
This topic was created by Blondie
[Tue 25 May, 14:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

My boyfriend has a poster in his bedroom of that Betty Blue
woman with her tits hanging out of her shirt. As I am not as
well endowed I feel like it is a continual reproach to me,
the other day I caught the bastard looking at it while we
were screwing, should I insist he removes the poster or just
get a new boyfriend?

[There are 29 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 18:07]

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  1. How about Added by: ANTI-elitism (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 14:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    silicone implants? :)

  2. I agree with POST 1 Added by: sidelines
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 14:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Flat chested boyish girls like yourself should be ashamed of themselves.

  3. Options Added by: Cardinal
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 14:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Why don't you get a picture of John Holmes or an excited
    donkey. Alternatively you could just get a vibrator or
    dildo and place it near the bed.

  4. Blondie Added by: becca
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 14:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Don't worry about it. Most guys don't confuse their
    fantasies with reality. Its just a little harmless
    tittilation (bad pun), and he knows you're the real thing!
    If it makes you uncomfortable, why not be creative about the
    where and how so that you can ensure he can't catch a
    glimpse of it while in the act? :>

  5. a suggestion Added by: Sid
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 14:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    you could massage toilet paper in your cleavage...after a
    while you should notice some growth. If you don't believe
    this works look in the morror and see what this solution
    has done to your arse.
    Alternatively, you do some vagina excersises by reapetedly
    squeezing then releasing...when you have developed enough
    strength give his honger a squeeze with each thrust...that
    would divert all his attention. I insist that my woman does
    this for me and I never look at that Gillian Anderson
    poster I have on the ceiling. If she don't perform I get
    grumpy...and she hates it when I get grumpy

  6. This is serious guys Added by: Blondie
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 14:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    No I will not be getting a boob job as I already have nice
    breasts, they just aren't over sized like some American men
    seem to prefer!
    Why should I have to put up with him fantasising about fat
    titted loonies when he's got me?I am not bad looking
    especially compared to him.

  7. If you say so Blondie Added by: notsaying
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 14:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    maybe I could show you what a big-cocked sensitive
    good-looking man can do to your self-esteem? :)

  8. notsaying Added by: Blondie
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 14:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You can leave my self esteem just where it is thanks but how
    about a casual cyberaffair?

  9. Blondie Added by: notsaying
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 14:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    cyberaffairs only achieve one thing for me - lonely
    masturbation in my room. please enlighten me as to what
    other benefits i may attain through a cyberaffair with you.

  10. notsaying Added by: Blondie
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 14:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Maybe it won't be so lonely if we both do it at the same
    time and you describe some of your sexual fantasies to me?

  11. Hot & Bothered Added by: Pizzaman
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 14:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Blondie baby, you are a real peach honey but your boyfriend
    needs a little help to get there sometimes, let him look at
    his poster if you want him to shoot his load into you
    otherwise just sit on his face.

  12. let's make a deal Added by: becca
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 14:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    maybe he can fantisize about big tits while you get off
    thinking about your cyberaffair with notsaying. seems fair.

  13. Blondie Added by: notsaying
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 15:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    well my fantasy is to tell you how beautiful your tits are
    and how tight your pussy is while i'm fucking you,with your
    boyfriend tied up in a chair being forced to watch. what do
    you say??

  14. notsaying Added by: Blondie
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 15:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You sound like a nice man. The only thing I would add is
    that you make him lick my cum juices off your shaft when we
    are finished.I also like shower scenes.

  15. notsaying Added by: Blondie
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 16:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Having read some of your other responses I am afraid the
    affair is off, anyone a bit less hung up out there for me to
    talk to?

  16. and after I untie your boyfriend Added by: notsaying
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 16:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I get to lick his beautiful cock too

  17. I would love to do your boyfriend, Blondie Added by: notsaying
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 16:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    and lick him all over

  18. notsaying Added by: Blondie
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 16:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Your welcome to it notsaying

  19. Blondie, don't dump me because I'm a guy with bigger breasts than those little mounds you have Added by: notsaying
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 16:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Your boyfriend wants me

  20. Blondie, dear, Added by: notsaying
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 16:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    don't cry. No guy would want you anyway.

  21. BTW, Blondie, Added by: notsaying
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 16:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    if you want to be a skank
    at least get some breasts, whore

  22. BTW, Blondie, Added by: notsaying
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 16:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    if you want to be a skank
    at least get some breasts, whore

  23. notsaying Added by: Blondie
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 16:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sorry notsaying, didn't realise you couldn't handle
    rejection, still it looks like I was right to break off our
    PS my breasts are lovely, I have brown nipples which point
    up and just enough meat to overflow my boyfriends hands, you
    know what they say "more than a handfull is a waste".

  24. Blondie Added by: the REAL notsaying
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 16:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    all the abuse came from an imposter
    having fun little boy? JAKE?

  25. I don't care Added by: Blondie
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 16:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sure mate, I have read Jake's boring/nice guy posts and I
    doubt he would have posted that shit.You are just a lonely
    little wannabee who could never deal with a real woman like

  26. Blondie Added by: Jake
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 17:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sorry to bore you Blondie!I always enjoy your posts.

  27. Yes I did it Added by: Jake
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 17:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I impostered. Shoot me.

  28. Great Work Added by: Aye! Caramba
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 18:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It's grouse to see that the high standard of TTYC has returned now that the onelist/shutup people have been shown the door.

    Good work, boys and girls.

  29. 27=Imposter boy Added by: Jake
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 18:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]


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