And after 50 overs

This topic was created by Spin Doctor
[Mon 24 May, 23:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

New Zealand are all out for 156 after 48.1 overs. Just
thought I would let you know.

[There are 18 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 2:37]

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  1. against who? Added by: shakespeare
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 23:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sorry - I've been pre-occupied with football (gasp - Man
    United won the FA Cup! yawn...)

  2. The Aussies need the Kiwis Added by: Angus
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 23:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    to get up over the Windies !!

  3. To further clarify Added by: Spin Doctor
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 0:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    My appoloiges, I forgot to mention who the Kiwis are
    playing, thanks for pointing that out Shakespeare. They
    are playing the West Indies.

  4. so... Added by: shakespeare
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 0:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ...should I be surprised? (considering I'm a Brit, this lack
    of interest in cricket must make me look like a discrace to
    my country. I'd better get some tea and cucumber sarnies
    down me quickly.)

  5. Mr. S Added by: Spin Doctor
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 0:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You best get a move on those sarnies and tea my friend or
    the culture police will be round and if they find you
    having too much fun! I dread to think of the consequences
    if you are caught enjoying yourself and watching something
    other than the BBC. The thought of someone being so
    revolutionary is frightening. Become one of us, get your
    tea pot and button up your cardigan! The Queen will not
    tolerate this kind of enjoyment.
    The Spin Doctor

  6. Yaaaaawn Added by: Brit Chick
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 0:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Bloody boring if you ask me.
    and Shakespeare i poo poo you for supporting Man Utd.
    Arsenal is my team and i cried for...minutes!!

  7. hey!! slander! Added by: shakespeare
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 0:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I didn't say I supported Man Utd!! As if.... I've only been
    to Manchester twice in my life and that was only to the
    train station! For your information, I support Aylesbury
    United and Oxford United. No quips please... I've had a hard
    enough time as it is already!
    You 'poo poo' me? I've been called some names in my time
    I also like rugby - I support Bath RFC... does this restore
    me in the eyes of Her Majesty?

  8. OOPS Added by: Brit Chick
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 0:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sorry i didn't read your earlier posting properly.
    My apologies..... is shall be eating humble pies for weeks to
    However never having been to Manchester means you are
    perfectly qualified to be a Man U fan!
    Rugger? Not such a big fan but like the shorts.
    Do you work Shakespeare? (apart from writing plays i
    guess)...does your company pay you to play on TLPYC all day?
    Mine certainly does - although sometime i break to do some

  9. OOPS Added by: Brit Chick
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 0:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sorry i didn't read your earlier posting properly.
    My apologies..... is shall be eating humble pies for weeks to
    However never having been to Manchester means you are
    perfectly qualified to be a Man U fan!
    Rugger? Not such a big fan but like the shorts.
    Do you work Shakespeare? (apart from writing plays i
    guess)...does your company pay you to play on TLPYC all day?
    Mine certainly does - although sometime i break to do some

  10. Bugger i've gone and done it wrong again dad Added by: Brit Chick
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 0:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Apologies for the double posting...just call me Joey

  11. Shakespeare Added by: Spin Doctor
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 0:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The Queen just rang me and said that you would be allowed
    to remain in England, just don't let it happen again. She
    also said that she needed some advice. She can't get
    Phillip to stay away from the adult websites and was
    wondering if you or anyone else had ideas for her. She
    said she has been parading around in her knickers but that
    seemed to have the wrong effect and only drove him to
    search for more.
    The Spin Doctor

  12. is your real name Joey? Added by: shakespeare
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 0:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I wish I was being paid to faff around on TTYC... I'm
    actually at uni - studying Graphic Design at Bath Spa... I
    get long periods of time doing nothing so I spend time here!
    I have, however, got a big day tomorrow - it's my
    illustration crit... I will be spending most of this evening
    (and tonight probably) trying to make my work look
    substantial(!) I'll probably disappear pretty soon... Where
    do you work then?
    Please don't make me have a guilty conscience... you can
    stop eating humble pie now! Though it doesn't explain 'poo

  13. Spin Doctor... Added by: shakespeare
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 0:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ...LOL!! (cue lots of strange looks in the library...)

  14. Shakespeare Added by: Brit Chick
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 0:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I nearly applied to do Graphic Design at Bath.
    But i changed my mind when my skin went all wrinkly!! (not
    very funny joke that, but true that i did go there to check
    it out).
    I work for a Web Design Agency in London so i don't feel too
    bad about being on the net most of the day.
    I don't have that much to do right now so i'm just taking an
    hour or so out to relax

  15. Brit Chick Added by: Spin Doctor
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 0:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Can you help Shakespeare and I since you have some free
    time? We are trying to help HRH get Phillip off the adult
    sites. He won't listen to her so she rang me asking to
    help, she thought this board may be of some assistance.
    Please if you have any ideas, regardless of how senseless
    they seem, please pass them along.
    The Spin Doctor

  16. I'll do my best Added by: Brit Chick
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 1:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    P.S. Are you in need of medication? I know a good doctor...oh
    you are one....hmmmm

  17. not sure I blame Phillip Added by: shakespeare
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 2:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Can you tell me what kind of sites he's looking at? I
    wouldn't be surprised if they were ones involving
    animals.... partly because the Queen looks like a horse, and
    he married her.
    I wonder how the corgis are.

  18. The Corgis Added by: Brit Chick
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 2:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Can run like shit off a shovel when old Phil's around!

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