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This topic was created by dora
[Mon 24 May, 22:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

rumania reported the acid rains and damage to the forests
and threes due to nato bombing the chemistry factories in
btw, does anyone know has somebody studied and analised the
impacts of oil pollution in Gulf or is it yet too early?

[There are 6 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 23:23]

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  1. um Added by: shakespeare
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 23:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    sorry to be picky... but what's 'threes'? Do you mean trees?
    I havn't heard this... but sounds intriguing. No idea about
    oil population in Gulf either. Guess I'm no help.. so...

  2. um Added by:
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 23:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I think it'd be interesting if someone had 'analised' oil
    pollution in the Gulf..

  3. Pure propaganda Added by: Islander
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 5:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Anyone visiting Rumania in the past five years would clearly
    see that their own lack of pollution control in industry has
    caused massive degradation of the environment to the point
    where whole towns and cities are toxic and killing the
    inhabitants. There was a feature story on this in National
    Geographic that showed children playing in yards where acid
    rain had stripped every last vestige of vegetation of any
    kind and their faces were blackened with airborn pollution.
    Trying to blame NATO bombing at this juncture is absolutely
    farcical and could not even be swallowed by a die-hard

  4. Prevailing Winds Added by: Karlo
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 6:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The prevailing westerlies at this time of year wouldn't
    funnel the small amount of pollution produced toward
    Romania, and the results to an environment as degraded as
    Islander correctly describes it wouldn't be so rapidly
    apparent. Look for the causes of Romanian pollution in
    Romania itself, or to the west of Romania.

  5. uhm, spelling! Added by: dora
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 23:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i suppouse yor anderstanding of the problem really got
    polluted by mi spelling a tree as a three. a plant or a
    number, or whatever you understandid it was, due to the

  6. now about pollution/ nato bombings Added by: dora
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 23:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    well, the thing is that excess chemical pollutiong is a
    possiblity... the intention of the post was to draw
    attention from war to this side of destruction. as for nato
    bombing, far from the fact that IT WAS NECESSARY, the only
    thing is that all that mighty technology can't solve it out
    efficiently and quickly + by prolonging it for such a long
    time they give even more credibility to milosevic as a great
    commander/ruler whatever: as a petty small dictator, he
    surelly is still well rooted.
    but, i thought it would be interesting to start a talk about
    war induced pollution what was the intention behind 'the
    rumanian acid rains due to nato bombing' posting. the
    environment-war connected issues. consumerism versus
    environmentalism has been chewed as a topic. results:
    insignificant- UN Convention on the matter and a new fashion
    trend in lifestyle... i suppose the war pollution thing is
    not even tempting to bite into it.
    wrong time for that, or i failed to put the thought across

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