk is 85 cents,petrol is 85
    cents a letre,a big mac is 2;50,movies are$9.00,inter net is
    $45.00 a mounth unlimited time,a good car is $3.000,apples
    are 95 cents a killagram,.
    today it only took five minutes to get the address,simple
    and easy strange how some days it hard and others it's so

  153. wow!!! Added by: jjb (
    [Timestamp: Fri 4 Dec, 22:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    That seems like a pretty good deal to me, for the most part.
    The movies and internet are pretty expensive though. We pay
    $20.00 a month for unlimited use with free webpage. Movies
    here are about $2.00 cheaper than there. Cars are cheap,
    huh? Are average incomes lower, too? Then that would be the
    same cost of living. I don't think I am making sense. I
    know what I mean. If I make $150,000.00 a year here, It
    would be 75,000.00 there. Or do I have it backwards?
    Full moon was tonight so I had alot to do today. Do you
    have a Moon Ritual? We do. Small ceremony with blessings
    each Moon.
    Glad you got E-mail :-) I'll send you some. Got to go.
    Have a good day today. :-) Wait, is it your weekend yet?
    Well, Have a good weekend. be safe. You know how I get.
    :):):) ;)

  154. i know what you meen Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Sat 5 Dec, 11:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    the cost of living is what things cost compared to wages,the
    average wage here is five hundred a week,some parts of the
    country cost more to live in than others,chch is about in
    the middle.
    a few years ago i made a new years resalution to see the sun
    rise and set each day and when it was the full moon to watch
    it cross the sky from moon rise to moon set,didn't stick to
    it for long but i like to try to see the moon rise when it's
    full,it rises over the sea and it is so big.
    i was busy yesterday and for the past few day been a little
    fuzzy and to night i have a fence painting party to go to,a
    big fire and everyone brings a long a spray can or paint and
    brushes and over the night you paint the fence with what
    ever you like,
    yep it 's the weekend so see you monday
    ps green i will find out what the $ exchange rate is for
    india is it still the rupee what is it compared to the usa
    ,see ya all:)

  155. funfunfun Added by: jujubee (
    [Timestamp: Sat 5 Dec, 18:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    That party sounds great. Is it something like graffiti?
    Or does the fence belong to the party giver? wow. Sometimes
    I wish I had stayed single. I never get to do that type of
    stuff. Probably good that I don't, I would get into

  156. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Sun 6 Dec, 11:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    what a day
    last night i got a phone call from a friend who lives in
    england they say they were in town for a week .haven't seen
    them in so long,5 years but we write,made plans to see them
    next week but they said they were going to the market to day
    so i just happened to be there and bump into them,her and
    her new boyfriend and her mother,wow i got to see her for 10
    minutes we talked it was a bit like old times,then as i
    turned around who did i see but another old girlfriend who i
    haven't see in ten years stoped and talked to her for 1/2
    hour but left with out saying what was on my mind,i could
    see from the way she was acting that all it would have taken
    was for me to say,hay can i give you a ring next week we
    could go out for a drink,she would have said yes and i would
    have fallen in love with her all over now my head
    is buzzing.
    how can people who you haven't seen in so long still have so
    much power over you,even now i am still thinking about just
    ringing her up.
    please tell me i am crazy and not to do it.
    have either of you to been in the same place,is it looking
    back to (the good old days)withrose glasses on.
    ps didn't go to the party i was buzzing to much from the
    phone was some ones side fence.a two story house
    has been built on oneside which looks into the back yard so
    to wellcome them to the street and to give them something to
    look at the fence was painted and party was had.
    see ya

  157. oh I smell trouble Added by: jujubee (
    [Timestamp: Sun 6 Dec, 22:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You are crazy. Don't do it. Happy now? I didn't think so.
    Do you love her???? Why didn't you stay with her? try to
    remember. Was it a horrible pairing up, or was it just bad
    timing? Think about it. If you love her, CALL HER!!!
    Yes, this has happened to me. If I had called, Who knows???
    I am very happy now, but nobody knows what might have been.
    Think about it very hard and give yourself some time. maybe
    she will call you.:-) happy thought. Don't let your heart
    hurt. Mine aches for you right now. I can feel your anxiety.
    As always, you are in my thoughts. talk (for real) to you
    tomorrow, sweetie. ;)

  158. what happened???? Added by: jujubee
    [Timestamp: Tue 8 Dec, 20:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Did you call her? did she call you??? are you thinking
    about it???? good. i think you should. I bet she is scared
    to call you, too. scared meaning hesitant, cautious,
    looking for you in the room. talking to you tommorrow.
    :) ;)

  159. hi Added by: jujubee
    [Timestamp: Wed 9 Dec, 17:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hi to everybody. nobody is listening. that's o.k. i'm not
    saying anything. bye

  160. hi Added by: jujubee
    [Timestamp: Wed 9 Dec, 17:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hi to everybody. nobody is listening. that's o.k. i'm not
    saying anything. bye

  161. Jujubee Added by: Jeb
    [Timestamp: Thu 10 Dec, 9:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    This is funny. I was reading something from Blisterbug
    wanting to know more about Jujubee. I remembered how I
    argued with you about something a few weeks ago so I came
    here and saw that the argument was mentioned in #129. I'm
    currently arguing with Ingo (wacko animal rights activist).
    She/he is so irrational. She/he calmly informs me that I
    should die - how do you argue with that ? Anyway, no hard
    feelings about argument #129.

  162. jeb Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Thu 10 Dec, 9:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    wheres ingo,they ran out of a thing half way through a
    argument,where are they now.
    juju,she cant call me,so it't up to me to call or right,it
    was ten years ago so we will now be differant people,i know
    i am.don't think i will,to busy at the moment.

  163. Steven Added by: Jeb
    [Timestamp: Thu 10 Dec, 10:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It's something about some guy Barry Horne (sp?) who's on a
    hunger strike about animal rights. It got onto animal
    rights etc. Ingo has an XTREME view to say the least - I
    lost interest.

  164. hey, Jeb!! Added by: jjb
    [Timestamp: Fri 11 Dec, 5:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    How are you? No hard feelings. Life is WAY too short for
    that. Why does she(i'm sure)want you to die? Animal rights?
    Ha. You are an animal too and you have the right to live
    also. I'll go read that and back you up. As for
    Blisterbug...he is a big sillyhead.
    Steven, did you get the e-mail from green? I did not get an
    address to reply to. I hope she doesn't think she is being
    ignored. GREEN: you are not being ignored.
    Looking for Barry Horne(sp)
    C U Lata Gatas ;)

  165. all Added by: steven (happyhappyjoyjoy)
    [Timestamp: Fri 11 Dec, 9:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    see you all with ingo,last time they ran out it the middle
    of a good fight,
    juju who's barry horne????

  166. hello Added by: jjb
    [Timestamp: Fri 11 Dec, 19:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    he is the hunger striker.
    Jeb...did you cut out of there? ingo is almost too stupid
    to be given a reply. I hope your diabetes is under control.
    that sick freak to say such a thing. I don't agree with
    frivolous testing either, but medical testing is another
    thing altogether. My son died of cancer almost 4 years ago
    after long-term chemo and radiation therapies that would
    not have been possible without medical testing. I hope
    nothing horrible ever happens to him-he might have to
    compromise those lofty morals. I don't want to post to him
    because this is too important to be handled in such a
    flippant manner. Human life is infinately more important
    than animal life.
    Enough of that!!! Hey, it seems as if I have an admirer!:-0
    I know. Can you believe it? me? Some guy named blisterbug.
    I am flirting back.
    steven--having fun with your friend? I am spending the
    weekend shopping for houses again. At this rate we'll never
    find one. Also, Christmas is coming--must shop for that,
    too. What are the two of you getting for everyone? What do
    you want to get? I want a new house. That'll be the day.
    bye for now. Have a great weekend and i'll see you on
    Sunday/Monday. ;)
    ps--ingo is a guy.

  167. blisterbug Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Sat 12 Dec, 10:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    sounds fun,happyweekend all,see ya

  168. sometings Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Mon 14 Dec, 15:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    gone wrong here some of the topics have gone,and when you
    look for them under the search,you can find them but if you
    look inside it says it's something else i hope this one is
    safe,had a great weekend,see you all soon

  169. i know Added by: jjb
    [Timestamp: Mon 14 Dec, 19:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    what you mean, i have lost some, too. if we lose this one,
    we'll have to start a new one for isis to come home to.;)

  170. wow!!! Added by: jujubee
    [Timestamp: Tue 15 Dec, 18:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Look how many posts were deleted today. Some that I have
    been following fairly closely. Too bad. If I could think of
    something clever to say, I would post a new topic. Let's
    think of something. We'll talk about it on Thurs/Fri. Bye;)

  171. ok Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Wed 16 Dec, 13:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    a new name,what could it be,i'll think about it,i she you
    are being talked about again,you are even on some peoples
    list s of people,

  172. WHAT????? Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Thu 17 Dec, 12:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm being talked about???? Where??? Why???? What is this
    about???? Did I do something stupid? What list? Oh, now I
    am upset. I didn't see anything. HELP! I'll talk to you
    about it tonight and you better have answers.
    I am the most impatient person alive. My 1 big fault, that
    and being american.

  173. Jujubee Added by: drawdE
    [Timestamp: Thu 17 Dec, 17:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Don't fret...just lay low...the children are at play and
    that I too shall survive. Don't say being American is a
    fault. The real of us are still alive and well, and just
    like our political leaders and here on LP...the children
    are playing....may i quote roger waters:
    "take all your overgrown infants away somewhere
    and build them a home a little place of their own
    the fletcher memorial
    home for incurable tyrants and kings"
    oh what the hell...i'm in the mood, think i'll post the
    rest upstairs....

  174. I did it Added by: drawdE
    [Timestamp: Thu 17 Dec, 18:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    did i really do that?

  175. i wish Added by: jujubee
    [Timestamp: Thu 17 Dec, 18:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i knew what was going on. Have I been naughty without
    knowing it? HELP ME!!!! Steven and dwardE.
    dwardE: thank you for the encouraging words. I appreciate
    Steven thanks for the fun chat time tonight, I feel like I
    am really knowing you.
    Usually I am proud to be american, but sometimes...well,
    you know. Things can get tricky.
    i will go look again...

  176. jujubee Added by: drawdE
    [Timestamp: Fri 18 Dec, 6:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    welcome Boo. They just be possede' up there.

  177. at last Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Fri 18 Dec, 11:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    no afence juju but do we have people talking here again,good
    to seeover the next few days there will be lots of people
    saying lots of things about the usa ,try not to take it all
    to heart,all i can say is long live( sexobsession )

  178. sniff, sniff Added by: Juju
    [Timestamp: Fri 18 Dec, 19:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    no, I am trying to ignore it all. I made a decision not to
    answer the onslought of insults. The general consensus is
    that all the stupid americans believe that clinton is now a
    hero and should be exaulted instead of impeached. My
    opinion has certainly not changed. I am still believing
    that if he had even 1 iota of honor he would have tendered
    his resignation long ago. I don't believe there is any
    choice but to impeach, as abhorrent as that is, because of
    the dangerous precident censure sets for the future.
    For example--The next time a regular, everyday person
    commits pergury, his attorney can site the clinton thing as
    a reason to just pay a fine, no jail time necessary! If I
    had pergured myself in front of a grand jury, you can bet
    your butt I would be sitting in PRISON for 8-10 years. Not
    slick willy. He will manage to wiggle out of it. The whole
    bombing thing, while maybe necessary, was at this time,
    just a ploy to ease himself out of the vise of impending
    unemployment. The reality is that if he is able to put it
    off until after the first of the year, it won't happen.
    Because we then will have a new congress, and how many of
    the incumbents will want to go through this whole thing
    again? It is sickening. I am appauled at the lack of
    conscience in this country. The need to kill overwhelms the
    need to do the right thing, which is get him out of office
    before he is allowed to do even more damage. Iraq might
    very well need to be bombed, frankly, I don't know. I do
    know, however, that I don't want him making those types of
    decisions. If he would screw his own family over like that,
    imagine what he could do to the country. Very scary if you
    ask me. Which you didn't. Sorry everybody.
    What a rant that was! When I get mad, I sure can type!
    To dwardE- Are you speaking english, hon? Cause either I am
    a dimwit, Or you are making zero sense. Please tell me what
    you are saying...I really want to know. :-)
    Steven--what offence? They can say and believe whatever
    they choose. I know I am right. If you don't believe me,
    just ask and I'll tell you. I will answer any direct
    questions--hope none come up--but I will not enter into any
    debate about the issue. If I had known I would get so wound
    up, I would have posted a warning first, hahaha. Long live
    blessed be steven and dwardE ;)

  179. jujubee Added by: drawdE
    [Timestamp: Sat 19 Dec, 9:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sorry, I don't mean to make you feel like a dimwit. For
    some reason I thought you had once said you were from new
    orleans and I probably just automatically thought you
    cajun. I am from Louisiana and sometime revert to my
    Boo is a term of endearment.
    Possede' is a menacing child.
    As for what you say about this impeachment and the IRAQ
    bombings, I agree. I don't trust Clinton or his motives.
    I mean what kind of President would mess around with Monica
    while under investigation from many other sex scandals?
    And now we are suppose to believe him? I heard him answer
    to the question "Is he bombing IRAQ to divert the
    impeachment" and he said "No, what kind of President would
    do such a thing as that". My initial thought was "you,

  180. i dont Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Sat 19 Dec, 10:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    see what the deal is,here we have a prime minster,he/she we
    have a women at the moment,is just afigure head and when
    they do some thing realy stupid and aposed to the normal
    rubbish they do,they just get swaped to some one else it's
    the partys that put them in power because they will do what
    they are told,norm chomsky has agood quote but i cant
    remembere it now,it like power is only given to people who
    are able to be controled,it's as you move up,or promoted you
    are only given the power as long as you are safe/they know
    what you will do,it's easy to see the hold they had over
    bill,give him a new intern and watch him go but why is that
    part of the deal,how is that used to control him,oh no i'm
    starting to rambel, better go,
    i knew what boo was but not the other,BYE :)

  181. Hey you two!!! Added by: Juju (
    [Timestamp: Sat 19 Dec, 14:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am living in New Orleans!!! I didn't understand the
    context of BOO, I do now:-). The other word, I never heard
    before. Thanks. Where are you living now? Still in La.?
    Close by? Cool.
    Hey steven- Weird posting I found in bio addressed to us
    from that serial killer guy Nobuhdi N. Partikular. Scary. I
    started wondering what all secrets I had told you...he
    lives here in US!!! He left his e-mail, should I mail him?
    Ignore him? What should we do? dwardE? Any suggestions? I
    was looking back through the old posts for something, and
    saw his name. apparently, I am the alarmist dwardE.
    I have recovered from my rant of last night, but not from
    the impeachment debate of today. Must go and will leave a
    answering post later steven. ;)

  182. bio? what? Added by: drawdE
    [Timestamp: Sat 19 Dec, 14:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I got lost on that...what are you talking about bio and
    serial killer Nobody in Particular? I did not get on this
    post till this week.. did not read ALL of the
    that where I am lost? My gut feeling is ignore, but I have
    to see what it's all about.
    I am from Lake in Atlanta now...I'll be
    going down for the holidays so I want to wish you all a
    Merry Christmas and Blessed Holidays. Say a prayer for the
    Innocent people in IRAQ.

  183. Both of you Added by: Jujubee (
    [Timestamp: Sat 19 Dec, 20:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    OOOOH, I got a little upset with some guy named bob on a
    thread upstairs-#28-Aboriginals in Austrailia--I couldn't
    help myself, I had to yell. I know it was just ignorance
    but it could not be overlooked by me. Sorry bob.
    O.K. first dwardE-the bio is another msg board where steven
    and I met. The topic was something about serial killers(?)
    and we have been posting semi-privately for a long time.
    Now we seem to have a freaky weirdo watching us. He
    recently posted on a reply of a post from maybe a month
    ago. Kind of a creepy guy, talked about walking around
    thinking about killing people(seriously). Lots of people
    think about that but he PLANS it. eeeekkkk!
    Will you be going to Lake Charles for Christmas? Very neat.
    Good that you get along with your family, isn't it steven?
    O.K. Steven--- Our political process is a bit complicated.
    In high school, government is a required course for
    graduation. The whole point of free elections instead of
    appointments, is that the people are doing the ruling. We
    choose officials that reflect what we want done in our
    country. That is the way it is supposed to work. The way it
    really works is we elect the ones that make the best
    promises. Noone can be what every voter wants, so they take
    polls(usually people who have little or no education)and
    then the results are quoted all over the place. Then
    everyone who disagrees with the results(me)feels like a
    minority-the only sane voice in the whole country.After the
    poll results are in, the guy who wants to be elected tries
    to identify with the majority of pollsters. Does that make
    sense? Our constitution stipulates that we as Americans,
    have the right to keep and bare arms(guns). Not for hunting
    or personal protection but originally to defend our
    constitutional rights from a high-handed gov't. That part
    of the bill of rights was meant to remind the governing
    officials that we, the people could rise up and overthrow
    the gov't when they got out of hand and weren't doing what
    we tell them to do, which is what their job is. We elect
    them to represent us, to be our voice to other nations and
    to work for the common good. At some point, Americans
    became ambivilent about what goes on in Washington. "I
    don't care anymore" is heard frequently on our newscasts.
    How they manage to keep asking the same idiot redneck
    trailer-trash, I will never know. I got off on something
    there didn't I? Anyway, basicaly, we elect the guy we
    believe will represent us the best. Sometimes, we choose
    the wrong guy. C U Sunday/Monday. Good weekend sweets.;)
    Same to you, too, BOO.:)

  184. maybee Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Sun 20 Dec, 13:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    but the people you vote for are put up by the party,and the
    the higer you get in the party the more it controls
    them.every now and again you get a rich guy going it
    alone(was it ross perrow)last time .but they never get real
    power,the power is in the people behind the sence,the people
    that tell everyone what to do,i'm very sinacal about
    anouff of a rant i'm going up to see you shouting ,
    drawdE lucky you going down for the holidays wish i was.
    does that have the same meening in america..happy holidays
    all.....see ya....bye... :):):):):):)

  185. juju Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Sun 20 Dec, 13:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    they are calling you names upstairs you didn't shout loud go
    back and set them straight,give them a good sturrrrrrrrrr

  186. I did it Added by: Juju (
    [Timestamp: Sun 20 Dec, 18:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I answered that cris. I wish I was more mean, I can never
    think or things to say. Insults are meaningless here
    because you can never know if they are true, and if they
    are, you could really hurt a persons' feelings. I wouldn't
    want to do that, ever. Why aren't you at some party? It is
    the weekend isn't it? Have I missed something? HMMMM, you
    were missing me weren't you? Steven, you sweetie :-).
    You are right about the nomination thing. THEN we are
    allowed to vote. You are right. Now I am cynical, too.
    You are right about something else...;; yes, it means the
    same thing here...;) LLS

  187. i had Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Mon 21 Dec, 9:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    a very veryveryveyrveryveyrveyrveyrrevvyver boring weekend
    the high light was watching the wwf ,i cant believe that the
    same people are still in it.i see that the impeachment is
    going to go ahead and he s going to fight it so now how long
    is this going to take can he make it last untill the end of
    his term,how long untill people get bored with it.
    yes it was the weekend but i found a open puter the shops
    have puters setup for people to try out,to buy for a present
    and any one can use them.

  188. Long Added by: Jujubee (
    [Timestamp: Wed 23 Dec, 18:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    time no post. Where are you? have you forasaken your
    sexobsession? What about isis?
    I know you are about to be on holiday, and I miss you
    already. If you see this before you go, remember I am
    thinking of you...

  189. hi.. Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Fri 25 Dec, 11:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    everybody. It is Christmas Eve here even though the
    timestamp says 25 Dec. So, Hope you all are OK today.

  190. Now it is over Added by: Ju
    [Timestamp: Sat 26 Dec, 19:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It is officially the day after Christmas. It was a
    wonderful day for us, I hope for you, too. Sleep well.

  191. The Dumbing Down of The World Added by: Edward
    [Timestamp: Sun 27 Dec, 4:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    As the author of post #1 ("Elder TT Contributor"), I am
    disheartened but not surprised that this topic has not
    generated meaningful discussion, which brings another
    apropos observation. The desensitized TV generation cannot
    even bring itself to intelligent exploration or discussion
    of critical societal issues, much less take remedial action
    to change some of the fundamental problems. Most younger
    folk have no clue what the sexual liberation actually was!
    The inability to rationally explore or discuss major issues
    is consistent with the surficial infotainment-based world
    of the 90's, where a large percentage of the population
    have bizarre notions of what constitutes
    reliable information, and what constitutes mere
    dumbed down entertaining stimuli. Case in point: movies
    nowadays. I astoundingly heard from numerous people
    that they thought that Saving Private Ryan was a cinematic
    masterpiece; "
    the best movie in 1998", etc.
    It merely was stimuli candy; no true exploration of the

  192. To--Edward Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Sun 27 Dec, 17:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You are right, This thread has changed. It is now a place
    where we can discuss anything we are thinking of at the
    time of posting. We are all friends here and converse as
    I cannot comment on the cinematic virtue of Saving Private
    Ryan since I have not viewed it. I don't get to the movies
    very frequently and usually wait until the video is
    I would love to comment on sexual liberation, however. I
    grew up in the 60's and 70's, watching my mother bend to my
    fathers' wishes and then in the mid-70's break out of that
    ruining relationship. We sort of "grew up" together. I
    learned that I could do and be anything I wanted. I went to
    school and earned a degree but made a choice to stay at
    home with my children until they don't need me at home
    anymore. My husband supports me in this endeavor and
    recognizes that it is a choice, MY choice.
    I am offended that you would come here and jump to the
    conclusion that we cannot bring ourselves to discuss, much
    less try to change fundamental issues. You are only privy
    to one avenue of discussion here. We discuss things of
    importance elsewhere. I am trying to raise children to be
    responsible, capable adults. That is an incredibly
    difficult job. Explaining to my 11 year old why she can't
    do the same things as many of her friends, is alot more
    difficult than just throwing up my hands and letting her do
    whatever. I can't give up. I have to try. These children
    are the future of todays world. Without proper guidance,
    they might turn out worse than we did.
    I am greatly concerned with the issues, I am also allowing
    myself an occasional break from reality by coming here to
    the TT to talk to people I don't know, about things of no
    consequence. I apologise to you if this offends your higher
    conscience. Please excuse me.

  193. steven Added by: Juju (
    [Timestamp: Mon 28 Dec, 19:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Did you see that dwardE is back? He e-mailed me and left a
    post upstairs. Are you back yet? lata gata ;)

  194. Jujubee Added by: Cris
    [Timestamp: Mon 28 Dec, 19:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Go and find another chat site to continue on your
    meaningless ramblings with your idiot friends from across
    the sea.
    University degree, my arse. What did you major in, "being a
    dropkick, 109".
    Edward has every right to post what he did.
    You and your fucked-up mates hijacked the post and screwed
    it over big time.
    And by the way, you are regarded as a retard by most of the
    site posters up above.
    See you later, imbecile.
    Who is looking after your children while you waste your
    obvious high intellect on this site ?
    read some of the crap that you have posted above on this

  195. Wow Cris! Added by: equus (
    [Timestamp: Mon 28 Dec, 21:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You sure showed 'em. I'll bet they feel really immature
    and silly now that you've taught them how a grown up should
    REALLY behave. To really rub in how you are going to save
    this thread, perhaps you should point them to some of your
    gem-like contributions. Save us from people actually
    having conversations with friends!

    Edward, nice to see you back. "The inability to rationally
    explore or discuss major issues"...hmmm, we've discussed
    that before I think.

    Re saving Private Ryan. Dunno, Ed. I go to the movies for
    fun. To be informed I observe, experience, read, study,
    discuss and think. Each to his/her own, I suppose. I
    haven't seen Ryan yet, what was the prob with it? Should I
    bother seeing it as a good flick, or should I skip it
    altogether? What movies do you rate as worthwhile and why?

    Hi jjb and Steven.

  196. Equus Added by: Cris
    [Timestamp: Mon 28 Dec, 21:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    And you can go and fuck yourself as well you racist prick.
    I didn't ask for your opinion or your input either, you
    You just keep selling those bullshit lines of yours on
    equality in a white man's world, you tool.

  197. Saving Private Ryan... Added by: Seasoned Traveller
    [Timestamp: Tue 29 Dec, 2:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    was typical hollywood in its new "people are too dumb to think" mode. Lots of loud noise, eye-candy, action, explosions and the standard pseudo-emoto-plot where movies are shallower than the reflecting pool in my backyard. The movie failed to explore the issue of the perceived debt for benefiting from those who sacrifice.
    Where was the analysis? Why the surficial treatment of what could have been an intriguing topic? Hollywood figures most people have too short an attention span to focus on an issue like this. I guess they are right.. Fortunately, Christian Science Monitor and an increasing number of movie critics have recognized the shallow cinematic value of Saving PRivate Ryan in their year-end movie reviews. Thank goodness. Maybe there IS some hope in this world. As for Edward, he was right on target.

  198. Saving Private Ryan... Added by: Seasoned Traveller
    [Timestamp: Tue 29 Dec, 3:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    was typical hollywood in its new "people are too dumb to think" mode. Lots of loud noise, eye-candy, action, explosions and the standard pseudo-emoto-plot where movies are shallower than the reflecting pool in my backyard. The movie failed to explore the issue of the perceived debt for benefiting from those who sacrifice.
    Where was the analysis? Why the surficial treatment of what could have been an intriguing topic? Hollywood figures most people have too short an attention span to focus on an issue like this. I guess they are right.. Fortunately, Christian Science Monitor and an increasing number of movie critics have recognized the shallow cinematic value of Saving PRivate Ryan in their year-end movie reviews. Thank goodness. Maybe there IS some hope in this world. As for Edward, he was right on target.
    You say "We discuss things of
    importance elsewhere." Where would that be? Where is it that you take action to positively effect change? Somehow, the people who claim that they fritter away their time discussing TV-pop-trivia here but actually have meaningful conversation elsewhere are self deluding.

  199. Pounce Pounce Added by: Pounce
    [Timestamp: Tue 29 Dec, 7:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

  200. Pounce Pounce Added by: Pounce
    [Timestamp: Tue 29 Dec, 7:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

  201. HE HE HE Added by: Pounce
    [Timestamp: Tue 29 Dec, 7:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

  202. ooh Cris, meow, scratch! Added by: equus
    [Timestamp: Tue 29 Dec, 8:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    There there, of course you didn't ask for my opinion or
    input. I think you need to have a nice cup of tea and an
    iced vovo and a lie down.

    Edward-Seasoned Traveller (cute, a bit of tradition!) I
    think movies rarely get to the depth you seek, but I am not
    sure that is their role. Bear in mind that cinema is
    (obviously) a visual medium, not well suited to the
    exploration of complex issues. If it does get into that,
    it is better treated as documentary, rather than story
    telling. I think this is why, generally, peiople often
    feel that "the book was better" because the written word
    can easily capture the depth you are looking for. Fo that
    reason, if I am planning on reading a book AND seeing the
    same movie, I try to see the movie first then read the
    book, as if I do it the other way around I am invariably
    diappointed that the movie did not capture the richness of
    the book. Have you EVER seen a war film that explored the
    depth you were looking for in Pte Ryan?

    Re your comment to jjb about "We discuss things of
    importance elsewhere." I think that was a bit uncalled
    for. She can stand up for herself, but it seems to me she
    has already answered the question several times, in
    particular in her post 192, discussing how she raises her
    child. Like it or not, the way you raise your children is
    precisely taking "action to positively effect change".

    Nice to see you back tho' Edward. Have you been away, or
    just been in the background for a while?

  203. Equus Added by: JUjubee
    [Timestamp: Tue 29 Dec, 15:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thank you very much.
    I am choosing to ignore her juvenile renderings.
    I think you have a good idea--reading the book and then
    seeing the movie. You have had the same disappointing
    experiences that I have. I think the whole point of going
    to a movie, is to be entertained, not enlightened. If the
    film can do both, so much the better. Very few of those
    around, though.

  204. Hey Jujubee Added by: Cris
    [Timestamp: Tue 29 Dec, 17:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    While you are spending your time on this site, your husband
    out working to support you, the bills and the kids, who is
    looking after your children ?
    You seem to spend a great deal of time posting but
    contributing nothing..........."Oh No ..Who is talking
    about me now..... Steve(NZ) who posted what about
    Yep, got a lot out of that stuff.
    oh.... and Equus, I think you can do a little bit better
    than that when flaming in return.
    Think that I am Indian Woman or Asian Woman hurling insults
    at you about your manlyhood and such.

  205. Oh, sorry Cris, I see I am letting the side down Added by: equus
    [Timestamp: Tue 29 Dec, 18:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    How's this

    "you're a meany!"

  206. Films Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Tue 29 Dec, 18:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You're right, films that enlighten or even inform are
    pretty rare.

    I saw a good'n on SBS (our government owned multicultural
    broadcaster) a couple of years ago which did fit the bill.
    It was a peruvian made film about a young campesina woman
    in a remote village in Peru during the worst days of the
    civil war with Shining Path. The village and villagers
    looked very authentic, and the political style of the
    guerillas was pretty authentic too, according to my wife
    who was a bit of a tire burner herself in her younger days
    in Ecuador (though nothing like a terrorist).

    The main thrust of the film was the story of a young woman
    who ended up joining the guerillas on one of their sweeps
    through the village so that she could be with her
    boyfriend. He has joined partly out of idealism and partly
    as a forced recruit.

    The army comes through shortly afterwards and "de-briefs"
    the village, pretty viciously, arresting anyone suspected
    of helping the guerilleros, and appointing new village
    authorities. The guerilleros come back, kill the new
    authorities and appoint their own. You can see where all
    this ends up.

    Anyway, the girl's boyfriend gets killed in battle fairly
    early on, and the girl is told to execute a deserter, which
    she refuses to do, and bolts back to the village.

    When she arrives though, everyone is gone, hiding out in
    the fields in fear of both sides. Her family refuse to
    take her in for fear of being killed by both sides, so the
    last thing you see is her wandering off down to the main

    It was a rare combination of a gripping storry and a gritty
    analysis of the impossible position facing peruvian
    villagers during the civil war.

    The point of this is two fold. One, films as complex and
    deep as this one (I have hardly done it justice in my short
    precis) are pretty rare, and are not readily available.
    Two, I suspect that even with this film, the book (if there
    was one) would have explored the issues in even great depth.

    I wish I could remember the name of the damn film!

  207. Films Added by: equus
    [Timestamp: Tue 29 Dec, 18:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    sound of hand slapping forehead. The films post was of
    course mine, in response to Jujubee, not Jujubee in
    response to herself.

    We apologise for this small technical fault.

  208. oo Added by: green
    [Timestamp: Tue 29 Dec, 23:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    what the hell?
    sorry jujubee can't help you with the name of the film.
    but wait, gotta read this post in detail to find out
    whether in fact people are really too stupid to think

  209. movie.. Added by: Voyeur
    [Timestamp: Wed 30 Dec, 0:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    last night went to see "Shakespeare in Love" brilliant!-funny, hilarious even, erotic, and WITTY!

  210. What a shame Voyeur Added by: Cris
    [Timestamp: Wed 30 Dec, 3:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I see that your computer is working again.

  211. forgiven Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Wed 30 Dec, 9:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    equus--small technical difficulties happen. For a minute
    there, I thought I was imposted. Sounds like a great film--
    let me know when you remember the name. One not so
    mainstream film I enjoyed--The Lover--Thought provoking,
    and insightful. The epitomy of eroticism.
    Hey green--glad to see you again. Sending you mail soon.
    Voyeur--at least I am happy to SEE you.

  212. I'll have a look for it, but... Added by: equus
    [Timestamp: Wed 30 Dec, 10:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If it ain't mainstream, my chances of finding it Canberra
    are not high, unless I get lucky on SBS. Where is it from,

    Steven, where are you?

  213. French??? Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Wed 30 Dec, 10:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Maybe? The girl in the film is french. Her lover is asian.
    The setting is 1930's-40's. She is in school and ditches to
    go with him. There is opium smoking which leads one to
    believe it is taking place in China. It has been about 5 or
    6 years since last seen. Might be in video rental store or
    on very late night cinemax. ????. What is SBS?
    Steven seems to be taking a break.
    Do you have blockbuster? By mainstream, I really meant not
    boxoffice successful. (-:

  214. Alas, no cable Added by: equus
    [Timestamp: Wed 30 Dec, 11:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    But I'll have a look in the video shop. You never know
    your luck I suppose. Can you remember any of the actors'
    names? (I'm guessing there could be a few films by the
    same name)

    SBS is "Special Broadcasting Service", an Australian
    government owned broadcaster whose charter is to add
    cultural variety to TV, so you get lots of films from all
    over the place, and very little mainstream Hollywood
    stuff. You also get a LOT of soccer!

  215. Proving his point Added by: Jan
    [Timestamp: Wed 30 Dec, 23:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Cinema should be treated as "documentary"? Whaaa? How can you say that great cinema such as "Wizard of Oz", "Gone with the Wind" and "Casablanca" should be considered "documentary"?? They are NOT documentary and the problem in the 90s is that too many people go to movies and mistakenly think that they are getting documentary when in fact its pure entertainment. Oliver Stone's piece on JFK was documentary??? Hogwash and anyone who was alive in the 60s knows it. You hit the nail on the head. Too many people go to movies expecting to be educated. Savingt Private Ryan was NOT a discourse on WWII or a snapshot of WWII. Anyone in that war can tell you that the war was a hell of a lot more complex in emotion and impact than that movie presumed to suggest. Your response seems to confirm Edward's contention.

  216. jan, jan, jan Added by: equus
    [Timestamp: Thu 31 Dec, 8:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I actually had to go and re-read what I had written to see
    what you are on about. Um, sorry if you read it like that,
    probably my poor wording. I'll have another crack.

    I actually agree entirely (as the rest of the conversation
    should show) that cinema is mostly entertainment illsuited
    to the exploration of complex issues. My point about
    documentaries was not "one should view movies as
    documentaries", but "if you want to deal with complex
    subjects in detail, you probably need to make a
    documentary, not a movie". Not always, but mostly.

    I love the Wizard of Oz, and Casablanca too. Sorry, but
    you can keep "Gone with the wind". I know it's heretical
    of me but it seemed to me to be one long romance novel in
    the most perjorative sense (gasp - ducking now). Not that
    I have anything against onscreen romance (cf Casablanca!),
    but GWTW did nuthin' for me.

    I also agree about the "docutainment" problem. I'll bet
    there were a lot of folks who walked out of the movies
    thinking "so that's what happened".
    Er, now that I have clarified that I agree its about
    entertainment (which is what I was trying hard to say in
    the first place) does my response still confirm Ed's
    contention (and which one)? (gasp horror)

  217. Low expectations + shallow plot + special effects = mass movie making in the 90s Added by: Seasoned traveller
    [Timestamp: Thu 31 Dec, 23:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Shallow cinema with an emphasis on special effects, music-laden shock-value action images (e.g., MTV), and a lack of depth to characters, plot and point is common in the 1990s, unfortunately, as Ed points out. Emotional carnival rides do not a great movie make.

  218. time for a drink Added by: steven ([nz])
    [Timestamp: Fri 1 Jan, 5:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    well isis its been nice chatting, time for adrink at the
    corner pub, happy new year

  219. Good 1998 film Added by: Duffel Bag Traveler
    [Timestamp: Fri 1 Jan, 7:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I only saw one film in a theater this year and it was
    excellent. It was "The Governess," with Minnie Driver. Did
    anyone see it? Great plot, acting, dramatic moments, funny
    moments, very educational about Jews & women in early 19th
    century England.

    I nearly always find Spielberg movies to be in bad taste, so
    I skip then. BTW, my uncle fought in France in WW2, was
    wounded and all, and he says that the opening scene in
    "Ryan" is way too intense to be accurate.

    Sorry to just butt in. I read the TT most days but never
    read this topic. Assumed it was about obsessive sex or
    something. Nice to see you again John, didn't know that you
    used a new handle. Happy New Year to all.

  220. Hi DBT Added by: equus
    [Timestamp: Fri 1 Jan, 8:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Nice to see you dropping in. I got the new handle after
    some imagination challenged chappy borrowed t'other one!
    I didn't see the governess, was that the one about the
    jewish refugee who pretended to be a catholic so she could
    get work as a governess?
    Have a good year

    Seasoned traveller/Ed, thanks for the traditional touch for
    a close of year pressie. I appreciate it! Re your comment
    though, I don't agree its a nineties thing (I know, its
    only in fun, but I am compulsive, so I'll debate it
    anyway). My point is, what about all the schlock they
    served up in the fifties? and the sixties - James Bond? I
    think the only difference is that in the nineties, the
    effects are higher tech and the music is louder. Anyway,
    happy new year to you and all of yours.
    Hi Steven, nice to see you, albeit briefly.

  221. I suppose there's no point in asking (again) Added by: equus (
    [Timestamp: Fri 1 Jan, 15:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Edward, what movies you DO like, and why (by your criteria
    as set out above)

  222. Equus Added by: Indian Woman
    [Timestamp: Fri 1 Jan, 20:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Where is my apology you racist white pig. I pray every
    night that my god will take you from this place.

  223. I was'nt going to respond but ... Added by: equus
    [Timestamp: Fri 1 Jan, 21:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Assuming I don't die, does that prove
    A. God doesn't believe you; or
    B. Prayer doesn't work?

  224. thank you Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Sat 2 Jan, 11:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    to who ever posted useing my name on jan 1,but i am back,i
    turn my back for a few days and everyone comes a long,
    happy new year to you all,
    movies,i like old b grade,the sillyer the better,also like
    the ones mike more,from tv nation makes,i don't think movies
    can show what realy happens,they can get close at times but
    it's still someones point of what happened
    i think the news on tv is also slanted some times,the
    importance placed on some things and others left out because
    of time constraints
    by to all even cris who makes us all so happy with the fun
    things said
    to ju thank you for the tune,
    looking forward to a new year to talk to you all.
    off now to catch up with the people above,
    love and peace to you all,

  225. thank you Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Sat 2 Jan, 11:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    to who ever posted useing my name on jan 1,but i am back,i
    turn my back for a few days and everyone comes a long,
    happy new year to you all,
    movies,i like old b grade,the sillyer the better,also like
    the ones mike more,from tv nation makes,i don't think movies
    can show what realy happens,they can get close at times but
    it's still someones point of what happened
    i think the news on tv is also slanted some times,the
    importance placed on some things and others left out because
    of time constraints
    by to all even cris who makes us all so happy with the fun
    things said
    to ju thank you for the tune,
    looking forward to a new year to talk to you all.
    off now to catch up with the people above,
    love and peace to you all,

  226. sorry about that Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Sat 2 Jan, 12:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    must be a bit rusty,been up to see whos about and only got
    half way through before the brain gave out,thats one of the
    reasons i took a brake,there seem to be so many post,and it
    is easy to start a conversation and then lose it or talk in
    to many places you start to lose track.
    i see the same topics are repeating again and the level of
    flame is about the same,how to find the gold amoung the mud?

  227. Easy answer Added by: 50's ; Hollywood's prime time
    [Timestamp: Sun 3 Jan, 1:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    There IS a difference between movie making past and present. Sure there were shlock movies made in the 50s, but the ratio of great movies to bad movies was FAR higher pre-1960. The filthy language, the sex of movies present is appalling.

  228. OK Ed, sure Added by: equus
    [Timestamp: Sun 3 Jan, 10:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    but it still doesn't tell us what films you think are great
    (we'll never find out I suppose).

    To tell the truth I am much more concerned about violence
    in films than sex and swearing. Violence was just as
    prevalent in 50s films (though perhaps less graphic due to
    advances in FX). If the worst thing that we copied from
    films was sex and swearing, I don't think I'd be too
    worried. But it disturbs me to see kids running around
    "killing" each other.

    To be frank, even the violence in cartoons (especially
    "Power Rangers" and the like) sends pretty poor messages to
    kids. And from what I've seen of 50s cartoons, I don't
    know that its gotten any worse.

  229. a 1999 post! Added by: green
    [Timestamp: Sun 3 Jan, 19:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hello all
    i must admit i haven't seen a good movie in recent times..
    saw the net, the other day on tv though, mildly
    why would you say spielberg's films are in bad taste?

  230. You missed the point, Equus Added by: Cinematic buff
    [Timestamp: Mon 4 Jan, 23:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    violence was intentionally left off camera in most cases -- to the viewers imagination. This was, and is, a key to true movie making. It used to be that a good movie did not require violence to capture the viewer's attention. Today, directors are afraid to take the chance that the movie may not be of sufficient quality to hold the viewer without on-screen graphic violence.

  231. Stuff Added by: DBT
    [Timestamp: Tue 5 Jan, 8:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    John -- Yes, "The Governess" was the one about the Jewish
    woman masquerading, but as a Protestant, and not a refugee
    but fleeing an arranged marriage. There's more to the film
    than that, though.

    Green -- Bad taste, that's not what I really meant. What I
    wanted to say was that Spielberg's films don't have much
    intellectual thought put into them, so there isn't really
    much that stays with you afterwards -- just a good show.
    I'm thinking "Gremlins," "Raiders of the Lost Ark,"
    "Poltergeist." I didn't care for "Schindler's List" that
    much, so dark. The German film "Europa Europa" dealt with
    the same themes but with more impact and humanity. I also
    feel that Spielberg films are manipulative. I'm not sure
    what I mean, other than that I rebel against scenes because
    I feel that I am being forced to feel a certain emotion.

  232. no Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Tue 5 Jan, 15:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    people have allways been violent and bad to each other,cant
    blame the movies,does it make people more violent,some yes
    but those people are already ready at the drop of a hat to
    hurt others,most people it makes no differance,i have
    watched heaps of horrors,friday the 13,and all the rest,but
    i dont want to go around kill people,i think the view of the
    world as a safe place where things are all fuffy is
    wrong,kids should see it as it is,here yesterday a boat was
    at sea and crashed into the rocks,the people on board when
    rescued said it was,so bad and unexpicted,what dream world
    do they live in,people see car crashes inthe movies and
    thing they are like real ones,the trouble with movies is
    that tomany peple think that it is real,we are being feed a
    view of life thats not true and the young are believeing
    it.what will that do in the future, your guess is as good as

  233. I'll tell you what Ed Added by: equus
    [Timestamp: Tue 5 Jan, 17:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'll respond to your point after you tell me what movies
    you like.

  234. Steven Added by: equus
    [Timestamp: Tue 5 Jan, 19:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    While on the one hand I agree with you - I watched a lot of
    pretty violent stuff and yet I have grown up pretty stable
    and anti-violence. On the other hand I watch my son
    kicking and punching after watching that sort of behaviour
    on a "children's" tv program. I now restrict his viewing
    an awful lot. I can't say I agree that banning a five year
    old from watching "power rangers" or "X-Men" is giving him
    a fluffy view of life. Rather, it's trying to stop him
    having nightmares. And I'd rather not cultivate the view
    that violence is fun.

    Interestingly, and not necessarily on the topic, he has a
    very well developed understanding of death for a five year
    old. He has worked out that despite what he sees on TV,
    death is probably permanent, and inevitable. This has not
    been prompted by me - I'd rather he stayed a kid with a
    belief in personal immortality for a while. But he has his
    own views, and is not happy about it. When we were talking
    about Christmas, he said to me "Daddy, you know what I
    wish, I wish everybody in the whole world stayed the same
    older (age) and didn't die".

    I don't recall having such a clear understanding of such a
    fundamental reality at that age. Views anyone? Jujubee,
    what did your daughter think about death at that age, do
    you recall?

  235. Death... Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Tue 5 Jan, 22:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We have a special viewpoint on death at our house. When my
    now almost 12 year old daughter was 5, her 2 1/2 year old
    brother had just been diagnosed with cancer. She was pushed
    into an understanding of death that no child should ever
    have to face. She realised that all the trips in and out of
    the hospital were not "normal". The two of them discussed
    his illness and imminent death up until his last days. She
    was present when he quietly died in our home. She held his
    hand and kissed him on the head. As we approach the 4 yr.
    anniversary of that sorry day, she has a mature
    understanding that far exceeds her age. She is reproachful
    of kids who are not careful with their lives and angry at
    friends who complain about their little brothers.
    I agree with you that frivolous violent programming does
    little to increase awareness in our society.
    Hello to steven and green.

  236. Funny how many here have lost sight of the qualities and benefits of good cinema Added by: Cinema enthusiast and world wide traveller
    [Timestamp: Wed 6 Jan, 0:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    No one is arguing that violence in movies make you more violent. The point is -- most violence in movies is gratuitous and adds nothing cinematically to the film, and provides no food for thought. You may not become violent by watching schlock like that, but you surely have deprived yourself of quality time challenging your mind. Society = people. When people numb their brain repeatedly, societal ills appear. Why not make a difference and do something productive?

  237. wwt ha ha ha Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Wed 6 Jan, 8:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i am so sorry my taste in culture is so bad the more plastic
    the movie the better,yes i go to film festerviles to see
    films of point and art but it's only a back to life
    as a kid i had pets that died,when i was six or so,a
    grandparent came to our house to stay, and i watched him
    slowly get sicker and sicker,death was never hidden so it
    was not a shock or treated as something unnatural.
    today i see kids who have never seen a death,apart from
    tv,so when it happens to a friend or familly they handdle it
    very bad because it is something new and unreal,
    i see it as part of life not something to be afraid of bbut
    something that is beyond our control so accept it as a
    release for those in pain,an control on the power we think
    we have,something we must respect and if we dont we pay the

  238. speaking of death, movies and violence Added by: Equus
    [Timestamp: Wed 6 Jan, 21:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We watched Romeo and Juliet on video tonight - Martin
    watched too. I was amazed to hear his very apropos
    questions and to observe his good understanding of what the
    whole story was about - depite the fact that it was in the
    original shakespearian english.

    Jujubee I am so sorry to hear about your son. I don't know
    what to say - Martin is so precious to me - the loss of a
    child must be truly heartbreaking and life changing.

  239. Looking deeper into the effects of the entertainment that people choose. Added by: Casual Observer
    [Timestamp: Wed 6 Jan, 23:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Mind numbing activities (MNA) are fine I suppose if that is what you like; but it becomes a problem when a substantial part of your day or life is filled with MNA. With the dreck on TV and the poor quality of conversation between many people of the younger generation, sadly, the majority of people's lives are filled with MNA. Thats why we have the social problems we have these days. And that is the problem with mind numbing cinema; a little is ok, but 90% of what comes out of hollywood these days is insufferable. 40 years ago, the percentage was probably around 20%. Its impossible to go to a movie these days without: hearing profanities; seeing sex between two people who have no evident mature loving relationship; or violence. What a shame. I stay home and watch videotapes of the yesteryear movies where my mind does not have to be insulted. I can count the number of movies I have seen at the theatre in the last 5 years on one hand.

  240. Big-budget actions Added by: Also Casual Observer
    [Timestamp: Thu 7 Jan, 5:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'll just butt in for a minute to confess that I love the
    "big-budget action" genre. I don't look to Hollywood movies
    to change my life (in fact, I resent it if they try to),
    just to be entertained for a couple of hours, maybe get a
    little adrenaline going. That's what these movies are for.
    If you're looking for food for thought, you won't find it
    in most films - I mean, the bulk of the film industry (like
    any other industry) is in it for the noble cause of money.
    There's no shame in taking a break from the real world on
    occasion: some people knit, some people read romance novels,
    and some of us go to the movies.

  241. Huh? Added by: Movie fan
    [Timestamp: Thu 7 Jan, 10:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    No one is saying you should change your life, but there is not much to be gained from watching a violent movie or listening to someone swear repeatedly. Quality in = quality out. You become rather shallow if your interests are in shallow movies.

  242. right co Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Thu 7 Jan, 13:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    my answer to that is,they found a clay tablet from aseria
    thats 2 thousand years old and it said,(life is hard,the
    childern are geting out of control and will not do as they
    are told,and the world is going to hell),,nothing

  243. OK Ed, now I see the problem Added by: equus
    [Timestamp: Thu 7 Jan, 17:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You are only watching Hollywood. Try diversifying.

  244. anyone Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Sat 9 Jan, 10:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    still here,you all seem to have gone

  245. I'm here Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Sun 10 Jan, 19:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I think you all got way too cerebral for me.
    I think you should go see a movie because you want to be
    entertained--if you want to be stimulated, read a book.
    If a movie is trying to teach me something--fine. But if it
    only promises to be entertaining, I take it at face value.
    Entertainment for the sake of entertainment. Sometimes it
    is good to get away from all the pressures of reality and
    just relax for 2 hours. Do you really ALWAYS NEED to be
    enlightened, and stimulated intelectually?

    Hi to steven, equus, and green:
    Steven--Go ahead and watch those b-movies. they are like a
    dose of fun for your down days, aren't they?

    Equus--Thank you for your words-It is something I would not
    wish on even my worst enemy. It really should make you
    treasure every day you have with your son.

    Green--Waiting for a letter....patiently.

  246. sunday Added by: green
    [Timestamp: Mon 11 Jan, 0:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ugh, hi there jujubee, i've been meaning to get to this
    thread and have been thwarted
    about movies, i used to love to watch just 'any' movie and
    i still do to a large extent, and no intellectual
    stimulation is not always necessary. but i've realised that
    now i am more discriminatory and get impatient with badly
    crafted or mindless films
    dufflebt yes i see what you mean, i used to think there was
    an element of fantasy and magic in spielberg's earlier
    films (et)but i was much younger then and perhaps a victim
    of that 'manipulation'
    then there are those black and white scenes in schindler's
    list, they stay with me
    umm wouldn't manipulation be inherent in any film-making
    has anyone seen 1941, it was supposed to be a bad film but
    i found it hilariously funny, i can't remember much about
    it now except that the main guy (was he the main guy?) kept
    dancing all the time
    that about sums up my spielberg experience except for
    jurassic park which i thought was terrible
    halo steven, equus and all the casual observers including

  247. Exercising the mind Added by: Werner
    [Timestamp: Tue 12 Jan, 0:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I would prefer expanding my mind rather than going to a mind numbing movie. Why waste 2 hours of your life watching dreck on the screen? With all the other more creative and challenging forms of entertainment, there is no need for the sex violence, bad language of bad cinema. Foreign cinema is far more compelling than USA theatre. i get enough mind numbing on TV; why would anyone PAY to watch something that lacks creativity and just kills brain cells?

  248. More stuff Added by: DBT
    [Timestamp: Tue 12 Jan, 5:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Green: I agree that manipulation is probably a good part of
    good filmmaking, it's just that sometimes I resent it (and
    call it "bad taste") and sometimes it thrills me. And that
    film "Europa, Europa" is such a good movie, look for it on
    Bravo or rent it.

    Werner: Some good American movies come out, but I don't
    look hard enough to find them. Seems all I see are foreign
    movies, it's easier to see better movies by sticking to
    them, at least the ones that get marketed in the US seem to
    be of generally high caliber.

    I feel that enough people get lost (from reality) in the
    images of film, TV, advertising, and such that we should
    treat evil images as evil, just as if they were real things
    that are happening. I often hear people say things like
    "children can differentiate between the reality of life and
    the fantasy world of violent computer games" when it is
    plain that plenty of grown adults cannot muster the maturity
    to resist mindless advertising campaigns, and fall for the
    fantasies presented there.

  249. real life Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Tue 12 Jan, 8:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    why when any form of reality is showen eg,death, sex,
    murder,violence in the movies people say it's not
    a reflection of life,but when we see a sugar coated view of
    life people like to see that as life as it could be.

  250. No time for the old in-out, in-out today, my love. I've just come to check the meter. Added by: anotherliZa
    [Timestamp: Tue 12 Jan, 12:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sorry to bug y'all, but I've noticed this thread getting
    fatter and fatter whilst a brain-drain threatens the very
    fabric of the civilization (sic) writhing away at the top of
    this branch. Please come back to us.
    BTW, Post-realist russian critics said at the end of last
    century that art is for people that don't experience life.
    I believe the analogy was such: "what is worth more to
    you, a picture of cheese or real cheese?" I guess it depends
    on the context eh? They had some wacky ideas, those guys.

    Alright, y'all come back now, y'hear?

  251. fantasy Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Tue 12 Jan, 16:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Steven--I don't think anybody really swallows all that
    shiney, happy people tripe, but it is very good to live a
    rich fantasy life. They see and interpret what they wish.
    Sometimes when a persons life is so full of crap, it is
    nice to see someone that has a happy one, and pretend.

    anotherliZa--Sometimes when you don't have any cheese, the
    picture can look pretty good.


  252. if 'random harvest' isn't mind numbing, i don't know what is Added by: frippet
    [Timestamp: Tue 12 Jan, 17:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    sorry to butt in folks, but i couldn't let casual
    observer/ed's post go by without comment. seems to me that
    the films of the 40s and 50s were far more escapist (or
    'mind numbing' if you prefer) than films being made today.
    i'm not denying that there's a lot of violent, gratuitous,
    pointless, patronising crap out there now, but i'd be very
    surprised if you could come up with more than ten 'golden
    age' flicks that aimed to expand people's social
    consciousness, raise a few issues or anything like that. i
    agree that there's been an increase in gratuitous sex and
    violence, but more importantly there's been an increase in
    thought-provoking, independent cinema.

  253. hi all Added by: equus
    [Timestamp: Tue 12 Jan, 22:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    jujubee, you are dead right, just because the focus of a
    film is entertainment pure and simple doesn't mean it's a
    bad film. You gotta live a little folks!

  254. Films Added by: Gunilla
    [Timestamp: Tue 12 Jan, 22:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Just dropping by.... Jujubee, I think you're referring to
    the film "The Lover" based on a novel with the same name.
    The name of the author is Marguerite Duras and is apparently
    an autobiography. The story takes place in Vietnam, I think.

  255. ok Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Wed 13 Jan, 9:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    if you could all make a film what would it be.

  256. Thanks! Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Wed 13 Jan, 10:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Gunilla--I have been driving myself and everyone I know mad
    with this.

    equus--See, I knew I liked you. You can see reason. heehee
    Did you see the info about THE LOVER? above.

    steven--I am giving this some real thought. No flippiness
    from me today.

  257. AnotherliZA, you want these dropkicks to come back upstairs Added by: Wondering
    [Timestamp: Wed 13 Jan, 14:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    forget it.
    You lot can stay down here in the dark in your own pathetic
    little thread discussing fuckall.
    You have nothing of any value to contribute up in the real
    world, especially that snivelling jujubee, as pathetic as
    her name.

  258. Tennesse Williams Added by: drawdE
    [Timestamp: Wed 13 Jan, 14:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    (no relation to the former william here)
    Steven, if I could write a film movie it would be about
    life such as Tennessee Williams does so with such
    resounding applause. I love all of his plays/movies.

    Wondering? And you think you have a right to say anyones
    name is pathetic? Shouldn't that be "wandering"?

  259. Thats a toughy, Steven Added by: equus
    [Timestamp: Wed 13 Jan, 21:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Did you ever read "the Drifters"? I'd make a film about a
    group of friends who travel through South America. The
    film would be about friendship and living.

    They would not take a tour, sorry Ed.

  260. Isis Added by: Freyja
    [Timestamp: Thu 14 Jan, 4:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    What is your point?

  261. I thought I would never say this but... Added by: WDJ
    [Timestamp: Thu 14 Jan, 5:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ...Ex Edward (or whatever) , I kinda miss you.
    PS Hi folks !

  262. my movie Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Thu 14 Jan, 11:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    would be a real tasteless double b horror space alien movie,
    with silly monsters,bad lines for people to say,lots of
    blood,sex,and mindless violence.
    sorry i have no taste or point to make in it,i'll leave that
    for your movies

  263. Oh, steven. Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Thu 14 Jan, 13:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I want to watch yours, anyway.
    I want to watch more "Based on Actual Events" movies. I
    would really like to see some biographical films.
    Tennesee Williams, Albert Einstein, Dalai Lama, Clive
    Cussler. Many authors would be interesting. Old film stars,

  264. don't Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Fri 15 Jan, 10:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    think you would,most of what we know about people is the
    good bits if a movie was made on a good writer you liked and
    it showed there real life,the drugs,sex wifebeating,there
    bad moods ,the arguments,or just the bordom that they wrote
    to get away from it would spoil the view you have of them.we
    had on the news yesterday the new book on elivs, it's all
    about his drug habbits,people are upset because it's not the
    view they have of him,if you made a film would you make it a
    true reflection of there life

  265. Yes, I would Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Fri 15 Jan, 13:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am interested in the real lives. I would show their
    tumultuous lives in all the gruesome detail. Those things
    are probably contributing factors to their art and genius.
    I don't think my opinion of their work would change. Maybe
    my opinion of them personally, but not their work.

  266. quick dash through Added by: green
    [Timestamp: Fri 15 Jan, 23:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i don't care much for too much real life (which probably
    explains why i spend so much time here) and i like your
    quote anotherliZa, it sounds desperate and hopeless, the
    starving artist in the garret, an empty idealism almost a
    lost art itself
    argh, i digress,
    dufflebt, shall look out for europa, europa,
    i can't think of any one kind of movie i'd like to make
    though, perhaps something like aguirre the wrath of god?

  267. False Cheese, Real Cheese Added by: anotherliZa
    [Timestamp: Sat 16 Jan, 16:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    A few years back, I used to watch cooking shows on TV when I
    didn't have any money for food. That was sort of the result
    of a psychosis, though. I think nowadays a picture of cheese
    would comfort me little if I had nothing to eat.

    Someday, I'll find the article I read that in and let you
    know the context. I'll just have to quick page through 900
    pages of readings from that course. . .

  268. Other movie to make Added by: equus
    [Timestamp: Sat 16 Jan, 20:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'd love to do a definitive "Lord of the Rings"

    As a LOTR fan I was really disappointed in the half baked
    (and half finished) semi animated attempt of the late
    seventies (1978? Perhaps a bit later)

    I also reckon Colleen McCulloch's Masters of Rome books
    would make great movies.

  269. equus Added by: steven (nz)
    [Timestamp: Sun 17 Jan, 11:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    did you know that peter jackson is making a three movie set
    of lord of the rings here in new zealand ,it's a big
    budget,with lots of computer action,with a cast of extras of
    thousands,the casting for extras will be next mounth, and
    lots of people i know are going to go along,it should be out
    in 2000.

  270. Excellent!! Added by: equus
    [Timestamp: Sun 17 Jan, 18:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thanks Steven, no, I had no idea.

    I'll look out for it. I hope it lives up to the pretty
    high expectations created by the book!

  271. Agree that movies today in the States are poor quality Added by: katie
    [Timestamp: Mon 18 Jan, 23:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The moral and ethical messages in the movies from the golden age 40s and 50s were timeless and subtle -- movies didnt hit you on the head with a immature and simplistic repeated point like they do today.

  272. Oh my god!!!! Added by: ISIS
    [Timestamp: Tue 19 Jan, 4:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Is this true or have I eaten something funny....
    2 1/2 month and my thread is still alive! Yipee!
    So nice to see you┤re still around steven, green and all the
    others. Wish I had the time and money to read the lot.
    Believe it, this is the first time I┤ve put hands on a
    computer since I┤ve left GB! And no withdrawel symtoms ever
    - travelling still beats the TT!
    I┤m doing really well over here in the south of spain,
    cristmas at the beach, what a treat, lots of other
    travellers also in their vans and busses. It┤s just how I
    imagined it, but better. So good to be a nomad and to not
    have a home other than a bus - I can only recommend this to
    you all.
    Hope you all had a great New Year
    Keep on typing
    Hasta luego

  273. equus Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Tue 19 Jan, 17:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    know what you meen the picture people have in there heads
    of the story and the players ,it will be hard to do to
    please everyone.
    katie, the movies of the 50 were not in any way a reflection
    of how people lived it was the way people wanted it to be,
    isis good to have you back for a little bit,will we here
    from you again,ps check your e-mail,the old one if you have
    a new adress.

  274. isis! Added by: green
    [Timestamp: Tue 19 Jan, 23:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hi there, great to hear your voice! and to know you checked
    happy journeys..
    others all, halo
    i'll be back (typical modern-day, immature and simplistic
    blockbuster statement :)

  275. hmmmmmmm Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Thu 21 Jan, 9:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]


  276. Hmmmmmm Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Thu 21 Jan, 20:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You got that right steven.

  277. sorry Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Fri 22 Jan, 15:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    just being abit silly,it seems to have gotten a bit
    quiet,here so where did every one go

  278. nap time Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Fri 22 Jan, 16:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I guess.

  279. nap Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Sat 23 Jan, 10:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    winter hibernation

  280. hibernation Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Sat 23 Jan, 22:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Big fluffy pillows....fat full sinking featherbed....soft
    million-times washed sheets....
    quilts made by Grandma....thick heavy comforters.
    Sounds good.

  281. WAKE UP! Added by: Voyeur
    [Timestamp: Tue 26 Jan, 11:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    if you guys stay asleep ... they're gonna chop this
    one..hope this gives it a reprieve! Jujubee, please my I
    borrow one of those thick heavy comforters?? it's going down
    below zero(F) tonight..

  282. To Voyeur Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Tue 26 Jan, 18:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You may have two. I have plenty.

    Below zero....I wish I was there. It is in the 50's here at
    night and 70's in the day. I love the cold and snowy
    weather. Hot chocolate and crumpets. Mmmmmmmmmm.
    Cozy. Cuddling weather.

  283. cold Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Wed 27 Jan, 9:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    it's been very hot here to high 20's some places haven't had
    rain in a long time and some people are starting to get abit
    worryed about a drought,we are going to have water
    restictions soon,no baths or watering the garden

  284. NO BATHS?????? Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Wed 27 Jan, 9:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You have GOT to be kidding? Right?
    Hight 20's? How does that convert to ferinheidt? Or however
    you spell it.
    It has been too warm here. No lack of moisture, though. I
    would be happy to share some.

  285. nz film Added by: tom
    [Timestamp: Wed 27 Jan, 12:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    what was that film made in NZ, american girl plays a big
    part in it she is kind of nasty, leaves the scene of a
    tragic accident. the film could be a anti american metaphor

  286. tom Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Fri 29 Jan, 12:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    could you give a bit more detail,can't think of if off hand
    but have seen most nz films.
    yes ju thats right no baths but you can shower,i don't know
    how they can enforce it,every three years the water
    restrictions happen.once they said noone could water the
    garden in the daylight,so everyone turned the hoses on at
    night and used more than they would in the day time!

  287. to steven Added by: tom
    [Timestamp: Sun 31 Jan, 3:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    the american girl wears a red leather jacket, a maori makes
    love to young white girl a lot of dream like sequences,

  288. flashback. Added by: equus
    [Timestamp: Sun 31 Jan, 8:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Saw Private Ryan last night.
    Ed, I disagree with your comments entirely. It was a very
    powerful movie, (and not actually all that entertaining).
    I think it certainly dealt with the issue of "the perceived
    debt for benefiting from those who sacrifice". You may
    have disagreed with the answer it came up with, but it was
    certainly there from both the beneficiary and sacrificee's
    point of view.
    It also got into the "what's the damn point of it" issue as
    well, and came up with a range of different answers. If
    you think there is a war movie that does it better, let us
    know so we can watch it and consider.
    Hi folks.

  289. hmmm Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Sun 31 Jan, 20:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi equus, how are you? I thought you ditched.

    steven--I am glad you can shower, I was worried about the
    smell of it all. Interesting concept. I often wonder about
    that in those western movies...they only bathed on Sat.
    night and had no deodorant....phewie. Maybe nobody noticed
    since they all smelled the same. I think I would notice no
    matter how I smelled. Wouldn't you?

  290. baths and movies Added by: sreven
    [Timestamp: Mon 1 Feb, 11:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    tom that still sounds like most movies from nz sorry i still
    cant pick it, did it have lots of cars crashing, did it have
    a crazy mexican,did it have police and bombers.
    equus don't like war movies so cant help or comment
    juju. the smell of cowboys?good point,all the dust and sweat
    and heat,no wonder they always headed for the bath as soon
    as they get into town,but the horses and cows would smell
    even worse

  291. movies and baths Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Tue 2 Feb, 1:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Have you ever watched a movie while in the bath? Me neither.

    For some reason steven, the "smell of cowboys...sweat and
    heat" made me rethink my previous post. I might have liked
    it. ;^) *wink, wink*

  292. to steven Added by: tom
    [Timestamp: Thu 4 Feb, 4:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    please don't give up so easily, this film is important, do
    me a favor, go to the local video hut, and search all the
    titles,thank you

  293. gisborne Added by: bloke
    [Timestamp: Thu 4 Feb, 12:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    do you know any folks over in gisborne? i once met two gals
    from there.

  294. Gisborne? Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Thu 4 Feb, 22:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    What is a Gisborne?

  295. bloke Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Fri 5 Feb, 10:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    sorry don't know anyone from gisborne
    juju, gisborne is a town in the north island of nz, never
    been there myself,it's also the first place in the world to
    see the sun rise so on the eve of 2000 there is going to be
    a big party and have a quess who is going to play at the
    momment of change who will claim to be the first person to
    proform in the new milinium(clue spiders from mars)
    tom i still need more information,a girl in a red jacket
    isn't much what else can you remember

  296. millinium performers Added by: Juju
    [Timestamp: Fri 5 Feb, 21:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I like your clue steven, but since I am from a backward
    country, I will need more to go on. Spiders from mars......
    some tarantula type band? Eight members? Is there any hope
    of me ever guessing this in my entire lifetime? Doubtful.
    I thought the first place to see the sun rise on 2000 was
    some obscure and tiny island? Wrong again, I guess.

  297. SPR and good cinema Added by: Movie Critic traveller
    [Timestamp: Sat 6 Feb, 2:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    No one is debating about whether its ok to like mindless entertainment, but instead, the issue is what makes a movie cinematically great. Mindless entertainment is fine, but it does not usually represent great classic cinema. SPR is not great cinema -- further, its a bad depection of WWII and there may be some who think that the movie is the essence of what WWII was about.
    Mindless entertainment is fine if this is what interests you, but why should I go to a theatre and pay money to see schlock when I can watch it free on tv. This is the point. I get bored watching the "all flash and special effects and MTV-style editing"; I want substance when I see a movie.

  298. Equus Added by: I know a shallow movie when I see it.
    [Timestamp: Sat 6 Feb, 2:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Most critics disagree with you.. As I do. SPR failed big time to explore the subject of "the perceived
    debt for benefiting from those who sacrifice". It touched on it in the first 20 minutes, but failed to truly explore this issue. Quite frustrating. It resorted to special effects and emotional string tugging but didnt scratch the surface on the implications and positives and negatives of benefitting from those who sacrifice. See the Thin Red Line.

  299. to steven Added by: tom
    [Timestamp: Sat 6 Feb, 6:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i too, enjoy david bowie, will search for more detail
    regarding NZ film

  300. film Added by: tom
    [Timestamp: Mon 8 Feb, 7:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    item in todays paper about a bicycle saftey film produced by
    NZ Government featuring dogs ? i really read this.i am not
    making this up

  301. tom Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Mon 8 Feb, 7:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Bicycling dogs? Is that correct? What kind of bicycle?

    Steven--did you see the chopping job done on the bio? They
    mixed it all up. the dates are stirred around, too. I
    started a new topic. It addresses you.

  302. j Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 Feb, 9:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    haven't seen the dogs,but rastas the cat has been on a few
    times,untill some stupid driver kill him and him owner last
    the cat would ride on the handle bars of the motor bike,
    with it's own helmet,and at christmas it would have dear
    horns on it's head,kids loved it
    tom has quessed right,it's bowie.
    and no you are right, it's still up in the air where the
    first to see the sun is,i thing they meen city not
    sorry if this post is twice but it said the tt locked it out
    so here goes again

  303. Ground control to Major Tom Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 Feb, 11:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey, get it?

    Did anyone suggest this might be cat-abuse?
    Was there a big funeral? I imagine a huge public outcry for
    the offending drivers' head on a platter? I would hope so.

    You only posted once, whew. That was close.

  304. cat abuse Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Wed 10 Feb, 8:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    no,but alot of people thought he might fall off,because he
    sat on the tank and had his paws on the handle bars with
    his nose pointing into the wind.
    the cat thought it was aperson and was trained like a dog,
    the person who killed them had been at a party the night
    befor and fell asleep at the wheel and crossed the to the
    wrong side of the road on a bend,
    he was sentanced to 6 mounts pd,which is work in the
    community,cleaning up old peoples gardens that kind of
    thing,people wanted his bloodand thought it was not
    enough,but thats the way it goes,couldn't prove intent,to
    cause harm so it was just treated as a axerdent.
    more people were upset over the cat than the man and not
    much was said about the girlfriend on the back who was
    allso killed??????

  305. 3? Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Wed 10 Feb, 23:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Was this a regular bike, or a motorcycle? How did he ride
    her on the back if it was a regular bicycle? Too weird,
    really. Did the cat(M or F) have any kittens to carry on
    the bike riding gene?

  306. bike Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Thu 11 Feb, 10:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    it was a classic old indian i think,no kittens sorry ,the
    man also ran atrucking firm and the cat went with him every
    where,into resteronts and motels if the cat could no go in
    to the place he wouldn;t go in ever,but hte cat was a bit
    famous so it could get in most places,the cat traveled
    about500 miles a day every day,it got about so everyone
    knows it,they did lots of work fund raiseing,all the kids
    had it on there tee shirts.i meet the cat in person once it
    was a strange thing,very smart cat

  307. fund raising cat Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Thu 11 Feb, 18:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    How did this cat get so famous and popular? What started it
    You met the cat in person? Did you get a pawtograph?
    Have you seen Toonces the driving cat on SNL? Not the same
    thing, I bet. Can you get me a Rastas t-shirt? I would wear
    it proudly. When was the kitty murdered? I am very
    interested. I am not teasing one bit.

  308. WOW Added by: Jeb
    [Timestamp: Fri 12 Feb, 7:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I haven't been back in here for a couple of months. Can't
    believe it's still going.
    Yes the diabetes is under control Jujubee - thanks. In fact
    I think I need some sugar right now. Going to the vending
    machine for some M&Ms....back soon.

  309. cat Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Fri 12 Feb, 10:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i'll try to find out.there should be a web page on here
    somewhere,tryed to find it yesterday but i think i spelled
    it wrong,the english in my last post was very bad,must have
    been in to much of a rush,he was killed some time early last
    year,didn't get a paw graph but did get to pat it,it had
    lots of people around it but it was not flusted.
    wellcome back jeb

  310. Hey Jeb Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Fri 12 Feb, 15:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I wondered what happened to you...glad you are okay. Are
    you supposed to eat sugar? I thought that was off limits
    for diabetics. I really don't know much about it. You are
    not allowed to drink though, right? I had a friend many
    years ago who died from complications of his diabetes--he
    drank a lot and went into a coma many times and then one
    time he did not wake up. I think it is a very frightening
    illness. But they are making progress in research, aren't
    they? I hope so. Too many people are sick with it.

    steven--what were you saying about your english? It was
    very bad? How could it be bad? You do speak
    live in an english speaking could it be bad?
    You are so silly sometimes. Maybe they gave him a sedative.
    Cats are not usually very calm. I do want that web address.
    I will do a search, too. Maybe between us it will be found.

  311. Diabetes Added by: Jeb
    [Timestamp: Sat 13 Feb, 6:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    A tough subject to explain in a few sentences. I'll try
    Basically, the food you eat gets converted into sugar which
    goes into your bloodstream. A normal pancreas will detect
    the sugar in your blood and fire off some insulin. Insulin
    is like a 'key' which unlocks the door to your cells so
    that the sugar can pass through from your blood into the
    cells to be used for energy.
    2 types of Diabetes. Type 1 (insulin dependent) where your
    pancreas stops making insulin. Type 2 (Non insulin
    dependent) where your pancreas makes enough insulin but it
    just doesn't do the job it's supposed to. Type 2 is by far
    the most common. I have Type 1.
    Diabetes before the discovery of insulin:
    1. You didn't get any sugar into your cells therefore no
    energy. Lost weight, wasted away.
    2. The sugar in your bloodstream got so high that it
    damaged all your internal organs.
    3. The body tried to get energy by breaking down fats in
    the body. A byproduct of this process is ketones. These
    build up in your blood and turns the blood acidic.
    All of the above 3 will kill you within weeks.
    With insulin:
    The goal is to keep your blood sugar level as near as
    possible to a normal person. If you can achieve this it'll
    dramatically decrease the chances of the above 3 problems
    occuring. It's all about balancing 3 factors. Exercise,
    food, insulin. Exercise and insulin decrease the blood
    sugar level. Food increases it.
    Most people think that this is a 'no no' for diabetics.
    Diabetics HAVE to carry sugar/candy with them in case their
    sugar level gets low (this can be caused by not eating
    enough food to cover the insulin/exercise that you've done
    throughout the day). It can also be used as part of a
    regular diet for diabetics. For example a packet of M&Ms
    has about 30g carbohydrates (sugar) and so does a large
    banana. Sure the banana's better for you but I still crave
    chocolate like anyone else. :-) That's not to say I go
    crazy with chocolate, pastries, candy etc. (because they're
    absorbed quicker into the blood they do cause a 'spike' in
    your sugar level) but I do try and incorporate them into my
    diet (moderation is the key).
    Alcohol has a weird effect. In the short term it actually
    speeds up the insulin and can drive your sugar down too
    low. This is dangerous and can make you lose consiousness
    and go into a coma if you're not given some sugar. In the
    long term alcohol damages your nerve endings (for
    everyone). This is especially bad for diabetics because the
    excess sugar in the blood also damages nerve endings and
    blood vessels (This is why diabetics lose feet to
    amputation and go blind). Having said that - I still drink
    in moderation (Heck I'm only human).
    All in all the disease sucks and it generally gets ignored
    because people think that insulin is a cure. It kills more
    people per year than all the high profile diseases put
    together. As far as advances, hopefully all the research
    into genetics will eventually lead to a way of preventing
    the disease. As far as a cure. I'm not holding my breath.
    The best I'm hoping for is a new way of delivering insulin
    to the body. 3 shots a day, as well as 3 finger pricks to
    test my blood is turning me into a human pin cushion. OUCH !
    A little more lengthy than I'd planned but I hope it's
    educational. :-)

  312. Thanks Jeb Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Sat 13 Feb, 8:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It was very educational. Very complicated, too.
    I have an occasional drop in blood sugar that makes me
    shaky and weak feeling. Not serious I just need some fruit,
    or a sandwich. If I eat candy, I feel better immediately,
    but I also have a more extreme crash soon after. Is this
    the same feeling you get? With me, it is nothing serious,
    just forgeting to eat at the regular times. I think this is
    the reason they give you a snack at the blood donators
    booth, they don't want you passing out on them.
    My daughter went to school with a little girl last year who
    is diabetic. At birthday and holiday treat time, we took a
    special sugar-free chocolate for her...was this a good and
    nice thing to do, or was that wrong? Sorry about the
    ignorance, but if you don't ask, you won't know. Thanks.

  313. I'm back - PC fixed! Added by: Equus
    [Timestamp: Sun 14 Feb, 15:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi Steven, Jujubee, Ed, Tom and Jeb.

    Nice to see this thread is still going.

    Jeb, Thanks for the details on diabetes, I had not realized
    just how complex this condition is, though from several
    friends I had been made aware just how much of a pain in
    arse it can be.

    Steven, I am pretty sure I heard about the cat thing from
    over here (not far I suppose). I vaguely recall seeing
    news footage of the cat on the tank. We get a bit of the
    dog on the bike stuff here. When I was a kid, our cairn
    terrier used to escape regularly (he could jump any fence
    we'd care to erect) and I'd go looking for him on my
    pushbike. When I found him, I'd sit him on the carry rack
    behind the seat with the spring clip thingy holding him
    down. He'd sit there quite happily as I rode home. He got
    quite used to it, and would try to hop up there when I got
    the bike out. Crazy mutt.

    Ed, finally, a movie recommendation. I will go see thin
    red line. Are you suggesting it deals with the sacrifice
    issue, or something else?. Btw, I think we must have been
    watching different versions of Private Ryan. You reckon it
    touched on ' "the perceived debt for benefiting from those
    who sacrifice" the first 20 minutes," '? I think it
    got into that a lot more in the scene where they assault
    the german machine gun post and the kid talks them out of
    killing the sole German survivior, and what happens with
    him afterwards, as well as what happens when they finally
    find Ryan. I don't see how the first 20 minutes got into
    that subject much. Care to elaborate? Btw, I can find a
    collection of critics who agree with me and not you. So
    what. Is this like "My brother is bigger than you brother"?

    Nice to see you all.

  314. Equus Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Sun 14 Feb, 16:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Did you get my mail? I never heard back from you.
    Please don't give away too much of the movies....I want to
    watch them.

  315. equus Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Mon 15 Feb, 10:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i hope the spring on the carry rack was not to strong,the
    one i had on my push bike would have squashed the pup,funny
    the things pets will do.

  316. bikes, emails, etc Added by: equus
    [Timestamp: Mon 15 Feb, 18:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Steven, no, it wasn't too squashy, he seemed to enjoy it
    just fine.

    Jujubee, I lost all my email and my address book when I
    took my PC into the shop to get fixed. I did get one email
    which I replied to a while ago, but my modem was being odd
    by then, so who knows what happened.

  317. E-mails back Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Tue 16 Feb, 5:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I received one piece of mail, I responded one time. You
    didn't miss much. Do you still have the same address?

  318. yep, same address Added by: equus
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 Feb, 19:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I don't think I got the response though jjb.

  319. Canberra is actually the capital of Australia and in the ACT, steven, not SA (sorry) Added by: BULL (Bull_Buttocks
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 Feb, 22:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hi guys, hope you dont mind i was curious that this thread
    has been going on for so long so i took a peep and ended up
    pretty much reading the whole thing. Thought i'd better let
    my presence felt. Sorry about picking you up on the canberra
    thing, thought i should though. byee

  320. i don't mind Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Thu 18 Feb, 13:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    being corrected,i just had a guess at it and hoped iwasn't
    to far out

  321. So right Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Thu 18 Feb, 18:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Equus, The name on it is not Jujubee, it is my real name,
    as is yours, I would assume.

    Hi, Bull. I liked your Website--very funny, but you need
    back buttons, I had to retype your address. I am not much
    more computer proficient now than I was 6 months ago. Sad,

    O.K., if Canberra is the capital of Aus., what is ACT and
    SA, and what is the deal with sometimes having Canberra
    time and sometimes having Tasmanian time. I will never get
    it. Why do I even keep looking at it?

  322. re ACT & SA Added by: BULL (Bull_Buttocks)
    [Timestamp: Thu 18 Feb, 21:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    thanks for checking out the page jujubee, hope you
    remembered to sign the book! :) yeh i know the back thing is
    a pain, the thing is a lot of the links are to other peoples
    sites and they say they will recipricate and put a link on
    back to mine but so far nothing, also its all so new to me i
    am just learning how to do it, you should have a go at it
    sometime its great fun.
    ACT = australian capital territory
    SA = South australia (to clear that up) as for the
    tasmanian time v canberra time thing i haven't got a clue -
    This is such a nice thread down here its so good to find a
    place in the YC where everyone is FRIENDLY with each other!
    Do you know where in Suffolk ISIS was living? i spent most
    of my life there and i would probably know it, i rarely meet
    anyone who comes from there.
    Anyway Hi to you all, i'll drop by again, hopefully they
    will keep this one up for a while longer

  323. OOPS Added by: BULL (
    [Timestamp: Thu 18 Feb, 21:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    got the email address wrong

  324. Friendly... Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Fri 19 Feb, 17:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Yes, most of us, most of the time. Cris has a problem
    smiling occasionally, but we forgive that. (now watch the
    flames ingite).

    I do have a website that my husband maintains. He is a
    computer geek. I am a computer illiterate. Our site is for
    our whole know pictures and school reports.
    Cute stuff the babies do. NO PETS, though. HA! I don't give
    out the site address here though. I will e-mail it, if you
    want. We have some links with some of the Louisiana
    tourists boards. Soon, it will be improved. Oh, I did not
    sign your guest book, sorry, I will go back and do it.
    Thank you for the time info....I am not stupid, just
    uninformed-BIG difference! Bye-Bye.

  325. Greetings from Brisbane` Added by: equus
    [Timestamp: Fri 19 Feb, 17:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sitting in the Qantas Club waiting for a plane. Sigh.
    Hey Ed I saw Thin Red Line on your recommendation. Very
    good film, though it was a tad pretentious and a bit
    excessive in parody in parts (like John Travolta's General)
    and the cameo by George Clooney was distracting.

    I think it captured very well the issues it was trying to
    portray, though I thought from time to time it was just as
    unsubtle as SPR, though in a different way, like when the
    tooth guy is feeling remorseful and says "War doesn't
    ennoble man,it turns him into a dog". I thought that was
    spelling it out a bit too blatantly, but it distracted less
    than the other bits above.
    Brilliant cinematography, and the counterpoint of the
    lovely nature shots with the battle scenes was very telling.
    What did you think?
    I hold to my view on SPR though, they were different films
    with different stories to tell and points to make.

    G'day Bull, thanks for reinstating my home as capital!
    JJB, Steven, hi!

  326. Darn it Equus! Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Sat 20 Feb, 12:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You drive me nuts! Why do you have to tell so much about
    the movie? Now I won't be surprised when (now if) I see it.
    Well, now that is out, you can tell me how SPR
    they? You have to tell me. I am seeing it next week,
    anyway. Go on, now. Tell me.

  327. jjb Added by: equus
    [Timestamp: Sat 20 Feb, 14:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    don't worry, those little snippets aren't telling you very
    much at all. Still see it. I only slipped those bits out
    because I knew that what was left was still very

  328. So...... Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Sat 20 Feb, 21:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I guess what you are saying is that you are not going to
    tell me anything? Why not? This is worse.

  329. tell you about what? Added by: equus
    [Timestamp: Sat 20 Feb, 21:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Tell you how SPR ends? If you really want to know that
    one, email me, I am not reckless enough to risk the wrath
    of Ed by telling an open forum how the movie ends!! :-)

  330. Well, yes. Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Sun 21 Feb, 8:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    All I really want to know they Save Private Ryan?
    Recklessness is the path to fun and excitement. Besides, he
    doesn't care. He hated the movie, remember?

  331. absolutely no way am I going to tell you that one! Added by: equus
    [Timestamp: Sun 21 Feb, 12:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You'll have to sit through the whole danged 3 hours top
    find out! :-)

  332. Rats! Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Sun 21 Feb, 18:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Double rats!

  333. well you were right on one point Jujubee Added by: Cris
    [Timestamp: Sun 21 Feb, 22:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    you must be the laziest mother and wife around in the US.
    Who is looking after your children and husband and the
    house while you are spending so much time on the
    internet.And posting such shit..."eqqus you have told me
    too much.....AArrgghhh tell me the ending noe....."
    and your husband is a "computer geek"...nice comment about
    the man who allows you to sit on your fat arse all day
    playing with yourself and the keyboard.
    You are a pathetic bitch and should grow up.
    And before you jump in Eqqus...I am not the same Cris that
    you are doing battle with up the site.

  334. still alive Added by: ISIS
    [Timestamp: Mon 22 Feb, 7:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Had to check - and yes, it┤s still live and kicking!
    For those who 'know' me - travelling is still going well.
    Spending time in some hippy heaven near Granada. Crazy
    place - a modern british-german colony.
    steve, checked my e-mail, but nothing there.
    Maybe I can check in more often now
    See ya

  335. hi isis Added by: STEVEN
    [Timestamp: Mon 22 Feb, 9:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    o well i'll try the e-mail again ,glad to have you back even
    if it's only for a little while.
    jujubee,cris is at it again, i think he has a very big crush
    on you,notice how all his post have some sexual commet mixed
    in with the abuse,

  336. I noticed, steven. Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Mon 22 Feb, 11:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I also noticed how many there are of him/her/it. Makes you
    wonder, doesn't it? I have counted 3. There may be more.

    Hello to ISIS--Is the trip as much fun as you expected?
    What have you done or seen that surprised you? Any serious

  337. temp Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Tue 23 Feb, 10:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    it was awhile ago but i have at last found out the temp
    the last few days it's beenin the 28c range so thats
    about80f but very dry heat.

  338. tuesday evening Added by: green
    [Timestamp: Tue 23 Feb, 22:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    well since i'm in here
    jujubee, i'm certain i saw some approving remarks directed
    at you from cris on another thread, damn, you lost ground
    hi steven how's it going?
    isis, a hippy haven eh? sounds like you're having a great
    i haven't seen any of the movies mentioned here, damn, :(

  339. Hi green Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 Feb, 1:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Yes I know---steven and I have discussed whether s/he loves
    me, or hates me...maybe a stalking thing, I don't know.
    Definately an obsession of some kind.
    How are you? I don't go to movies, either. Maybe 2-3 times
    a year I get to the theater....if we expect it to be a
    spectacular movie, or the kids nag too much. IT'S A BUG'S
    LIFE ranked pretty high with the short ones.

    steven---Thank you, that clears things up a lot.

  340. Jujubee, I can definitely guarantee to you that you are held in disgust Added by: Cris
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 Feb, 8:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    by me.
    You are a pathetic lazy bitch who uses this site for your
    moronic immature rantings. Go clean up the house and look
    after your children and husband.
    "maybe a stalking thing" could anyone find
    anything worthwhile in stalking you!!!!!!
    Find a job or do something to help your family.

  341. Just thought of something else to add to your worthless life Added by: Cris
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 Feb, 11:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The amount of time that you spend on this site, the crap
    that you post and the way you posted to Bob in that other
    thread up with the normal people indicates that you have no
    friends outside of this medium.
    Does that upset you....that you can not hold conversations
    with normal people and can only have cyber-friends?
    Does it upset you that your children refer to you as Aunty
    Mom and your husband can not hold a conversation with you
    about the internet, that the house is filthy and the
    children unruly due to a lack of parental control by you?
    It would sure as hell would worry me...but then again...I
    only spend two hours a day in this cyber-world!!!!
    Not my life.

  342. Dear cris Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Thu 25 Feb, 6:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have always chosen to ignore your infantile rantings and
    chalked them up to immaturity and boredom. It has become
    clear to me, however that you are a very sad and lonely
    person. You have nothing to fulfill your life and no one to
    love you. I pity you. One day you might have someone to
    love that loves you back and you will see how damaged you
    really are. You need to get some professional help, seek a
    counselor that can help you work through your anger and
    hurt. There are people out there that can help you, but you
    need to let them. Maybe you were abused as a child, maybe
    your spouse left you for someone they met on the internet,
    maybe you just feel inadequate as a human being, I don't
    know. I do know that the reason one such as yoursself
    berates another is to build yourself up in your own mind.
    You can be a worthwhile person if you just try. I did feel
    disdain for you, but now I feel sympathy and sadness.
    Please get some help.

  343. is that the best you could come up with? Added by: Cris
    [Timestamp: Thu 25 Feb, 7:45 Tasmanian Standard Time] got me, how did you know so much about me?
    Are you physic? do you have the ability to read ones mind?
    It looks like you have just posted the concerns and
    inadequacies of your own life on that post. It is certainly
    not mine.
    And obviously you are also a liar as you have not ignored
    me in the past, your posts have been littered witrh
    references to me.
    My point, over this prolonged period of time, is that you
    spend far too much time on the this site and you post
    absolute rubbish.
    Go back and read your posts and see what a fool you have
    been and then look at your own pitiful life before trying
    to analyse mine from 4 or 5 posts.
    You are a loser.

  344. cris Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Thu 25 Feb, 15:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    as i go about the site i see your name every where,two hours
    is all you spend,so i guess you should be congradulated for
    your typeing speed,and fast reflexs
    if you are not as jujubees says please make your next post a
    happy joyfuled one to prove everyone is wrong about you
    :):):)happy happy joy joy

  345. Ooh Cris Added by: equus
    [Timestamp: Thu 25 Feb, 19:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You are such a meany

  346. steven & Equus... go fuck yourselves. Added by: Cris
    [Timestamp: Thu 25 Feb, 22:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    you pair are almost as bad as the mad bitch herself.
    Remember this....before ..making...stupid ...comments
    ...that ...make
    There are currently 4 criss and 2 crisoriginals posting on
    TTYC. You figure it out, imbeciles.

  347. enlighten me Added by: equus
    [Timestamp: Thu 25 Feb, 22:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    what is the difference? They are all meanies.

  348. No they are not, dickhead Added by: Cris
    [Timestamp: Thu 25 Feb, 23:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    there is one amongst us who does not worship the dark one.
    Are you a schoolchild? Your language indicates so.

  349. OK, that's it. Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Fri 26 Feb, 2:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I wanted to say right off that I am in fact physic, as is
    everyone and everything on the planet. Perhaps you meant
    First, you don't know anything about me or my life. You are
    clueless. You are stupid. And you are without conscience.
    I have people who post friendly things to and about me.
    What do you have? Hate. I have a husband who loves me. What
    do you have? nothing, nobody loves you. I have beautiful
    children to hug and kiss me good night. What do you have? A
    cat who won't give you the time of day, even though you beg
    it to let you pet it. I have a life filled with love and
    joy and happiness. What do you have? A life filled with
    trying to make everyone else as miserable as you. These are
    the reasons I pity you. I also pity that all you have in
    your life to occupy your time, is following me around on
    the ttyc. I pity you because you don't have anyone coming
    to your defence like Equus and Steven came to mine. I have
    friends....what do you have?

    Steven and Equus---Thank you very much. Have a great
    weekend, guys! ;-)

  350. Loser Added by: Cris
    [Timestamp: Fri 26 Feb, 8:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Go and play with your children and husband and do not worry
    about my typos, you silly little woman.
    I have obviously, and rightly so, hit a nerve with my posts
    on your pathetic, moronic,immature rantings on the TTYC and
    the lack of quality time that you spend with your family as
    opposed to the time you dedicate to the fools on this and
    the other thread.
    Read the shit that you post.It is like you are living out a
    second life that is more desirable than your real one.
    Actually sit there and go through post by post that you
    have contributed over the past couple of months and then
    ask yourself if there really was something in there that
    was on value.
    And as for the pair of cellar dwellers that supported you,
    in your opinion,...yeah...I am really impressed.
    Your attempted cutting remarks on me just go to prove that
    you are a very immature little girl as has your responding
    to my posts.
    If the roles has been reversed....I would have ignored you
    and that rejection would have lead to you, at sometime,
    ceasing to post such posts.
    Mind you, you are a fool and do not have my high intellect .

  351. thank you cris Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Fri 26 Feb, 9:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    for your happy and chairful post,it brighten up my day noend
    yes some of the posts that are on here are not important or
    meaning full,but that is why it's a conversation,it's not a
    speach,like you try to give ,why are you trying to impress
    us in your last post do you think we care,when you meet
    people why do some people talk about the weather do you
    think they realy care!no it's a means of geting to know the
    person breaking the ice,to build a bond
    and another way to do that is to be annoyying,to get in
    peoples faces,lots of kids find that the only atenshion that
    they can get is for being bad so they are,it's up to you how
    you post and what you post,you are telling others to look at
    there posts,why not tell us about why yours are so negitive
    whats your gripe with the world,you don't care about anyone
    here but you post and try to get atenshion, you now have it
    so WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO NOW!!!!!!!!!!!

  352. Well at least I show some form of editing of my posts prior Added by: Cris
    [Timestamp: Fri 26 Feb, 10:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    to pushing the send button.
    And also I did not address my post to you, dickhead, so get
    back in your dank little kennell, you trained dog, and mind
    your own business.
    Jujubee is big, fat and ugly enough a skank to defend her
    own actions without ferrets like you and Equus jumping in
    to defend a pig like her.

  353. ha ha Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Fri 26 Feb, 12:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    no answer once again,where is the self reflection.
    just more abuse,is this your idea of interlectual
    conversation,you have gone from sexual referances to jujubee
    to animal ones for me,what does this say of your view on
    relationships.please show us some more of your interpersonal
    skills.why do you hide behind anger what are you afraid of
    in your self.

  354. ok pals Added by: Voyeur
    [Timestamp: Fri 26 Feb, 13:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    by which I mean Juju and Steven and equus .. the ONLY thing
    to do with the cris-series is to strictly IGNORE it - just
    move around the posts like a rock in the road..nad carry on
    with your conversations..

  355. Voyeur, steven, and equus Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Fri 26 Feb, 16:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey, Voyeur---How was your trip? Lots of fun and good food?
    Good idea....that is what I did do for a long time, I just
    got a little tired of the same old crap appearing again and
    steven---I heard it was raining there-good painting
    weather, huh?
    My daughter is doing a study on the giant squid researcher-
    Dr. Clyde Roper, who is looking for it near Kaikoura, just
    north of you. Have you heard of him? March 19th they are
    having an interview via video-phone. They have found one
    that was 59 ft long.
    I think someone has an editing problem of their own, don't
    you? Pity they can't tell the difference between a typo and
    a misspelling. I never realised you had such animalistic
    tendancies, pretty neat, steven, you ferret. Talk to you
    Equus---How are you? Busy watching movies? You better watch
    out, too. You might accidently bite yourself, when in such
    a defending frenzy.

  356. Hi Voyeur Added by: equus
    [Timestamp: Fri 26 Feb, 19:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Nice to see you.
    Don't worry about Cris, we're enjoying him taunting us.
    Its a bit light when you walk past a fence and you see a
    little terrier yapping and snarling. He can't really hurt
    you, and its kind of amusing to see him trying.

    Still, a timely reminder to get back to the business at

    Jjb, no, I haven't seen a decent new movie for a coupla
    weeks, though I did rewatch Pulp Fiction again recently,
    and once again it cracked me up. Most of it's hilarious,
    though the one truly poignant bit is where one of the
    characters (I won't spoil it too much) gets whacked halfway
    through in a way that belies the amount of character
    development that had gone into him by that time. Most of
    it is a cack (an australianism - need explanation?)

    It combines music and style as well as bizarre adventure
    and some really funny bits of humanity, as well as some
    rather nasty unpleasantness that Ed woudn't like.
    Anyone else see it?

    Did I understand you correctly, they found a squid 59 foot
    long? Is that from tentacle tip to tentacle tip (sort of
    all splayed out) or from head thing to tentacle tip. Thats
    one big goddam squid. Do they have a web site? This would
    be worth seeing!

  357. .. Added by: green
    [Timestamp: Fri 26 Feb, 22:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    pulp fiction, splendid,
    sigh it reminds me of the great time i had hopping from
    movie to movie during the film festival the year pf came
    out, saw some neat films that time, including schindlers
    list (hmm..), fun, exotica, strawberry and chocolate and
    dear diary
    some downright strange ones like the bad lieutenant, anyone
    seen that?
    and disappointing ones like shadowland (was that it's
    hi there voyeur

  358. . Added by: green
    [Timestamp: Fri 26 Feb, 23:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    damn i actually wrote it's when i meant its i knew it was
    just a matter of time :)

  359. Squid Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Sat 27 Feb, 0:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The website addy is or or
    I don't think there is an actual pict of the squid in
    question, but the info is interesting. If I lived close, I
    might go there and gat a visit with him. That squid is
    frozen at the Stinis Space Center, not far from where we
    live. She is going on a field trip to see it and have the
    I loved Pulp Fiction. I own a copy and whenever my sister
    comes for a visit, we watch it. The music was great and the
    characters were fun. I especially have a thing for Tim
    Roth. Did you see Resevoir Dogs? Lots of bloody mess there,
    but more of Tim Roth.

    Green-Hi. How are you doing? I did not care for The Bad
    Lieutenant, I am not sure why--something to do with the
    type of violence, I guess.
    Don't worry about the typo, it happens to everyone
    eventually, even you. :-)

  360. hello all Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Sat 27 Feb, 11:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    squids are so much fun,just off kaikora is a very deep sea
    trench lots of food for the sea life,lots of wales,dolfins
    and gaint squid?they found a dead one that was very big,the
    picture shows it over the mast and into the sea on each side
    of the boat,ones about 20 feet long from nose? to the tip of
    tenticle wash up on the beach but they are still trying to
    study them because one thats alive and very big are still
    hideing from them

  361. which one was Tim Roth Added by: equus
    [Timestamp: Sat 27 Feb, 19:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    sorry, I never pay much attention to who is who, unless I
    already know, if you follow me. So which one was he in PF?

  362. Tim Roth Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Sun 28 Feb, 6:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    He was the robber-guy in Pulp Fiction. He was the bad guy
    in Rob Roy. The undercover cop in Resevoir Dogs. He is

    Steven, have you actually seen one of them dead on the
    beach? We are going to go see this frozen one next month
    and it kind of makes me queasy just thinking about the size
    of it.

  363. pf Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Sun 28 Feb, 11:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    the best bit in the movie is when the gun goes off in the
    car and they try to hide the mess
    squid: the bigist inreal life i've seen was about three feet
    on the news;tv;the bigist washed up was about 20 feet
    picture of one on the boat was about40 feet but it was very
    decayed so it was hard to tell what it was,the trouble is
    that they go to bits very quicky after they die,every now
    and again something washs up on the beach but it is hard to
    tell what it was
    theres lots of fishing boats but none have every caught one
    alive so they must live very deep or be very rare

  364. Hi all Added by: Bull
    [Timestamp: Sun 28 Feb, 17:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    just got back from a week in S.A, great part of the world i
    had such a blast, it always feels so good to get away and
    experience other places a little doesn't it! They have so
    much wild life down there on Kangaroo island...including a
    huge Huntsman spider on my bedroom wall one evening! That
    scared the shit out of me, ended up sleeping head to toe in
    a small single bed with my boyfriend that night because we
    couldnt bare to kill the damn thing but no way was i
    sleeping in there with it! But it was quite romantic somehow
    even with his feet in my face! Oh well just thought i'd
    drop by and say hi.

  365. Good to see that there has been a dramatic improvement in your contributions Jujubee. Added by: Cris
    [Timestamp: Sun 28 Feb, 18:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    But really must work on that sentence
    constructing and spelling, wales and dolfins...they are
    spelt Whales and Dolphins..even in New Zealand and even by
    the mighty All Blacks...ask Sean Fitzpatrick.
    Please continue on with the new standards of posting Juju,
    so that I do not have to visit here again. We certainly do
    not want to see a return to this;
    WHAT????? Added by: Jujubee
    I'm being talked about???? Where??? Why???? What is this
    about???? Did I do something stupid? What list? Oh, now I
    am upset. I didn't see anything. HELP! I'll talk to you
    about it tonight and you better have answers.
    I am the most impatient person alive. My 1 big fault, that
    and being american.
    Keep up the good work and I hope the house has been cleaned

  366. And your point being? Added by: equus
    [Timestamp: Sun 28 Feb, 21:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Not quite sure I follow, Cris, old bean. Are you

  367. .. Added by: green
    [Timestamp: Sun 28 Feb, 22:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    jujubee, hmm, tim roth, he's the guy they open the film
    with isn't he, in the diner (pulp fiction i mean) yeah, i
    approve i think i've seen more of him in something called
    little odessa?
    the red splatter bit was surprising/shocking but so were
    so many other parts, i think that plus all that
    inconsequential natter and 'normalcy' put it on a different
    about reservoir dogs i think i watched a badly chopped
    version because i seem to remember it was rather
    incoherent, or is it like that anyway?
    over the weekend i saw costa gavras' music box.. and sidney
    lumet's guilty as sin, not bad fare for our little idiot
    box ;)
    dunno anything about squid

  368. Splatter Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Sun 28 Feb, 22:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I know that was a surprise. I went to see it in the theater
    with the same sister mentioned above and we both jumped out
    of our seats. Now when we watch it, we clutch hands and
    hold our breath in anticipation.
    He was the guy in the diner, with Amanda Plummer. And he
    was in Little Odessa--I did not care so much for that
    movie. The ending was not what I had hoped. It was more
    interesting than the way I would have written it, true, but
    it also felt unfinished to me.
    Resevoir Dogs kind of goes back and forth in time--like PF
    and some other Quentin Tarentino films. I like that. It is
    hard to follow at first, but it grows on you. That normal
    day-to-day stuff stirred in with the craziness adds a
    quality that makes you think that all this could possibly
    Have you all seen From Dusk Till Dawn? I loved it until all
    the vampire stuff started happening. Lots of blood spilling
    there, too. Then the vampires show up and it just gets
    stupid. Plus, no Tim Roth.
    You should see The Usual Suspects--great movie--again, no
    Tim Roth, but it does have Kevin Spacey--another lovey.

    green-Do you eat squid? I love it!!! The giant ones might
    be a bigger meal than I am used to, though.

    Bull-Welcome back--Glad that spider didn't get you.

    Cris--I really don't care what you say or think about me-
    your opinion means little. But, seriously, lay off the
    spelling gripes. You understood the meaning, right? Why do
    you care if someone can spell or not? Big deal. If you
    would like, I can go through all of your posts and point
    out all of your misspellings for you, and give you the
    corrections. Would that be helpful? No, it wouldn't. The
    whole point of language is to get your ideas and thoughts
    across to another person--steven does that quite well.

  369. JUJUBEE Added by: BULL
    [Timestamp: Mon 1 March, 0:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hi there thanks for signing the guestbook, are you still
    Would like to know what the rest of you think if you get a
    so whats on the agenda for today? i had such a huge one
    last night i stumbled home about 7am, geat night, been lying
    in bed playing on my compputer all day....wonderfully self
    indulgent, have spent a stupid amont of time on this sight
    today though, i came back after a week away and nearly all
    the topics are completley different, what is wrong that no
    new topics can last longer than a week? There is no chance
    to get other postings going like this one has. Oh well, i
    expect cris will have something to say about my latest
    topic...te he...couldnt resist i'm afraid, well i really
    must go and do something a little productive for the day.
    Bye all

  370. That is it Jujubee....kepp giving me the attention that I crave. Added by: Cris
    [Timestamp: Mon 1 March, 0:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    For someone who trys to give the impression of being a
    University Graduate ( what a load of shit)you really are
    quite stupid.
    Do not reply and I will go away.
    Stop impersonating the missing link between man and the
    Steven, I hear that you can study the three Rs, together
    with spelling, at nightschool.They are taking enrolments
    right now.

  371. spiders Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Mon 1 March, 8:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    when i stayed in auckland we had to sleep out side in atent
    everything was going find till it came to turn out the
    light, we had put the tent up under a light so we could have
    a bit of light to see,now with the inside light out the one
    outside showed up all the spiders on the outside of the
    tent,the spiders are quite big but harmless,they used them
    in the moive(aracnerphoba)spelling just for cris,they are
    about the size of your hand but with the light behind them
    they looked twice as big and moveing allover the
    place,didn't get much sleep,don't like spiders much at the
    best of times
    juju the best bit of dusk till dawn is the vampire seen,i
    loved it.
    cris.i love you two,here's a big sloppy kiss Mmmmmmmmmmjust
    for you do you feel special now,your comPASHion and careing
    knows no bounds but still no information on you,why hold
    back ,tell us about you ,join in,share commune,why are you
    holding back,what are you hideing from,set your self free

  372. Steven, are you jandicapped in any way intellectually. Added by: Cris
    [Timestamp: Mon 1 March, 16:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Please let me know and I will not make comments about your
    grammar and spelling, which is absolutely horrendous.
    A 10 year child could do better.
    If you are not...I suggest remedial need it.

  373. Special to steven Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Tue 2 March, 2:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Did you notice????
    How funny is that?
    Jan-dicapped????? hahahahahaha.
    Oh, steven, if cris only knew.

    You LIKED the vampire part? You are so weird. It was a
    great bloody mess of a movie, until they threw in that
    crap. We looking back and forth at each other because we
    could not believe what we were seeing. I STILL can't
    believe it. Bunch of freaks.
    Spiders---EEEEEEKKK! Big black hairy ones. We have
    tarantulas occasionally squished on the highway--what a pop
    they make. I admit I do like spiders much better than any
    kind of rodent-type animal. Rats make me vomit.

  374. I am glas that you are amused by that typo Jujubee. Added by: Cris
    [Timestamp: Tue 2 March, 4:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It is said that small things amuse small minds.
    Congratulations...You have proven it correct.

  375. cris Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Tue 2 March, 12:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    the whole quote is"small things amuse small minds and
    smaller minds take notice"where does that put you?
    but back to the light banter,yes i am jan-decapped i type
    with only one finger and have to look at the keys but if i
    do that i can't see what i have written please take pitty on
    me and show me the kindness you are reknown for,i crave your
    blessing and atention on great one ,

  376. That is OK steven, I am glad(or should it be glas) Added by: Cris
    [Timestamp: Tue 2 March, 14:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    to hear that you do have an excuse for your appalling
    spelling. Have you heard of 'editing' your post prior to
    hitting the send button??
    I find that it gives a post that polished effect...don't
    you agree??
    Your handicap (or should that be jandicap)will not imped
    you in that course of action as it only requires one finger
    to edit but a good knowledge of the english language to
    edit correctly.
    Spell checker may be of use to you in this area.
    I am sorry that I can not join you, Equus and Jujubee in
    your discussions of current movies as I do not watch
    them.Something to do with overkill when I work for a major
    cinema group some uears ago.
    Best of luck with your next post...I look forward to
    reading it or 'sidelines' my alternate handle.

  377. Te he he he..RE CRIS Added by: BULL
    [Timestamp: Tue 2 March, 16:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    imped and uears...i don't think i need to explain!

  378. Now Bull that is not fair Added by: Cris
    [Timestamp: Tue 2 March, 16:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You have spoilt the fun for Steven and Jujubee to be able
    to nitpick on those deliberate mistakes that I have set up
    for them. I have to let them feel that they win on
    occassions or they may not play with me.

  379. cris if you wern't such Added by: BULL
    [Timestamp: Tue 2 March, 18:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    an idiot i might have fallen for that one...4\10 for effort
    though. At least the others are able to communicate Cris,
    unlike your poor mentally challenged self. Try saying
    something nice for a change, or telling us something about
    yourself! It won't hurt i promise!

  380. Bull ....I am starting to feel an attraction to you like no other on this site. Added by: Cris
    [Timestamp: Tue 2 March, 19:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    and I do mean an ATTRACTION.
    You are a female aren't you...I can tell from your am I but I do like to play the male in
    relationships. Do you like to be dominated ???
    I am a very caring and kind person who uses this forum for
    what it is....a make believe world that does not exist
    outside of these bits and bytes...binary one could say.My
    alternate self is portrayed here on this site for all to
    see and be disgusted in.
    The sad part of this is that it exists in all of
    us...somewhere deep and dark inside...the evil persona that
    can be used or forced to remain dorment... I choose to
    allow mine to run rampant and unchallenged that
    to exercise it and learn it's control mechanisms for when I
    need it's colours and beauty in the real world.
    How about we meet up and you can see if you find me as
    attractive in the flesh as you do in this world. Your
    infatuation with me is quite stimulating and obvious in
    that you choose to make comment on all my posts. I will
    allow the black, evil side to remain on-line in the real
    world............ just for you.
    Till later.

  381. LMHO!! Added by: BULL
    [Timestamp: Tue 2 March, 20:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    oh man you crack me up!
    have to say its an inprovement though!

  382. BULL Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Wed 3 March, 2:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Oh, BULL. You do know how to attract them, don't you?
    First the spider, and now cris. Wow! You have the touch.

  383. Jujubee Added by: Cris
    [Timestamp: Wed 3 March, 3:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    do you want to play a game???

  384. Eh.......maybe.... Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Wed 3 March, 10:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    What kind?

  385. evil mistress cris Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Wed 3 March, 10:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    can we all play?
    please go on.
    now that you have showen your self to be interactive the fun
    can begin,

  386. Good to see responses from both you Jujubee and you Steven. Added by: Cris
    [Timestamp: Wed 3 March, 11:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The idea for the game is that I can show you how evil and
    nice that I can be....I mean to the extremeties that are
    known to mankind.
    That is my role....
    Your role is to come back with something that is opposite
    to what I have posted...sounds good?
    What that means is that if I am evil to you or
    anyone/anything must be nice/polite back.
    If I am nice/ must show your evil side that is
    lurking below the surface.
    If you are in agreeance....I will go first.
    please let me know.

  387. Be careful Jujubee and steven Added by: BULL
    [Timestamp: Wed 3 March, 13:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i feel a trap in operation, BTW Cris if your going to
    impersonate me with lame arse websites i think you will have
    to do better than the one up the tree a wee bit. *sigh* and
    i'm usually asleep at 3am!!
    LOl jujubee i sure seem to have attracted the pick of the
    lot haven't i!! te he how are you girl anyway? Good morning

  388. Fuck off Bull.... I would not waste my precious time Added by: Cris
    [Timestamp: Thu 4 March, 0:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    impostering a slag like you.
    Fuck your boyfriend must be one ugly bastard to go out with
    a horror head like yourself.
    Crawl back into your hole pretentious bore me.

  389. Cris You should stop. Added by: BULL
    [Timestamp: Thu 4 March, 1:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    This was a nice thread before you came along. Have you ever
    thought that the other guys who were here way before us
    might not want it to turn into such an ugly scene?. I
    appologise to the rest of you for this scum bags behaviour.
    I have enjoyed looking in on you all, sorry we didnt get
    around to having a proper chat. But i can see any further
    presence is just going to incourage Cris so i will catch up
    with you all sometime in one of the other threads. Take
    care. BULL X

  390. thread is a start Added by: Cris
    [Timestamp: Thu 4 March, 6:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    next to drive BULL off the TTYC.
    You were warned early in the piece, BULL , not to take me
    on and then impersonate me on the TTYC like you and your
    fool friend, sidelines, have done over the past week.
    Jujubee and Steven...How about the competition...I would
    like to join you guys down here as ...kinda regular... I
    feel that we have more in common than you realise.
    I promise that I will behave and I am learning to keep the
    evil beast within controlled and only let it out at

  391. interesting Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Thu 4 March, 11:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    one thing thought,the oppersite of something is not always
    the most evil,if you are nice and say"have a nice day" and i
    say "go to hell you gutless creep"it has no impact if i
    don't know what pulls your strings,you might like to be
    called names so i am infact not being evil but giveing you
    your kicks,to be evil i would say"nothing"but that said, if
    we say yes we will start and you post the first one as a
    very nice message the most evil thing to do would be to
    ignore you from then on,never respond again,to react in ways
    you expect or want might not be part of the game
    hay jay do ya wan na play

  392. i see your point and it is a valid one. Added by: Cris
    [Timestamp: Thu 4 March, 11:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    But as opposed to being an evil thing to do ...not replying
    to me...that would be the smart thing to do!!
    You never know when I may corrupt you and drag you to the
    evil side of the TTYC.

  393. to late Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Thu 4 March, 14:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    you have already started to talk back,why do you think you
    are so evil ,we all have our dark side some people express
    it other try to control it the most warped denigh it giveing
    it the most power over there unconshious,leting it grow in
    darkness only to be released in times of most need,when
    control is lost and the frenzy takes over

  394. Steven....I love the dark side. Added by: Cris
    [Timestamp: Thu 4 March, 23:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I become a very interesting person when on the dark side.

  395. cris Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Fri 5 March, 9:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    now now cris,leave the people above a lone
    are we all ready to start, have you xplained all the rules
    is all we have to do is post the opposite of you,
    it sounds to simple,whats the trap
    what do we need to enter the dark zone,i have a torch and
    sword ready,
    who will be the judge,or are there no winers,just wine-ers
    i would say play fear but i don't want to PUNish you.
    ps it's comeing up to the weekend so i might miss a
    day.don't think i've run away justhaveing a bit of a life
    maybe you can get one one day"just practaceing being evil"
    did it sting you to the core
    [evil laugh] HAHAHAHAHaaaaaaaa burp
    hay jay better where overalls from now on this might get
    very mussy
    are we all ready to go!

  396. Ready....Steady......Cook! Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Fri 5 March, 11:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have my hip-waders on and I am as ready as I will ever


    Hit it shorty!

  397. I can't believe I am saying this, but.... Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Sat 6 March, 2:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Cris, where are you?

    I know where steven is.

  398. sorry Jujubee Added by: Cris
    [Timestamp: Sat 6 March, 11:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Have had some other priorities in the past day or so and
    have not been able to visit as much as I would like too.
    So...if you are in agreeance with the rules we shall begin.
    I will go first.
    * I really enjoy reading your posts no matter where they
    are on this site, TTYC.
    I believe that we could become very close friends, the
    three of us, and share experiences, likes &
    dislikes,fetishes and the such and current on-going
    concerns in our private lives and those affecting our
    respective nations.
    I find that both of you are very deep people and I believe
    trustworthy and caring....Jujubee..I must admit that I find
    you the most contributing, thoughtful poster of the TTYC
    and steven..your posts are always full of interesting
    information from the land of the long white cloud.
    Please respond soon...I am waiting in eager anticipation
    ...Until then my friends.

  399. ha ha ha ha ha Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Sat 6 March, 11:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    cris is soooooooooooooooooo funny
    ha ha ha RIP thats the sound of my side spliting.
    we've been had
    that cris is so bad
    has he gone away
    left us to play
    all on our own
    with only a bone
    is it true or has he/she been called a way on important
    affairs of sate,juju have your dreams been answered,did i
    hear right you are now asking to see cris ,what has he/she
    done to us we have benn infected,can we ever be cleansed of
    his evil power or are we left in limbo with un answered
    guestions,tune in next week for a nother exciting
    installment same bat time
    same bat channel.
    da da da da da da da da da da batman.

  400. Did you guys notice? Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Sun 7 March, 9:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The timestamps on #'s 398 & 399? You all were posting at
    the same time. That is interesting----some kind of unusual
    bond has formed---weirdness.
    Did you notice I am 400!!??!!
    Hey steven, do you really think cris has escaped our little
    trap? Is his mind really that sharp? Ooops. No, that is
    just his little pointy head. Sorry cris, I bet you hear
    that a lot. An honest mistake. Hey, watch where you point
    that thing!

  401. sorry cris just missed your post but back to bussness Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Sun 7 March, 11:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    as if we would care what the hell you do cris no one
    cares,you only infest the tree we should get the
    exterminators out to spray the tree to clean the crap that
    you but up.
    and as for the sucking up in your last post,it just proves
    what a feltcher you are.

  402. juju Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Sun 7 March, 11:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    year the posts were just about on top of each other didn't
    see cris till i came back today,i wonder how close you can
    post,have you had the sign come up that says internal earra
    on the tree,that might be to people posting at the same

  403. Nope Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Mon 8 March, 4:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have never gotten that particular message...sometimes it
    is UNbelievably sloooooowwwww. I think that is what happens
    to me. Sometimes, if it is a small thread, I will go look
    at it and then there is another post same time as mine.
    We have the fastest chip known to man, but it is still very
    slow sometimes, depending on how busy the server is. Good
    new, though. Very soon, my other Steve will be our server.
    His company is getting their own system, so I get FREE
    access and FREE websites, and I can use my own name JUJUBEE
    on my e-mail, and my website. I also can complain directly
    to the boss(Steve), no middle man who just sends placating
    mails back. If my system is not behaving properly, no
    angelfood cake for dessert! HA!

  404. Cris--You surprised me- Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Mon 8 March, 5:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I did not think you could get any more pathetic, but you
    did! You think that if you are nice and friendly that will
    make us like you all of the sudden? NO! We have never liked
    you, don't like you now, and never will. Why don't you go
    take a shower, and wash your slimey, greasy hair. Soap and
    shampoo are not very expensive, maybe your pimp could
    supply you with some. It could increase his profits. Oh,
    and brushing what is left of your green, snaggly teeth is
    not a bad idea, either.

  405. late today cris Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Mon 8 March, 8:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    where have you been out playing on the dark side ,what has
    the bulb in you night lamp gone out and theres noone to help
    you change it,so what evil nasty things has a snivling
    little ego maineack like you been up to over the weekend,no
    dont tell us,we dont care what you do you'd only make it up
    we know you haven't got a life all you do is sit at home and
    vent your anger of your pitaful life at others over the

  406. Know what steven? Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Mon 8 March, 16:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am starting to feel sorry for cris. No, really. Poor,
    sad, pitiful, thing. All he has to do in his so-called life
    is pick his nose and examine the contents. Then decorate
    the walls of his brown paper refrigerator box. Does he
    invite his imaginary friends over to ooh and ahh over his
    Simplicity of life is a wonderful thing, isn't it cris? You
    are lucky to be alone, with no one to love you. No one to
    care about whether you breathe or not. No one with which to
    spend holidays. No one to cry when you die.
    Lucky, lucky you.

  407. juju Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Tue 9 March, 9:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    cris has taken off again,inconsiderate o well ,i hada look
    at bulls page lots of things to see,hope she comes back
    here now that cris is nice

  408. I didn't miss a thing. Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Fri 12 March, 7:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i have been out for a couple days and see that nothing has
    Hi steven.
    I guess cris is just not taking this well-----he can dish
    it out, but he can't take it, huh?

  409. jujju Added by: SREVEN
    [Timestamp: Fri 12 March, 13:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    no i think it 's his. point now we are talking and wondering
    more,he has gotten in to our minds,we have no answer to that
    see you soon have a nice trip see ya when you get back
    ps where did every one else go,why are they so frightened of
    cris and i see your post has taken the leed

  410. beatles Added by: tom (usa)
    [Timestamp: Sat 13 March, 2:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    a christchurch restraunt is being sued by the
    beatles,because they have too many poster up on the walls,
    or the menu is not quite right, any way the story is all
    around the english speaking world,
    Steven have you been to this place?

  411. Steven and Jujubee Added by: Cris
    [Timestamp: Sat 13 March, 3:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Suckers....what a sting and what pathetic replies from the
    pair of you.

  412. tom Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Mon 15 March, 11:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    never been there but kristel says"I HAVE BEEN ITS CALLED
    cris good to see you back ,i missed you so much that i was
    counting the seconds it you get back.

  413. steven--You stole?!?! Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Mon 15 March, 11:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You shocked me again. I have never stolen anything in my
    entire life, not even a pack of gum from the market.

    Cris--I so value your esteemed opinion, thank you for your
    constructive criticism. It was very helpful.

  414. jujubee Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Mon 15 March, 15:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    sorry that was K she was siting with me when i was looking
    in here,thats her bit,i've never been to the place,she wrote
    the bit in capitals and took the napkin/placemat ,i wouldn't
    do anything like that ,i even hand things in that i
    find,last thing i found was a little recorder/walkman,took
    three mounths to get back from the police and i still
    haven't used it

  415. theft Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Tue 16 March, 11:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The other day we were at the market and got out to the car
    and my Twink revealed a roll of Life-Savers hidden in her
    hand---Kleptomania. I immediately rushed her back into the
    store to return them-- I was so embarassed---the girl at
    the counter laughed and thanked me. I always feel guilt
    when there is none.

  416. jujubee Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Tue 16 March, 14:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i think all kids are kleptos,they see something and there
    little brains fry and the rest is history

  417. re Added by: tom (usa)
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 March, 4:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    thanks steven, i read your response, gotta go.

  418. Hi guys Added by: ISIS
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 March, 5:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Quite a lot of crap here recently, eh. But I always believed
    that ignoring is the best cure for attentionseekers.
    Juju, totally agree with this Tim Roth thing. He is also in
    this movie with Madelaine xxxxx, playing a prisoner who is
    seducing his dentist - man, I wish someone like him would
    once seduce me in that way!!
    Thanx that you are all still showing some interest in my
    I┤ve been living in the most amazing place for the last 6
    weeks, getting to know it better every day. Everything
    there,from hardcore english techno guys, to leftover flower
    power kids, to junkies, alternatives, and convicts who have
    ┤lost┤ their passports and will probably never leave this
    remote valley again. I┤m learning loads about people, we are
    all trying to get on well, and it works amazingly well.
    Getting itchy feet, though and will soon move on.
    Stealing- is a strange thing, kind of impossible to do for
    me. There where those great olives on a tree, so jucey,
    smiling at me, and I already pulled a bag out, but then I
    just couldn┤t. And those solarpanals on a mountain which a
    friend wanted to get down- I went nuts about it till we left
    without them. I just feel that stealing is a definite case
    of what goes around comes around.
    steven, how are you doing? Still nothing at my address - I┤m
    starting to get very curiouse now!! Well, one good thing
    about Chris is that he is bringing your funny side out real
    Will be in Granada again tomorrow, so i┤ll try to get here.
    See ya

  419. isis Added by: steven (
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 March, 9:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    cris is a very serious matter to play with people feeling
    and minds is a very dangerious thing, but i thought the best
    way to bring s/he out in the open wasto play the game,have
    no idea whats up now,s/he seems to have vented and gone in
    good to hear you are fine, the trip sounds so good i am so
    jelious,why do freaks always end up in little valleys hidden
    away for the world.
    stealing?? i learned the hard way at a early age the
    cost/effect the hidden repercushions of stealing so, in away
    i have been lucky,some people don't understand the power of
    the little white lie and where it can end up.

  420. steven Added by: ISIS
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 March, 23:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    This feels like the old days back in England; getting up in
    the morning, straight to the computer and into my thread on
    the TT!
    I was wondering about the same thing and I found out, that
    remote valleys are the only places where freaks are accepted
    and left alone by police, etc, because there they are far
    enough out of the way of locals, tourists .... And to be
    honest, if you see some of the guys outfit and acting,
    you┤ll understand why. It┤s just a bit much to digest
    for an old spanish farmer - kind of scary for them, as
    they say. Also the general attitude towards locals is very
    good, but like everywhere else there are always some who
    take the piss out of the country they are visiting - which
    couses general caution among the locals towards any
    I┤m off to the hot springs now. They are in the middle of
    olive groves and one of my favorite spots on cool days -
    even though they stink of rotten eggs!
    Take care :)

  421. isis Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Thu 18 March, 15:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    funny how that happens ,people geting together to be free
    and keep out of other peoples way.must be so many places
    that no ever knows about apart from word of mouth,little
    places tucked away,groupings of people that get to gether
    then break up.
    hot springs are fun there are some about 200 miles away i
    have been to them in the winter it's so nice to sit in the
    heat with snow all around,in the summer it'so hot out side
    and the bugs and mosies eat you alive
    the ones here don't smell but the ones further up the
    country smell like rotten eggs

  422. talking Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Sat 20 March, 10:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    everyones takeing a break for the weekend,see ya all soon

  423. back again Added by: Cris
    [Timestamp: Mon 22 March, 5:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    sorry to have gone without saying goodbye but the net does
    not dominate my life like others here in cyberworld.I am
    always aware that there is a realworld present with trees
    and flowers and animals and interaction with human beings.
    Agree with you Isis on what is happening up the site..pretty
    pathetic goings on and not just from those pair of idiots
    carrying on about accessed electronic mail accounts.
    Anyway must run...time for the morning jog and walk around
    the city...catch you back here in the not too distant

  424. Cris, darling! I've been looking all over for you! Added by: searching
    [Timestamp: Tue 23 March, 13:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The pain of separation is killing me! I know we live thousands of miles apart (roughly three thousand, according to my estimate), but surely we can overcome this obstacle.
    Miss you much...kiss, kiss.

  425. cris Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Tue 23 March, 15:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    why leave us for the real world,we are much better and more
    friendly and will put up with all your little spats
    lots of love and wet kisses

  426. I CERTAINLY hope we're not competing Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Tue 23 March, 16:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    for the same cris!!! Pleeeaasse tell me you're directing your kisses at the female cris.

  427. Oops! Post #426 Added by: searching
    [Timestamp: Tue 23 March, 17:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    was supposed to be written TO steven, not BY him. Sorry, steven. What can I say - infatuation can fluster the best of us.

  428. searching Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 March, 14:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i have no idea if cris is male or female,
    just haveing a stur
    cris is all yours

  429. have found me..hey steven Added by: Cris
    [Timestamp: Thu 25 March, 8:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    This site is dissapating very quickly into a cesspool
    quagmire with all the Cris,s', cris impersonators and jerks
    blaming Cris for every little post that is of a left wing
    or insulting nature.
    Who would have thought that little old me would have such
    an effect on the lives of some mant poor lonely sould out
    there in cyberworld.
    searching...I am missing our little chats...tell me more
    about this previous person in your life who was a harley
    hog fan.
    Steven...will catch you on the thread..I think that i may
    migrate down here for the spring as it is starting to
    become pretty dark up above.
    Off for another jog...what a lovely day it is..see you all

  430. Cris - Added by: searching
    [Timestamp: Thu 25 March, 14:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    God, this is exhausting coming all the way down here to find you! Isn't there somewhere else we can meet?
    In reference to the Harley guy, there's way too much to tell here. I believe I mentioned that he's no longer with us, though. It's my understanding that the person responsible is no longer in evidence, either. (It seems that certain old friends are extremely loyal.)
    Now, in regard to this notoriety you've achieved. I think you find it just a bit personally satisfying.

  431. seaching Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Thu 25 March, 15:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    tell us all about the hog guy,
    spice up my day

  432. Yeah, do tell all. Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Thu 25 March, 16:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I want to know, too.
    Which cris are you? The good one, or one of the many
    naughty ones? The same one that is always here, or are you
    just a visitor? Tell us all about your relationship with
    searching and the Hogg man. Titilating, I am sure.

  433. Steven Added by: BULL
    [Timestamp: Fri 26 March, 12:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    just sent you a mail but realised that the post i was
    talking about has actually been cut...ho hum story of my
    life i suppose.
    How is everyone? i have decided to brave the wrath of cris
    and return, all be it temporaily.
    Tell me stories of embarrassing parent situations! Mine are
    a nightmare and i need to know things are the same for the
    rest of you out there! (obviously it would be too much to
    hope that the same went for the parents of Cris!)
    Anyway catch you later. X

  434. Bull, I slammed the shit out of you the last time you were here, Added by: Cris
    [Timestamp: Fri 26 March, 15:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    due to your unprovoked attack and attention given to me.I
    have seen the light and mellowed., not changed.I have the
    evil side under control at the moment but be warned.
    Do not flame, insult or post anything about my family, the
    size of my gentials, my posts, or my looks or you will see
    the evil side like it has been shown before.
    Just a friendly on.

  435. Jujubee and steven, it is I Added by: Cris
    [Timestamp: Fri 26 March, 15:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Your favourite Cris, normally dominated by the evil side,
    but using medication to overcome the problems.
    The purveyour of good tidings and thoughtful advice to
    those that require it.
    searching and I have come across each other on a thread now
    past and struck up a convo. on common grounds.Now we keep
    missing each other on this ramshackled and fast
    deteriorating site.
    She is smitten with moi, and understandably so.
    One day soon we will be on this site at the same time and
    be able to post a convo. to each other.
    I am a hog man, love the bikes and also ex-military.
    searching was involved with a past president of a Harley
    Davidson club. to go a cruising around the sites...catch you

  436. Here it goes..... Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Fri 26 March, 17:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have owned many bikes in the past....never anything but a
    Harley. I now have a 1987 Sportster. Paint color Black-
    Cherry Pearl--really a beautiful bike. What do you ride?
    I cannot believe we have something in common. Will wonders
    never cease? Are you as hot for searching as she is for you?
    Maybe the hope of true love is the only medication you
    Are we still playing the game, or have we given that up for
    Hi Bull....glad to see you again. Hope you and cris can
    find some neutral ground.

  437. all Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Sat 27 March, 12:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    never had a road bike,but have had lot of trail bikes,had
    one bike that i could stand on the kick start and only just
    get it to turn over,the noise it made was a real deep base
    beat,wish i never sold it.
    parents ?what always annoyed me was,birthday gifts,never got
    what i wanted,everything i got was like for kids a few years

  438. Hi folks Added by: equus
    [Timestamp: Sat 27 March, 19:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sorry I haven't dropped by. I have popped in occasionally
    for a look, but haven't felt the desire to chat much. Nice
    though to see you lot are still going.

  439. Body clocks Added by: BULL
    [Timestamp: Mon 29 March, 14:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Could have posted this upstairs but i was after sensible
    replies! :)
    I have had a really hectic weekend and now my boby clock is
    totally screwed. I didnt wake up until 3pm (you'll notice
    the first thing i did was get on the computer!) How can i
    get my body clock back on track...and soon! I know i wont be
    able to get to sleep until gone 2am and this morning i just
    couldnt get up, i really tried! Any solutions?

  440. Well, when my sleep schedule is screwed up, Added by: searching
    [Timestamp: Mon 29 March, 15:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I just knock myself out with a sleeping pill. Tylenol P.M.
    works pretty well.
    The catch is that you'll probably feel a bit out of it all day after you wake up again.
    Jujubee - I see your questions have yet to be answered. The lack of response can be interpreted either way...once again, our friend discloses little of himself.

  441. body clock Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Tue 30 March, 9:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    full moon makes my body clock go off,the only answer is to
    keep patterens even if you don't sleep try to rest at the
    same times,but sleeping late is great if you want to have
    vivid dreams,try makeing your self get up at the same time
    every day,reset the patterens,but it takes time.don't stress
    over it,

  442. Well would you believe it! Added by: BULL
    [Timestamp: Tue 30 March, 13:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I had heaps of trouble getting to sleep last night. Just as
    i suspected! I eventually dropped of about 4am wondering
    what the hell god awful time i was going to wake up. But i
    was wide awake by 8am and couldn't possibly have slept
    anymore! I got up had a workout, ate breakfast, sorted out
    a whole bunch of stuff, had a business meeting and been
    jumping around full of beans the whole day so far! Well
    just goes to show i suppose! LOL (show what tho' i'm not
    exactly sure!) So how have your days been so far?

  443. Eviction Notice Added by: la Jefita
    [Timestamp: Tue 30 March, 13:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I, the president-elect of an as-yet undetermined nation,
    hereby do declare on this, the 30th of March, sometime in
    the early afternoon on the other side of the world, that we
    are officially in a state of "Kicking-Your-Butts" by a
    margin of 88 posts.

    In order to rectify this situation, you must contact our
    Master/Mistress (whatever it is these days, Bob knows I have
    no control over these things anymore) of the Mint as soon as
    possible to arrange to borrow millions of dollars in
    worthless promissory notes which must then in turn be used
    to contract Think-Tanks composed of our nationals who will
    devise ever-more-colorful and digitalized means of screwing
    up your thread content even more thoroughly so that you
    might accrue debt to us for these notes in the form of
    monthly interest for the next 127 years or until we bomb

    Thank you for your prompt compliance. Failure to comply
    amounts to will to revolt and will alert our active corps to
    commence defensive tactics immediately. Don't want that now,
    do we?

    Have a nice day, then.

  444. I hate to jinx it..... Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Tue 30 March, 17:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    but ok, Bull.....
    I have suffered from an acute case of insomnia for many
    years. I have recently, somehow, (I am scared to type this)
    gotten over it. I have not told anyone because I am afraid
    it will come back. It seems to be creeping back anyhow so,
    what the hell. This is what you do: go on about your
    regular chores just as if the day has miraculously gotten
    longer. Do the stuff you hate to do, or the stuff you just
    never have the time to do---laundry, reading books, sewing,
    baking, or watch some rented movies you have always wanted
    to see but never got around to watching. I can think of a
    hundred things to do. I have recently---a month or so just
    all of the sudden gotten sleepy. Very strange for me. Try
    doing something constructive with your time and then it
    won't seem quite so wasted and if you really get involved
    in what you are doing, you might not realise how long you
    have been awake. It has finally worked for me, but only for
    a little while because I am now looking at the clock and
    wondering why I am not tired yet...Oh, well. I can't abide
    the pill route, I hate that groggy feeling the next day
    even worse than the sleeplessness.

    LA (?) Jefita--I thought it was EL....Velly Intelestink.
    You want HOW MUCH?????? FYI, I am the M.O.M. and I think we
    refuse to pay you one red bloody tooth. Now what? Is this a
    frootloopian stand-off? Neato.

    searching----which questions are you referring to? I have
    asked so many and I almost never get any answers. I thought
    I was resigned to it. I am not.

  445. fruitloopia Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Wed 31 March, 10:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    you need to check the edges of the screen you seem to be
    spreading/leeking down out the bottom into this thread,but
    we are all one big happy family here at the tt.
    so never mind,i don't mind that the above post is bigger i
    have no evny problems
    (please don't menshion the hollowed name of the master dr
    bob)remember if menshioned three times he has to appear,and
    as for your hopeless atempt at black mail,i laugh at you and
    i'll be telling cris to come see you,ha ha ha

  446. Morning!, body clock screwed again Added by: BULL
    [Timestamp: Wed 31 March, 12:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Darn darn darn, Thanks for the advice everybody looks as if
    the time has come to start acting on it. Couldn't get to
    sleep again last night, i guess its just because i have so
    much on my mind what with packing up my life here ready to
    move on and basicaly have TWO new ones begin in a few weeks.
    I keep dreaming about houses, shipping companies, flights,
    bond money...the list is endless, as is the list of things i
    have to get done within a couple of weeks. And on that note
    i better get out of here and get to it!
    As for El Paso up there, feel free to evict me at any time
    Hombre i could do with a kick up the proverbial backside!
    JUJU ask your question again, i for one will promise to
    (try and) answer. BTW have you ever wasted hours in this
    thing when you cant sleep? It seems to be one thing which
    works! LOL Hope the insomnia doesnt return. At least i think
    i know the cause of mine and can see a time when i hope it
    will end.
    Well must get the nose to the grindstone again, thanks for
    listening. XX

  447. hey guys Added by: Cris
    [Timestamp: Thu 1 April, 6:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    have been a little bit too busy to come and visit the LP of
    Jujubee, in answer to your question , I have a '96 Fat Boy,
    60 % cromed up, fully worked and to my
    loved ones, it is my favourite friend.
    So yes, we do have more in common than just this medium of
    conversation across the land masses and oceans.
    Searching..we are going to have to organise a time and
    thread to meet to continue on with our discussion, sweetpea.
    catch you all soon.

  448. I thought you'd never ask, Cris... Added by: searching
    [Timestamp: Thu 1 April, 14:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    you have no idea how long it takes me to come all the way down here!
    Your call...

  449. I thought you'd never ask, Cris... Added by: searching
    [Timestamp: Thu 1 April, 14:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    you have no idea how long it takes me to come all the way down here!
    Your call...

  450. I have NO idea Added by: searching
    [Timestamp: Thu 1 April, 14:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    how that double post happened!

  451. searching Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Thu 1 April, 16:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    don't worry it happens to even the best of us.

  452. searching my sweet Added by: Cris
    [Timestamp: Thu 1 April, 22:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    will check in here every half hour or so from now to see if
    we can catch up.

  453. Cris, darling - Added by: searching
    [Timestamp: Fri 2 April, 1:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    That would be a good plan if I didn't have to leave for work in 45 minutes...I'm already late. The best I can do from work is to (quickly and furtively) do a search on this branch - I don't dare post, since Big Brother is on the watch.
    Will try to catch up with you when I come home on lunch break.

  454. Back to the original topic .... Added by: Elke
    [Timestamp: Fri 2 April, 4:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    When I see all those ads with naked people and all those sex
    related articles in magazines like Elle or Marie Claire - I
    always think: it must be a bad thing if it needs that much
    advertising! Makes you suspicious, really.

  455. I have a sneaking suspicion Added by: searching
    [Timestamp: Fri 2 April, 11:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    that I've been scammed! Highly amusing "Cris".
    I believe I'll just exit this thread and take my keyboard
    elsewhere. Show's over, folks.

  456. elke Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Sat 3 April, 10:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    no it's a mind control gets you excited andlooking
    to take information in so when you scan the add,you take in
    more information because you are looking for sex,sex sells
    so what ever they are selling it will be used to get you to
    buy,we are controled by our basic instincks,put a beautyfull
    face on the cover of a mag and it will sell,

  457. Added by: americans
    [Timestamp: Sun 4 April, 4:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    . . .always trying to "help."

  458. Cris - I just got your message Added by: searching
    [Timestamp: Mon 5 April, 12:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    on the thread way up this site. My response is #15 - you should be able to recognize me by my terminology. If that doesn't work, I don't know what will.
    Now, if you'll excuse me for a moment, (and I know this isn't a terribly attractive image to conjure up), but I'm going to go spit nails!

  459. Well, I see you still haven't responded Added by: searching
    [Timestamp: Mon 5 April, 20:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    to either post. What are you waiting for? More proof of identity? O.K., it's currently 3:25 a.m., Pacific Daylight Savings Time - check it out on an atlas. Thought you might be up and about, since we're obviously in different time zones. Now, I'm going back to bed - will check back in about 4 hours.

  460. Well, I see you still haven't responded Added by: searching
    [Timestamp: Mon 5 April, 20:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    to either post. What are you waiting for? More proof of identity? O.K., it's currently 3:25 a.m., Pacific Daylight Savings Time - check it out on an atlas. Thought you might be up and about, since we're obviously in different time zones. Now, I'm going back to bed - will check back in about 4 hours.

  461. searching Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Tue 6 April, 8:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    it just take cris time give it a bit

  462. steven - have I mentioned Added by: searching
    [Timestamp: Tue 6 April, 12:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    that patience isn't one of my strong points? Seriously, though, I've since received a response elsewhere on this site. That's the good news...the bad news is that I can never be sure who's responding. Even worse, neither can Cris! (I've been "impostored" at last...can't say I like it much.)
    The story continues to unfold...

  463. # 463 Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Wed 7 April, 11:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    HA! That way I won't have to scroll.

    Searching....searching.....searching. Men, huh?
    Can't live with them, can't find them on the internet.
    You and cris? True love always and forever? At least until
    your puter crashes. You all need a code word. One that only
    the two of you know. One should ask a question in one post
    that only the other can answer and then the other of you
    should answer it. But complications can't even
    share e-mail, because "someone" might crack it. The
    torment. I truly feel bad for you both.

  464. Jujubee - Added by: searching
    [Timestamp: Wed 7 April, 12:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I see we're thinking along the same lines re. a code word. Not a problem - I have a plan, and it's foolproof...
    As for e-mail - that's not a problem, either. I can use either my ISP address, or my e-mail address at work.
    Incidentally, I work for a state would be inadvisable for anyone to try to hack into that site!

  465. hi Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Wed 7 April, 15:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    code words,or just a phrasing,you could start the fourth
    sentance with a code word,it must be very easy to do,i do
    not see why anyone would spend the time to crack it,most of
    the imposters are only going for a short while,but cris is a
    special case,lots of imposters all over the place,

  466. Too easy, steven... Added by: searching
    [Timestamp: Wed 7 April, 15:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    my idea would be impossible for anyone else to figure out,
    unless they're among the handful of people on the planet who are in possession of specific documents.
    I agree, though, that there wouldn't be any sense in someone taking the time to crack the code; "sense" being the key word. I don't know if you've noticed or not, but...

  467. eternity Added by: tidbid
    [Timestamp: Thu 8 April, 10:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    there are so many answers to any question, but there is
    only one hic et nunc to do what's feeling good ...

  468. From here (me) to eternity Added by: searching
    [Timestamp: Thu 8 April, 10:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    What ARE you talking about? I'm afraid I don't speak your language...I'm not sure anyone does.

  469. Uhmmm, sure. Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Thu 8 April, 12:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You are correct tidbid. That is a fact.

    (humor them searching...they don't get as violent, that way)

    Where is cris? I hope he did not crash that beautiful bike.
    THAT would be a terrible shame.

    I wish I had a specific document, all of mine are rather

  470. Thanks for the tip, Jujubee - Added by: searching
    [Timestamp: Thu 8 April, 12:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    In the future, I'll be more careful in communicating with aliens.
    Cris is out of town on some sort of job - have no idea where or what kind. I anxiously await his return (parting is such sweet sorrow, you know).
    So, you're in possession of vague documents. Am I to understand that, like me, you're employed within a government agency?

  471. Thanks for the tip, Jujubee - Added by: searching
    [Timestamp: Thu 8 April, 12:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    In the future, I'll be more careful in communicating with aliens.
    Cris is out of town on some sort of job - have no idea where or what kind. I anxiously await his return (parting is such sweet sorrow, you know).
    So, you're in possession of vague documents. Am I to understand that, like me, you're employed within a government agency?

  472. all Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Thu 8 April, 13:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    for the code just pick a book thats out of print and use the
    page numbers to get the letter to start the code,make sure
    everyone has the book it'll take a lot of time but it can be
    searching,cris will be safe,the universe looks after the
    special ones.

  473. Blimey Added by: BULL
    [Timestamp: Thu 8 April, 23:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    looks like this thread has disolved into an accute case of

  474. With good reason, Bull... Added by: searching
    [Timestamp: Fri 9 April, 3:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Maybe you're unaware of some recent goings on up above.
    P.S.: If I get a double post again, I'm going to SCREAM!
    Every other time I come down here, I get a double post -
    it's absolutely exasperating!

  475. bull Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Fri 9 April, 8:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i'm not paranoid.they are out to get me.
    total paranoia is total awearness.
    big brother is watching all

  476. Let's not forget... Added by: searching
    [Timestamp: Fri 9 April, 10:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Even paranoids have enemies.

  477. This reminds me of a Added by: BULL
    [Timestamp: Fri 9 April, 18:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    guy i was chatting to on ICQ last night. He was convinced i
    was the sister of one of his best friends who he reckons is
    out to get the pair of them. It was quite funny actually,
    turned out to be quite a cool guy although i still think he
    needed to get put that spliff out!! (j/k)
    Searching:, Can't say i've noticed anything unusual going on
    in the threads up above. At the risk of sounding nosey, what
    did i miss?

  478. searching Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Sat 10 April, 11:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    yes please tell us whats going on,haven't been up for a look
    in a while,so have lots the plot of most of the threads

  479. I guess you guys missed Added by: searching
    [Timestamp: Sat 10 April, 15:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    the thread where Cris was attempting to make contact and god knows how many impostors pretended to be me. I finally did get the message, and I'm pretty sure it was easy to tell me apart from the impostors.
    Oh, and to further complicate matters, someone else on the thread pretended to be Cris.
    Anyway, that thread was cut yesterday.

  480. I guess you guys missed Added by: searching
    [Timestamp: Sat 10 April, 15:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    the thread where Cris was attempting to make contact and god knows how many impostors pretended to be me. I finally did get the message, and I'm pretty sure it was easy to tell me apart from the impostors.
    Oh, and to further complicate matters, someone else on the thread pretended to be Cris.
    Anyway, that thread was cut yesterday.

  481. Oh no...someone impersonating me..of all people Added by: Cris
    [Timestamp: Sat 10 April, 18:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sweeyie...I am back...could not access an computer to send you messages while I was away and flew in late last night.
    When you are next on-line..throe up a new topic and let's see if we can get this internet/lp/TTYc relationship of ours up and Jujubee..I am a one man women and not into menage de touis....if that is the way that it is spelt.??
    Post wityh you soon...Hi steven

  482. Cris! Added by: searching
    [Timestamp: Sun 11 April, 2:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    My knight-in-slightly-tarnished-armor! I was pining away in your absence - so glad you're back, darling.
    Yes, I too was shocked that someone had the audacity to impersonate you - the fact that it was totally unprecedented caught me completely off guard. (Sigh)...I
    guess there's just no sense of propriety here in cyberland.
    By the way, I've got to confess that I'm relieved at your message to Jujubee...not my scene, either. (I'm pretty sure Jujubee's husband would have objected, anyway.)
    I'll attempt to post a new topic as soon as my brain is functioning better (if ever) - much too early in the day...
    I'm not a morning person.

  483. Cris! Added by: searching
    [Timestamp: Sun 11 April, 2:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    My knight-in-slightly-tarnished-armor! I was pining away in your absence - so glad you're back, darling.
    Yes, I too was shocked that someone had the audacity to impersonate you - the fact that it was totally unprecedented caught me completely off guard. (Sigh)...I
    guess there's just no sense of propriety here in cyberland.
    By the way, I've got to confess that I'm relieved at your message to Jujubee...not my scene, either. (I'm pretty sure Jujubee's husband would have objected, anyway.)
    I'll attempt to post a new topic as soon as my brain is functioning better (if ever) - much too early in the day...
    I'm not a morning person.

  484. Jujubee Added by: tidbid
    [Timestamp: Sun 11 April, 3:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ... how bees fly, the sky's the limit ...

  485. Wait....What??? Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Sun 11 April, 17:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ummmm, I will admit I am truly clueless this time. I wish I
    knew what was going on, but I have not been reading
    upstairs much lately. No 3-somes for me, the closest I
    might ever get to that would be if the TV were left on. I
    am going up there to see if someone has been pretending to
    be me. This could be fun.

    With wings, tidbid.

  486. Jujubee Added by: tidbid
    [Timestamp: Mon 12 April, 0:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ... the clue is in the air tonight ...

  487. all Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Mon 12 April, 8:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    glad to see the thread has picked up a bit of life,
    all is well

  488. Searching... Added by: BULL
    [Timestamp: Mon 12 April, 15:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    so was that really Cris on that thread that was posted
    earlier saying that they were back? I dont think its still
    there now. Why is sidelines turning into such a troll, they
    used to be alright, are they just being impostered all the
    time now or something?

  489. Bull - Added by: searching
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 April, 4:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I don't know what you mean by the post "they were back".
    As far as I know, I have been in contact with the real (meaning the one I find so interesting) Cris. And yes, it seems that the impostors are still busy at work.
    As for sidelines, I was also getting concerned about the apparent personality change. However, I don't believe the troll is the real sidelines at all. Interestingly enough, there's a post way up above that has been started by the troll. I don't remember the title offhand, but it has to do with being proud of being an American, etc. If you don't want to read all the 40+ responses, start reading at about post 33.
    P.S.: How's the insomnia going? Have you thought about seeing a doctor for this? (Now it's my turn to suggest medical help - ha!)

  490. Jujubee Added by: tidbid
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 April, 8:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ... all's well that ends well ... so far ;-)

  491. all Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 April, 11:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    everyone keeps talking about the posts above so i have a bit
    of time today so i'm going up for a look i'll report back

  492. i'm back Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 April, 11:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    not alot going on,the one by ~ at 15 is abit interesting.
    searching read your one,hope it all works out ok,don't know
    if i believe it's cris,it's hard to tell because it's
    strange to see him posting nice and senceable posts,
    see the topics are the same a s always,sex,war,flameing,who
    likes who,who hates who,
    everything changes but stays the same.

  493. steven - Added by: searching
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 April, 12:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Do you have any idea what the story is re. jujubee and tidbid? It seems that they have some sort of code they're using to communicate. I, for one, am totally confused.
    (Although, this certainly isn't the only area of confusion for me! I'm reaching the point where I don't know what to think or whom it trust!)

  494. Searching Added by: BULL
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 April, 19:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Is the information you were talking about in that thread
    above the same as what steven is talking about here?

  495. be very careful BULL Added by: Cris
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 April, 22:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    you are skating very close the the edge.
    Hey searching, how is it going?
    Steven, good to see that you have returned.I didn't think that our game between you, Jujubee and me had ended as yet.

  496. tidbid Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Wed 14 April, 3:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It is not over yet. Or is it???.....

  497. When you say sex Added by: Lucy
    [Timestamp: Wed 14 April, 8:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You actually mean women I suppose. just an extension of
    this obsession with female appearance - from beautiful
    princesses in the fairy tales when we are too young to read.
    I guess the ad men still think men buy everything.
    Am I the only one who thinks it's disturbing that little
    girls are dressed up in skimpy leotards to perform baton
    twirling, etc. we wouldn't dream of dressing little boys
    like that. Somehow it's acceptable for women, girls and
    sex to mean the same thing.
    i do wish women would keep their clothes on a bit more and
    do us all a favour. we'd get taken alot more seriously.

  498. lucy Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Wed 14 April, 15:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    it's biology,the people who know say that men like to look
    at women,and women like to look at women so the adds in all
    the mags have women,men just down sell so thats what it
    comes down to.
    juju is that post from you.?
    cris the game never stoped .!
    bull i have no idea what up with juju and tidbit or much
    else for that matter,i'm a little mushroom siting in the

  499. Maybe you're right Steven Added by: Lucy
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 5:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    But if it really is biological how come humans seem to be
    out of step with the rest of the animals? Usually it's the
    male of the species which displays his wares - peacocks and
    baboons and all that. Well okay they're the only ones I
    can think of.
    I think that women do like looking at men but not in the
    way that men look at women. The ad men haven't really got
    female desires worked out yet. Nor have women I think.
    Personally I like a guy's hair and eyes and posture and
    voice. Chests are nice too and arms. But guys are much
    more attractive in motion than in poses.

  500. 500 Added by: me2
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 7:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i made it!

  501. Who are you? Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 8:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    me2? You stole the #500 spot...I was sure I would get it.

    Don't worry steven and searching....just having some
    fun..yes that was me.

    Ah, the game.....who is winning? I have been being nice
    this whole time...should I not be? This is confusion.

    Time keeps on slippin, slippin, slippin......tidbid.

  502. lucy Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 11:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    we are not out of step with the animals,as strange as it
    seems women have the power in relationships,they are the
    ones who choose, the men try to impress them, think of
    heros,what do they represent,men takeing risks,being
    brave,standing out.
    why do good girls go out with bad boys,whats the some fish the fish that swims toward danger
    then runs away the fastest is the one the lady fish go for.
    in nature the females choose the best male to mate with
    what do you look for in a male:the job he has ,the car he
    drives,how he treats you,i think we are ruled by our biology
    more than we think,
    try reading a book called "the lucifer princple"
    it's about how as a spieces we make decissions,why
    evil,war,murder happens,how we as all animals are controled
    by our biology,

  503. Jujubee Added by: tidbid
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 16:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    will be back soon, baby blue ... expectations are a quite
    strange thing, right ?

  504. searching Added by: tidbid
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 16:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    don't be confused, just trust, the code is inside & beyond !

  505. I like Added by: tidbid
    [Timestamp: Thu 15 April, 16:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    the 505 best. guess why ?

  506. #501 - jujubee Added by: me2
    [Timestamp: Fri 16 April, 1:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    sorry mate but you were 2 h 18 mins late...

  507. me2 Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Fri 16 April, 6:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I know....I was mostly hoping.

    Oh, tidbid...I like 501 YOU know why? You are
    correct about expectations....If you don't expect much, you
    can't be disappointed. Can you?

    ...into the future.....

  508. Jujubee Added by: tidbid
    [Timestamp: Fri 16 April, 16:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    And if you expect ALL, you can't be disappointed either,
    can you ?! Life's too good to be missed.
    "... beyond our ability to comprehend ..."

  509. 501 Added by: tidbid
    [Timestamp: Fri 16 April, 16:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    any travel plans ahead ?

  510. tidbit Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Sat 17 April, 11:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i think that most of the time "our ability to comprehend"is
    to great so when we see what could have been and we see what
    is.and can comprehend the differance thats where depression
    comes in for what might have been

  511. will travel Added by: tidbid
    [Timestamp: Sat 17 April, 22:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    not to be sorry for what might have been. steven, move on !
    Jujubee, be greeted from hazeldine county !

  512. tidbit Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Sun 18 April, 11:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    if you don't accept the dark you never see the sunrises,

  513. I have been there. Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Mon 19 April, 12:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I in fact was there just a few weeks ago. You were nowhere
    to be seen, were you?

    Are Cris and searching together right now, do you think?

  514. In all probability, they are corresponding Added by: Cris
    [Timestamp: Mon 19 April, 14:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    as you post.

  515. all Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Mon 19 April, 16:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]


  516. all Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Wed 21 April, 13:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i should

  517. waves 'n' dust Added by: tidbid
    [Timestamp: Wed 21 April, 14:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    there is darkness always in our lives, but I prefer
    midsummer afternoons. Does nowhere-to-be-seen mean to be
    not there or to be invisible ? Maybe not together forever,
    but enjoying. With wings, Jujubee !

  518. I believe Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Wed 21 April, 17:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I can fly.
    'Scuse me while I kiss this guy.

  519. UNBELIEVABLE Added by: Jon
    [Timestamp: Thu 22 April, 2:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hello everyone who has been writing this over the months.
    I cannot believe you have been keeping it going for so
    long. Ive been blown away by the way people who don't know
    each other, have never seen each other and potentially live
    on other sides of the planet can interact in such a
    positive and meaningfull way. Keep it going everyone and
    happy travelling. I am writing this from a the seventh
    floor of the IBM building in Darling Harbour (Sydney) where
    I am temping at the moment. Anyone any strange places
    where they are writing from?

  520. kiss the sky Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Thu 22 April, 14:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    is that a bad jimi quote,
    jon it doesnt sound so strange.

  521. Jimi lives! Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Sat 24 April, 5:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    A very bad jimi quote. I also like "There's a bathroom on
    the right". Those are fun to think up.

    Hi Jon. I am in a very strange place----my own home. hahaha.
    It is amazing simple to make connections here. It seems
    just inevitable for people to gravitate to one another, if
    they share any interests or opinions or ideals. Sometimes
    they don't have anything in common, just similar
    personalities. Example--steven(nz) and myself. Completely
    different, but still the same. We are all human---except
    for cris of course.
    Hi cris.

  522. j Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Sat 24 April, 11:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    cris is human,or is he maybe he/she is a evil computer or
    just atwisted bit of code come to life on the net.

  523. THE END Added by: THE END
    [Timestamp: Sat 24 April, 16:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]


  524. hugs ! Janis lives, too ! Added by: tidbid
    [Timestamp: Sun 25 April, 3:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    the fire is still burning, and the bees are flying, juju !

  525. Down on me. Added by: JujuBEEs
    [Timestamp: Sun 25 April, 12:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Of course Janis. Was there ever any question?
    Get it while you can.

  526. fire Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Mon 26 April, 10:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    wheres the fire

  527. FIRE?!?!? Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 April, 16:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Do hear that siren, too?

  528. we didn't start the fire ... Added by: tidbid
    [Timestamp: Wed 28 April, 5:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    but we keep it, no question, still gravitating around in
    different lives all over the world. who will give signal to
    dive ?

  529. dive Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Wed 28 April, 9:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    we are already at the bottom

  530. Yup! Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Sat 1 May, 13:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Can't get too much lower than this.

    Well, some could. I'm not naming any names, CRIS!

  531. steven & Jujubee Added by: searching (just stopping by)
    [Timestamp: Sun 2 May, 6:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If I didn't know better, I'd think the two of you are missing Cris... (Now this is TOO funny!)
    However, I don't think you're going to draw him out by baiting him - he's much too smart for that!

  532. i do Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Mon 3 May, 15:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    miss cris i was also wondering if the topic would be droped
    because people had stoped talking for a few days
    oh chris oh cris where have you gone.

  533. Cris, the lost rude poster Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Wed 5 May, 13:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I hope he has not come to meet a violent and painful end...
    I am trying to stifle gleeful and sinister giggles as I
    type this. No really, I miss him, too. Really I do. I am
    not trying to convince myself. I DO miss him. I try to hit
    him and I keep missing him. HAHAHAHA!

    Cris.......come back..........ok, I'll say it........

  534. cris Added by: cris & cris
    [Timestamp: Wed 5 May, 20:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    the female cris met the male cris, and that's it.
    greetinx from the real world !

  535. cris Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 12:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    is this a cris cross or is a cross cris

  536. I BEG your pardon #534! Added by: searching
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 14:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Your post is pure bulls**t! (Pay no mind,'s just an impostor.) Cris would never two-time me - certainly not with someone sharing his own name. One can only imagine how confusing such a relationship would be. Telephone calls, for example:
    "You want to speak to Cris?...Speaking." "No, No! I want to speak to Cris!" "One moment, I'll get him/her." "Hello, Cris, here." "Oh, so sorry, I guess I need to speak to Cris after all." "But, I AM Cris!" "Yes, I know, but I actually want to speak to Cris." "For God's sake, man, make up your mind - do you want to speak to me or to Cris." "You moron, I just said I want to speak to Cris!" "O.K., that's it! I'm ending this not call here again. And I speak for Cris as well!"
    On a more positive note, it does occur to me that a great deal of money could be saved on greeting cards. The same one could be sent back and forth indefinitely...
    Hmmm - there may be other possibilities I haven't considered. Perhaps I should change MY name to Cris. I believe I'll just go mull this over and have another little conversation with myself...

  537. searching Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Fri 7 May, 10:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    we could be a cris fan club here.
    we could be all called cris.
    cris could be cris 1
    you could be cris 2
    i can be cris 3
    jujubee can be cris 4
    tidbit can be cris5
    any one else can just join along
    or would that be to mixed up
    sorry just bored
    did you ever work out a code with cris so you can tell if
    it's an inposter

  538. steven - Added by: cris 2 (LOL)
    [Timestamp: Fri 7 May, 11:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    A code wasn't necessary after all. We've found another means of communication...

  539. searching Added by: cris 4
    [Timestamp: Fri 7 May, 17:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    This intrigue is getting to be too much for me. Where is
    he????? At least give us (me) a hint. I am sure he is
    thrilled over this attention, but that will have to be
    dealt with later.

  540. i was only jokeing Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Sat 8 May, 12:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    please stop it at once.!!!
    if this catches on i will have no idea who's saying what
    i see that some one has already imposted me 538#
    do not worry searching cris will be back soon

  541. steven, you silly boy! Added by: searching
    [Timestamp: Sat 8 May, 12:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    #538 was me! cris 4...I mean, Jujubee - Cris is laying low for awhile. Couldn't tell you any more even if I were willing to disclose a lot of info. - I can't seem to connect with him, either. (It has a lot to do with living in vastly different time zones, although it seems that Microsoft/Bill Gates is also causing major communication snafus.)

  542. identity Added by: cris 5 alias tidbid
    [Timestamp: Sun 9 May, 1:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    what a crissy mess down under, all the fault of the mighty
    Bill ? WHO IS WHO ? 4 potcay ?

  543. tidbid - Added by: searching
    [Timestamp: Sun 9 May, 2:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Will you PLEASE quit speaking an alien language! I have no idea what you're trying to say. What the hell is "4 potcay"?

  544. sorry searching Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Sun 9 May, 11:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    a little after i posted,it hit me it was you at cris 2.
    i to have no idear what tidbit is on about most of the time,
    it's been a while since cris has posted,do you know what
    country hes from?dont know what the big BG has got to do
    with it though,
    hay tidbit give us more than a morsell!

  545. steven Added by: searching
    [Timestamp: Sun 9 May, 13:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Look up above - Cris (or, at least someone who sounds a lot like him) is posting again.
    As for where Cris is from, I think it best to let Cris disclose any info. about himself he sees fit; as I've indicated, I couldn't tell you much, anyway.
    Hey - feel like chatting? I'm pretty much at loose ends this evening, having declined a dinner and movie invitation (thought something more interesting might come up, but it hasn't...doesn't look as though it will, either).

  546. Nevermind - Added by: searching
    [Timestamp: Sun 9 May, 16:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm splitting now. It was fun while it lasted...

  547. searching Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Mon 10 May, 10:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    sorry to have missed you!
    but i'm sure we will meet again
    sorry to be nosey about cris but he is a bit of an enigma
    by the way what are you "searching" for

  548. steven Added by: searching
    [Timestamp: Mon 10 May, 15:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We meet again! (Kinda, sorta). Just thought I should let you know that I've been advised the posts I referred to weren't done by Cris, after all - guess it was another impostor (a pretty good one, at that). Yeess, Cris is an enigma - no less to me than to you.
    As to what I'm searching for...lots of things. Truth for one, although it's elusive at the moment.
    I don't expect to be coming back here, so if you'd like to chat sometime, here's one of my e-mail addresses:

  549. searching Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 14:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    sorry to hear you going ,but i'll drop you a note,
    hope you find cris in the end
    happy surfing

  550. searching 4 truth Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 16:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I would like to find it. My mother once told me that if I
    was honest with others, they would be honest with me. I
    have not found that to be true. So, did she lie, or does
    everybody else---not you steven---? I think you can only
    find real truth inside yourself, if you look to other
    people for the truth you will only be disappointed.

    Isn't cris somewhere down there near you steven? I thought
    I once read something from him that mentioned something
    familiar to do with Austrailia. Hmmmm, maybe he is the
    original Tasmanian Devil. heeheehee, that is really funny.
    I know you all are laughing at that. You gotta be ROFLOL!

  551. Oops! Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 16:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I really meant to say Australia. That was a tiny mistake
    not even worth mentioning, right?

  552. ? Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 14:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i have no idea where cris is from,can't remember any post
    from down under

  553. Welp, Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 3:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I must have imagined it.

    Do you know that song--Hold me closer Tony Danza? My Hannah
    thinks it is really--Hold me closer tiny dancer! Kids!
    Sheesh. Where do they get these crazy ideas?

    She's a black magic woman and she's gonna take a pebble out
    of me. ----What I want to know is, how did the pebble get
    in there in the first place?

  554. take a peble out Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 9:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    that cant be right?
    there used to be a very good page for lyrics but it was shut
    down be cause of a court order
    i dont know the tony danza song
    funny how people hear differant words in songs some albums
    arent aloud in to this country unless there is a lyric sheet
    with the words so they can check them all out

  555. five Added by: five
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 23:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    five - that's life !

  556. truth time Added by: Jujubee
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 3:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hold me closer tiny dancer----Elton John song.
    She's a black magic woman and she's gonna make a devil out
    of me.---Santana song.
    Sorry for the confusion, I was just teasing you.
    I like to hear other words for familiar songs. My other
    steve makes them up all the time--he has some very good
    ones for a childrens Christmas song. Very funny.

  557. songs Added by: STEVEN
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 15:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    lots of the confusion comes from thespeed that people sing
    or the way they say the words,
    five where are you now

  558. HI everyone Added by: BULL
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 4:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i thought i would just drop by and say a quick hello, hope
    everyone is well and happy. I head back to Sydney in a few
    days time so hopefully i will be able to exchange my lemon
    of a lap top (it died) and get something new so to be up
    and running and wasting my time on here again! I was
    reading some of the other threads (above) and i see that
    not much has changed! The weather has been really nice here
    in London this last month but i am still looking forward to
    getting back to australia and then starting the big road
    trip in about a months time. Well anyway take care one and
    all. bye now

  559. bull Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 14:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    great to hear from you,but no dought you are now long gone
    anyone still looking in hear or will we let the topic die a
    pain less death.?

  560. Steven Added by: BULL
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 5:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Its handy for me (to keep in touch) as by the time i get
    around to looking in on any of the other threads they have
    all been taken off and so there is really no point. This is
    the only one i look in on anymore! Anyway hope you are
    having a good weekend and i'll be back to see if the thread
    has gone to the other great threads in the sky shortly.

  561. Today was a darkside day Added by: Cris
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 15:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    What a bunch of losers up there on the board. They all had
    it coming for a long time.

    I see you still can't spell worth a shit, Steven.

  562. CRIS IS BACK Added by: STEVEN
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 13:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    what a surprize ,how i am truely happy,
    whip me beat me,make me wear leather
    oh cris call me names
    we shell worship you forever
    why is it every time i think the thread is going to die that
    everyone comes back,we have cris ,bull,jujubee. i wonder if
    equis is still around,i'm sorry that searching has gone
    what a start to a new week

  563. have you ever Added by: ian
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 13:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    read brave new world?

  564. ian Added by: steven
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 13:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    no haven't read it or any others by huxley, i tryed but it
    was a bit to over written ,have you read nacked lunch,

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