Dagobah, humbug!

This topic was created by ZOGA (Yoda's distant cousin)
[Fri 21 May, 12:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Anybody the new Star Wars movie has seen? Seen it I have,
and diappointed I was! Mmmm, yes! Strong was not the Force
with Lucas on this one. Sucked it did not, yet so much more
was I expecting. When $115 million on making a movie you
spend, be sure the story is interesting at least you should!
Lavish were the special effects and many were the strange
creatures, but boring was the plot! Cared you not whether
young Anakin would win the podrace, because already you
knew! And on my nerves Jar Jar Binks quickly got. Cousin
Yoda much younger looking was however, a day not over 600
years old he looked! In this movie was there much to look
at, yet lacking were the suspense and interest. Too much was
the icing and too little was the cake! Succumbed, Lucas
obviously has, to the Mark(eting) Side of the Force! A good
swift kick in the butt by a Wookiee needs he! Mmmm, yes!
Well, go now I must. Being not a Jedi like cousin Yoda, get
ready to drive the truck I must.

[There are 41 posts - the latest was added on Wed 26 May, 12:52]

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  1. Use the force, Zog... Added by: The Scrutineer
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 12:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If you ever happen to get stuck in that truck, perhaps your
    cousin could levitate it out of trouble!

  2. good idea, Scrute... Added by: ZOG
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 12:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ...but where was he when I got it buried in two feet of snow
    at Chateau Lake Louise this winter? The Force was not with
    ol' ZOG that day!

  3. Well.... Added by: Andres
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 13:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I just saw it. Really enjoyed it. Not the best movie in the history of film, but a lot of fun. I went with my brother, cousins, and father--- just like we all did when I was 6 years old and saw the original Star Wars. We had a fantastic time; and I had heard so many poor reiews that I ended up liking the film. Go figure. Maybe your expectations were too high?

  4. Die, Jar Jar! DIE!!! Added by: Darth Kill
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 3:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    How significant a character was Jar Jar, really? What was
    his purpose? Why was he there? Why? WHY? WHY?! He didn't
    create any developements in the movie, so he didn't NEED
    to be there.
    He didn't make me laugh, so I guess he wasn't there for
    comedy relief. In fact, at the show I went to, not a chuckle
    escaped the tight bloodless lips of even the most die-hard
    Star Wars fan's vitamin D deficiant living corpses. Their
    rictus grins and hollowed sockets transfixed on the screen
    in shame as the froggy incoherent caribbean stereotype
    entered the story. To the blind, one might have thought they
    were listening to the dialog of a jamaican Roger Rabbit.
    "pppbbppbppbpplllleeeease!" And that, "How rude!" line was
    used way too much. I think I can recall two. Maybe three.
    Either's too much.
    "Help me Obi-wan Kenobe. Kill Jar Jar."
    Oh great! He's a general now. Maybe he'll die in an
    insignificant battle sometime between now and Ep.2 so that
    we don't have to deal with him again. At most we'll hear the
    sad tale of his death while the audience, as one, sigh in
    relief as the cute froggy-man's dead carcass burns on a
    pyre. "BBQ frog legs, anyone?" So, he'll be a martyr for the
    kids. Who cares? At least we'd be rid of the biggest
    dissapointment since the Ewok. (but that's another story)

  5. Zoga... Added by: Har Harj
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 7:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    To write a sentence, perhaps you could learn. Cute the
    first time I suppose it was, but annoying as it went on you
    certainly grew. Concentrate on your Star Wars topic I
    certainly could not while rearranging your subjects and
    verbs I was.

  6. Don't Go See It! Added by: Road Slave
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 8:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If you haven't shelled out for the tickets yet, pleeeeeese
    don't go see this movie! You will find yourself annoyed
    and bored. I wish I could say angered, at least that would
    be a strong emotional response. This movie draws barely a
    chuckle from the audience and puts you not even in the
    briefest moment of suspense. It is garbage, GARBAGE!
    Avoid it. Make a statement. Maybe George will get the
    hint and put some life into Episode 2.

  7. hardy har harj Added by: ZOGA
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 10:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You like not the way I speak? Back to school you think I
    must go? Lighten up, I think you should! Mmmm, yes! Besides,
    nobody was FORCE-ing you to read it....

    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 21:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Where are the sagas of walking boots, coffee shops in the
    lanes of Vietnamese villages and the best I-cafes in Turkey?
    Gone are the days of tales of travel, of being lost in
    places most of us only dream of, of the feeling of getting
    to a destination and meeting real people. Once we could
    exchange useful information and traveller's tales.
    The children have taken over this site, kids in masks
    pretending to be aliens.
    I think the Y2K bug has reached this sight early.
    Help - doesn't anyone out there actually travel anymore?

  9. A travel topic Added by: HOTTIE
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 21:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Several years ago I arrived in Samoa only a few days before
    its biggest cyclone in a hundred years. For three days I
    held on with the people of my new home, and after we'd all
    been through it together I felt a bond with the people.
    I believe the test of quality travel is not the journey but
    what you do when you reach the destination. You could stay
    as a tourist or you could, with more effort, fit in and
    pretend to be a citizen for as long as you stay there.
    What do others think - taste all the treats they manufacture
    for you, or be part of the attraction? Eat off the imported
    plastic dishes in your dream destination, or wash the dishes
    with the locals?

  10. needs a shake up... Added by: Poopie
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 13:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I want first to congratulate the Zoga on his apparent
    mastery of the vos sentence structure throughout most of
    his babbling... BUT I also wish to chastise him on his
    inconsistancy in applying this structure reverting to the
    usual svo structure when he says, "...whether young Anakin
    would win the podrace..." He should instead have said,
    "...whether young Anakin the podrace would win..." This
    oversight was but one of many. If Zoga wants to be a real
    Jedi any time soon I suggest he go study linguistics first
    because in interactions with others such inconsistancies as
    those he has displayed are often seen as evidence of
    dishonesty or gamy behaviour... and he may well find a
    light sabre soon being trust up his smelly green ass.

  11. Escape Star Wars Added by: Rusty
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 16:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    PLEEEEEEASE!!! I came to this site to escape the Star Wars hype and all the dorks who can't stop telling me how is was just O.K.
    I didn't come here for a movie critic or review. Please get back to why we are all here. TRAVELLING.

  12. hmmmmm Added by: nyx (nyx@your-house.com)
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 19:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i am so glad star wars is finally showing. after having to
    endure all the hype about its coming, its new effects, and
    all those trailers in theaters, i know it will be over soon.
    i keep telling myself: it won't be long girl; it won't be
    long now.

  13. Poopie (such an appropriate handle have you chosen) Added by: ZOGA
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 7:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Oh, so smart are you? Mmmm? Zoga the word "inconsistencies"
    at least can spell! And, up my smelly green ass a lightsaber
    will be "trust"? Hit spellcheck you should, before on your
    high horse you ride! Take this post so goddamn seriously
    should you not! A life you should get.....mmmm, yes!

  14. Asia Airline Woes Added by: Dennis
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 18:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Airline Disappointment: May 18,
    I recently had my second disappointment with China Airlines.
    Several years ago my luggage was lost for 4 days on the
    SF-Taipei flight. It was returned but with no note or
    explanation. I was lucky. More recently there was a two-hour
    plus delay on a Taipei-Manila flight due to brake problems
    discovered just as we started to back up. It was repaired
    with passengers on board and ended with a 2-hr flight
    requiring 5 hrs in our seats. I was too late to do business
    in Manila and returned with nothing accomplished and having
    to go to HK two weeks later to finish my resident visa
    business. The major repair to the brake system was a noisy
    and hot experience. It also was unsafe since it is always
    safer to take passengers off before any major repair and not
    needlessly endanger lives. A fire would have been
    catastrophic. The China Airlines complaint department made
    me go through a one-month process and a series of faxes,
    including a final one where they wanted my Passport and Visa
    copied. It ended with the same story and form letter as the
    initial one - We are not responsible for delays due to
    mechanical failure or our maintenance difficulties. I have
    spent seven years in Asia and worked in or visited eleven
    countries here, over forty world-wide. The overall onboard
    service, reputation (general knowledge here in Taiwan from
    conversations after my disappointment), and accountability
    is inferior to the other options for air travel. Word to the
    Better Luck Next Time,
    Dennis Daniels

  15. Drugs Added by: wolfgang (iamdawolf@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 19:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have just came back from a holiday in indonesia, and i
    would recommend all you people go there.
    Every drug you can imagine is available in the street and
    the partys are wiled.
    I thought this place would be dull at first but the raves
    That country totaly kicksass

  16. Wot's rong, Wolfgang? Added by: HOTTIE
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 20:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Wow Wolfgang - sounds like you're still high on something,
    judging by your spelling and grammar!

  17. I was bored Added by: red bade (njfkdnb d;`)
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 20:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi anybodt? I was bored in TAFE and I felt like socialising
    with anybody and anyone.
    How are you all going in this insane world we live in

  18. I was bored Added by: red blade (njfkdnb d;`)
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 20:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi anybodt? I was bored in TAFE and I felt like socialising
    with anybody and anyone.
    How are you all going in this insane world we live in

  19. I was bored Added by: red blade (njfkdnb d;`)
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 20:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi anybody? I was bored in TAFE and I felt like socialising
    with anybody and anyone.
    How are you all going in this insane world we live in

  20. travels with daddy Added by: pepe europe (josephdeignan@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 1:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Any room for this on traveller's tales? Also...whom would I
    talk to about getting involved in contributing to
    guidebooks for eastern europe?

  21. Idiot in Indo Added by: Jack
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 1:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm glad that you had a good time in Indonesia but why on
    earth did you ever think it would be dull? It's one of the
    most populous nations on the planet and most of them are
    pissed off- dull it won't be for a long time.

  22. Celebrate midsummer? Added by: Per (kartongkungen@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 3:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Anybody want to celebrate midsummer (swedish holiday)?
    We are two swedish guys heading for western USA in june and
    the 25th of june we are planning to celebraty the sweidish
    holiday - midsummer. Anybody out there who would like to
    join us?

  23. ...night's dream.... Added by: Ali
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 4:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Where in the western U.S. shall you celebrate midsummer and
    what does it entail?

  24. anybody know of yoga teacher training webssites? Added by: sweetpea
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 5:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

  25. HOTTIE.... Added by: bismillah
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 8:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ...you ain't so hot. (Or bright, for that matter.)

  26. Gosh! Added by: BigFatUglyChick! (SpikdMetal@aol.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 11:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Gosh! You guys were really hard on Zoga!!! I thought that was funny! My other question is, I am
    looking to buy property in Egypt, does anyone have any suggestions as to where I should look??

  27. Questions Added by: milly
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 11:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    How long does it take to fly from Sydney to Europe?

  28. Huh? Added by: Katho (kchua.6.plc@pymblelc.nsw.edu.au)
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 11:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    How long does it take to fly from Sydney to Europe?

  29. Sofia to Greece Added by: ReggieGray (r.b.gray@worldnet.att.net)
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 14:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Does anyone know about flying from Sofia to Thessaloniki or
    Athens? 'Thanks!

  30. Suching a railwaytrain through India Added by: alpha (mniedecken@netcologne.de)
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 19:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hello guys,
    does anybody knows how to book (or find in www)
    a railwaytrain going from Pune to the south of India??
    Would be great to let me know!!!
    Have a nice day!!

  31. Greece Added by: Natalie
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 21:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I've just come back from touring through Greece. There's so
    much to see. Even the tomb of Philip of Macedon in a new
    underground museum. Anyone want more info?

  32. dear Hottie Added by: tragic (superleet@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 22:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    as it so happens, some of us ARE still travelling. what's
    more, it's nice to read the kind of gossip from home that's
    hard to get over here. there's plenty of useful travel
    information in every single category here and no need to
    complain about one thread.
    and the best I-cafe is on Azerbaycan Caddesi, Bahτelievler,

  33. dear everybody... Added by: michael (mchl_hchflzr@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 0:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    well, i'm the one not travelling any more and the mind still
    hooked somewhere else - the further away the better.
    well i guess i have to leave this place and this site before
    i am getting nostalgic...

  34. Comments on 2.5 Months backpacking Europe Added by: Memphis... (RCP9833)
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 2:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ah Zoga. Right u are. Great movie, but no body. Needs more character development. Anyway...back to traveling. Indonesia sounds like a lot of fun. Maybe one day. Putting my Internal frame to the side until I finish school. I fell in love with Scotland, but i think i just needed to spend a little more time in Greece. If any one ever goes to Corfu in Greece, stay at the Pink Palace. Whooo. 23 American $ and you get a warm reception of oozo. Ouch. Lots of fun. Also, there is a guy from North Carolina that has a moped shop up there. Real cool cat. Very reasonable. Accidentally laid one down and he didnt charge me hardly anything for repairs. Saw Cher at Parre Le Chais in France. She was scared of me. Thought I was Poprazzi I guess. In the real world I was just happy to see a familiar face. Oh yeah! If anyone is traveling to Amsterdam anytime soon, stay at the Last Watering Hole. Great place. Clean and safe. Just outside of Red Light. Live band at bar next door is great and they serve beer and anything else u want. Check it out.
    Wish if I could go back soon. I will return... looking for work just after I graduate. If anyone wants to hear more u know where to come.
    Bye the way hottie, very good points. The whole world is your backyard. Now have fun with that.

  35. Comments on 2.5 Months backpacking Europe Added by: Memphis... (RCP9833)
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 2:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ah Zoga. Right u are. Great movie, but no body. Needs more character development. Anyway...back to traveling. Indonesia sounds like a lot of fun. Maybe one day. Putting my Internal frame to the side until I finish school. I fell in love with Scotland, but i think i just needed to spend a little more time in Greece. If any one ever goes to Corfu in Greece, stay at the Pink Palace. Whooo. 23 American $ and you get a warm reception of oozo. Ouch. Lots of fun. Also, there is a guy from North Carolina that has a moped shop up there. Real cool cat. Very reasonable. Accidentally laid one down and he didnt charge me hardly anything for repairs. Saw Cher at Parre Le Chais in France. She was scared of me. Thought I was Poprazzi I guess. In the real world I was just happy to see a familiar face. Oh yeah! If anyone is traveling to Amsterdam anytime soon, stay at the Last Watering Hole. Great place. Clean and safe. Just outside of Red Light. Live band at bar next door is great and they serve beer and anything else u want. Check it out.
    Wish if I could go back soon. I will return... looking for work just after I graduate. If anyone wants to hear more u know where to come.
    Bye the way hottie, very good points. The whole world is your backyard. Now have fun with that.
    PS: America: I am currently thinking about joining the Peace Corps and would like to find out more information from someone other than a recording. Ive got all the official info, but I would like to hear some advice from someone who has been there. If u could Email me or start a chat room for that topic, I would be very thankful.

  36. Jedi Added by: starwars fan
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 4:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i will see the movie until i like it.
    thank you very much.

  37. Searching for Madeline of Red Deer... Added by: Raghu (ragsraghu@yahoo.com)
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 9:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Met this lovely, blonde, blue-eyed girl of 21 in January 99
    in the jungles of the Amazon and we laughed away for a day.
    She is Madeline from Red Deer in Alberta, Canada. When not
    in Brazil, she was waiting out the Canadian winter in Isla
    de Margarita in Venezuela. Dumb as I am, I didn't get hold
    of her last name or address or whatever. Can anyone throw
    some light on how I can get in touch with her again?

  38. BELIZE HOSPITALS Added by: usma41 (fjbal@bellsouth.net)
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 10:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I was in Belize until last sept., I was working on building
    Govt. Hospitals in Orange Walk, San Ignacio, and Dangriga.
    I have tried in vain to find out if the hosspital in
    dangriga has opened or not, and if Dr. Pete is still there,
    and hows he doing? If anyone has any information please
    let me know. Also if you know anything of a Gean Levy in dan
    griga let me know. FRANK BALTRA

  39. BELIZE HOSPITALS Added by: usma41 (fjbal@bellsouth.net)
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 10:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I was in Belize until last sept., I was working on building
    Govt. Hospitals in Orange Walk, San Ignacio, and Dangriga.
    I have tried in vain to find out if the hosspital in
    dangriga has opened or not, and if Dr. Pete is still there,
    and hows he doing? If anyone has any information please
    let me know. Also if you know anything of a Gean Levy in dan
    griga let me know. FRANK BALTRA

  40. BELIZE HOSPITALS Added by: usma41 (fjbal@bellsouth.net)
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 10:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I was in Belize until last sept., I was working on building
    Govt. Hospitals in Orange Walk, San Ignacio, and Dangriga.
    I have tried in vain to find out if the hosspital in
    dangriga has opened or not, and if Dr. Pete is still there,
    and hows he doing? If anyone has any information please
    let me know. Also if you know anything of a Gean Levy in dan
    griga let me know. FRANK BALTRA

  41. so it's not devil's food Added by: ian
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 12:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    "beginnings are always artificial" and the phantom menace had
    the predicament of living up to the climax which everyone had
    already seen. i think it was a good job of kickstarting the
    plot (of the entire story), for all of the people who hadn't
    spoiled it for themselves by seeking it out long before the
    movie; and i thought it was dynamic enough to keep everyone
    occupied for its most of its length- so the cake wasn't
    devil's food: chocolate is good enough

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