
This topic was created by uranus
[Fri 14 May, 21:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Eight areas in California: Bakersfield, Chico-Paridise,
Fresno, LA-Long Beach, Merced, Modesto, Oakland, Orange
County. I have data on unemployment and labour force.
Regardless of population, how would you group the eight
areas together with respect of employment development? A
weird question maybe for a travel forum, but I have no idea
how those areas are located in California and the labour
situation there... thanks

[There are 21 posts - the latest was added on Mon 24 May, 1:18]

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  1. Central Valley cities Added by: Wiliam (8:30 in Mpls! Up early,for me.)
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 23:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    All the above, except LA, Orange County, and Oakland, are
    agricultural-based, broiling-hot-in-summer cities in the
    Central Valley that are rather unattractive. If you want
    this information because you're thinking of moving there
    from abroad (thinking perhaps the cost of living would be
    lower than in SF), think again. You wouldn't want to live
    there. Wilster went to college (uni) in Chico. Enough

  2. Chico is great!! Added by: Grrrl
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 1:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I go to school there!! Who's Wilster?
    Also, I'm from Modesto, and our town is growing!! They're
    building a multi-plex theater in downtown!!

  3. uranus... Added by: Wilster (Opt Not)
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 2:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Don't listen to the Freak. And I'm surprise that the Freak
    didn't get your typo: it should read Chico-"Paradise".

    The Chico area has changed heaps since I left there upon
    being graduated to go live in NZ in the spring of '84. But
    it is absolutely gorgeous. A college town with loads to
    offer the residents. Incidently, it has the largest city
    park, Bidwell, in the nation second only to Central Park in

    The Freak also forget that I went to grad school in Fresno.

    Most the areas you've listed (ie in the Valley) are
    significantly cheaper than the SF Bay...the Freak is
    clearly wrong.

    In order of liveability I would put them in the following
    order, best at the top:

    *Modesto--The movie, "American Grafitti" was filmed for the
    most part in Modesto.
    *Orange County
    *LA-Long Beach

    Many of the Valley Cities are agriculturally-based, but
    they have all changed rapidly over the past ten years.
    Much of the economic power-house of the Bay Area has
    spilled into the Valley. Each has many things to offer
    along the lines of employment and pleasure. Sure, if
    you're a gay man in his late 20's who's got ADD and has a
    tremendous need for attention, you might be best suited for
    San Francisco.

    I wouldn't even give Southern California a thought and you
    might consider some other areas of the Valley; the
    surrounding Sacramento area, Farfield, and our own twin
    cities (Marysville/Yuba City) area, all warrant
    consideration. Let me know if I can give you some
    specifics on any of the these areas.

  4. Wilster, i gotta quibble with you on Fresno Added by: christy
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 3:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Fresno is the armpit of the universe. I bigger hellhole I
    cannot imagine. Bakersfield is only marginally better. Move
    there only if you like roughnecks and farmers.

  5. christy... Added by: Wilster (Opt Not)
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 4:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    What are we quibbling on then? I say Fresno is better than
    fucking helL.A., so you think Oakland should be above
    Fresno? This I agree with, but if you take costs of
    living, housing, raising kids and such, I think Fresno
    comes out slightly ahead. I guess we need to find out more
    from uranus as to what exactly he is looking for. And you
    have been off HWY 99 in Fresno, right?

    When I think of Fresno, I think more along the lines of
    Eastern Fresno like Clovis...I'm lumping the two together.
    And even in Fresno, the Fig Garden area with its
    established homes is quite nice. After doing my grad work
    there, I came to know a lot more about Fresno. Plus,
    Fresno is a springboard to the Sierra and the Coast.

  6. announcing my presence Added by: Anti-Wilster (
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 5:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You must be joking when you claim Oakland is more habitable
    than Los Angeles. Having all over the state, I must
    Here's my list in order:

    Orange County

    Long Beach is a really crappy place - it should go into its
    own category at the bottom.

    What about San Diego?

    E-mail me if you need more specifics.

  7. WiLsTeR!! Added by: William
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 9:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Wilster, as usual, is living in a fantasy world of his own
    making. Cities like Bakersfield, Fresno, and Modesto are
    barely-habitable hellholes that one should move to only if
    one likes 110 degree F days in summer, a complete lack of
    cultural opportunities, and enjoys the opportunites that
    4-H clubs have to offer. Chico????? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
    Los Angeles is the US's second-largest city: a fascinating,
    striving, vibrant metropolis with something for everyone. A
    true and nearly unbelievable melting pot.

  8. Yay for Oakland Added by: Puff
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 9:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Home of the Oakland chapter of Hells Angels.

  9. Cluster analysis Added by: uranus
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 20:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Nice to give me some response. No, I'm actually not
    thinking of moving there. It's just that I downloaded some
    time series from the net about labour and unemployment in
    the aforementioned places. I did that to test a cluster
    analysis and now I wanted to know if my analysis gives OK
    results. Fresno and Modesto should have quite similar
    labour developments? Merced and Orange County would be the
    two most distant... OK?

  10. Wilster -- Added by: christy
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 5:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I was just recently in Fresno on business, and my
    grandmother lives in Visalia, so I've done my central
    valley time. I guess the biggest appeal of Fresno is that
    it is easy to get to a lot nicer places. I am curious,
    though: to which coast is fresno a spingboard? Even the
    Salton Sea is a bit of a drive.
    I love LA, and I think Oakland is becoming increasingly
    interesting. Long Beach is positively awful, but still
    better than fresno. San Diego is the wonder bread capital
    of CA (Dull dull dull as a bag of hair), but again, better
    than fresno. However, having not spent much time in
    Modesto, Merced or Chico, I won't comment. But I bet
    they're all better than Fresno. I'll even go so far as to
    say Irvine is better than Fresno. I guess what I'm saying
    is every city in CA should be above Fresno. You can just
    call me Anti-Fresno.

  11. Wilster, Christy Added by: Anti-Wilster (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 14:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Fresno is PROVINCIAL. If it's so great, why do you live in
    Belmont, right off of the World's Most Beautiful Freeway,
    just a short drive to the city? Hmmm?

    Christy, STOCKTON is the armpit of the universe. Fresno is
    still better than Stockton, and Fresno State's basketball
    team is pretty darn good.

  12. CA cities Added by: William (Mpls)
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 15:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Oakland is surprisingly up-and-coming and interesting (and,
    hey, LP has its North American HQ there).
    Fresno, Modesto, Stockton, etc. are just pits-- awful.
    Orange County is sort of mildly interesting in a 1950s
    suburbia meets 90s melting pot kind of SoCal way.
    LA/Long Beach is complex and fascinating.
    Merced is horrifying.

  13. Final word on Oakland Added by: Anti-Wilster (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 15:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Oakland is SCARY. For pete's sake, JERRY BROWN is the
    mayor. The sports teams are decaying- people only go out to
    see the A's when they give away Beanie Babies, and the
    Raiders constantly threaten to move (maybe to Fresno?). The
    Coliseum/airport Bart stop is really really frightening.
    Oakland's favorite son is MC Hammer. The only affordable
    housing is in areas that are claim prostitutes and drug
    dealer as neighbors.

    On second thought, I put Modesto ahead on the list.
    Rednecks are better than Crips and Bloods, I guess.

    William, what part of Oakland is the LP HQ?

  14. christy... Added by: Wilster (Opt Not)
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 8:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Como? You left out Bakersfield sweetie. So you gonna tell
    me that Bakersfield is above Fresno too? ;-P My point was
    that anything north of Bakersfield, including the latter,
    is better than helLA. Yeah, okay, if I could live anywhere
    down "there" it would Encinitas or maybe even the
    Oceanside/Carlsbad area. I did live in San Diego for six
    months (just not close enough to some skiing and the sierra
    for my liking). But all these areas are just So Cal...too
    weird, not my scene fur sur, like totally.

    Fresno is the springboard to the Five Cities area (Pismo
    Beach), SLO, Morro Bay, and Cambria to name a few. It's
    only about two hour's drive. Hey, so are/were you a
    Visalia Oaks minor league baseball fan. You know what
    (okay shoot me) I kind of liked Exeter!!! I don't know, I
    use to make calls in the Central Valley from where I lived
    in Paso Robles. I got to know all the little cities of
    this area. They all had real charm, were compact, etc.
    Unlike the burgeoning spots along HYW 99.

    Yeah, Irvine is nicer than Fresno in one sense, but since
    it's in bloody helLA, it's no significant on any of my
    lists above. Although I did see my second to last DEAD
    concert at Irvine Meadows with bro and a former
    girlfriend. She was pretty straightlaced, my brother and I
    took shrooms for the concert.

    Wilty, you just haven't spent enough time (if at all) in
    the Central Valley dude.

  15. Wilster, Wilster, Wilster Added by: Anti-Wilster (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 15:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You are dating yourself captain. Drugs are oh-so seventies.

    I feel compelled to correct you (yet again) - Irvine is a
    good 45 miles from Los Angeles, 50 if you head to Turtle
    Rock. South Orange County is a separate cultural entity from
    Los Angeles. To say that it is in Los Angeles shows a
    frightful lack of knowledge regarding California geography.
    You are henceforth banned from further participation in this

  16. Addendum Added by: Anti-Wilster (
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 15:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I must agree with Wilster on one point, that Central
    California, and other provincial areas of the state, have
    some good baseball.

    Go Chico Heat!

  17. CA CA CA Added by: William (Mpls)
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 16:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I don't know what else to say other than:
    the Central Valley SUCKS. It is hot and flat and smells of
    pig feces. Driving down Interstate 5 through the Central
    Valley is the equivalent of falling asleep. Bakersfield is
    like Amarillo, Texas, but without the cute guys. Fresno is
    a blot on humanity. Los Angeles is fascinating and
    interesting and always-changing. Orange County is cool in a
    suburban sort of way. Oakland is crime-ridden but making a
    serious effort.

  18. Hey wilster... Added by: 18
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 6:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    if you wanna go to the beach, live in Santa Monica, not
    Fresno! Think of all the better places to live that are not
    two hours' drive to the beach! Oy! Whachu got moss growing
    between your ears? :)

  19. Santa Monica... Added by: Wilster (Opt Not)
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 9:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Living in Santa Monica is far more expensive than Fresno,
    and requires far greater effort to get to the Sierra and
    skiing, hiking, and camping than Fresno. Considering Santa
    Monica is part of the helL.A. basin and a cluster-fuck of a
    place to live, I'd opt for the two-hour drive to the coast
    (could probably afford another place on the coast since
    helL.A. is so fucking expensive) any time. You can take
    that to the bank in my book.

  20. Please reread #15 Added by: Anti-Wilster (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 10:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You are not qualified to discuss this any further.

    AS IF LA is more expensive than Belmont.

  21. My Guess Added by: Bystander
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 1:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Wilster=59 handles?

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