The Chinese Menace

This topic was created by dj
[Wed 26 May, 8:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

For the past 40 years, Russians have been carrying out espionage against the United States. No one raised too much of a hue and cry about it. However, now that the Chinese have been discovered doing the same thing, people are up in arms. Why? Could it be because the Russians are white and the Chinese are not? Is it an ex post justification for the attack on the Chinese embassy in Belgrade? What bloody hypocricy!

[There are 13 posts - the latest was added on Wed 26 May, 13:08]

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  1. Well said, dj Added by: Observer
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 9:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Unfortunately, you likely won't get too much support from
    the white people on this site. You think travel would
    broaden their horizons, but unfortunately they prefer the
    comfort of their unquestioned racism

  2. ditto Observer Added by: ditto Observer (ditto Observer)
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 9:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ditto Observer

  3. racism Added by: Pilgrim
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 9:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ok, I hate to pass up this opportunity to jump on the
    racist bandwagon, but I vaguely remember the US panicking
    about those evil Russian commies who aimed to steal our
    (US) military secrets, infiltrate our government, corrupt
    our children, etc. Certainly lives (white and not-white)
    have been lost over Russian and American espionage activity
    in the US and abroad. As far as justification for bombing
    the Chinese embassy goes - wasn't information on Chinese
    spies in New Mexico released well before the attack in
    Belgrade? Or was that all part of the master plan? hmmm....

  4. observer, Added by: chmer
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 9:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thanks for making your judgements about the people on this
    site without waiting for them to make their opinions
    known. If they don't support djs statement it will more than
    likely be because of his own rabid style of racism in the

  5. hey chmer Added by: xtatic
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 9:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    you may think i have a hang up about this, but anyway - i
    went to sydney on the weeked. you know how daggy things
    like hawian shirts seem to become cool about 8 yrs down the
    track? well, in oxford street i saw some hip and happening
    dudes kicking about in guess what? tight dark blue levis,
    and big white high cut trainers! there is hope for you
    yet . . .

  6. hey chmer Added by: xtatic
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 9:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    you may think i have a hang up about this, but anyway - i
    went to sydney on the weeked. you know how daggy things
    like hawian shirts seem to become cool about 8 yrs down the
    track? well, in oxford street i saw some hip and happening
    dudes kicking about in guess what? tight dark blue levis,
    and big white high cut trainers! there is hope for you
    yet . . .

  7. anyway Added by: xtatic
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 9:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    who said no one made a big deal about russian spying? what
    was mcarthyism about again? though i do agree - imagine
    the shitfight if iran was getting secrets . . .

  8. We all know how crafty the Red Chinese are. Added by: Paranoid
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 10:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I even heard on the Art Bell program that they are
    tunnelling through the center of the earth to carry out a
    surprise attack on the USA and may alrady have reached the
    halfway point.

  9. Nothing To Do With Racism. Added by: Dave
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 10:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    But,aside from espionage which every country indulges in,the
    Chinese(amongst several other notorious nations)shamelessly
    rip off intellectual property by totally ignoring copyright
    on,clothing,software,cd's,etc etc.
    It's simply theft,and their governments turn a blind eye to

  10. Think again dj... Added by: Wilster (Opt Not)
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 11:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    "No one raised too much of a hue and cry about it." What?
    What do you think the entire Cold War was about? Espionage
    was just one aspect of the Cold War. Man, there was a
    waste of billions of dollar, rubles, and a host of other
    currencies in this "silent war". Plus, thousands died
    indirectly through boths sides' indirect action against
    each other in other countries.

    If the Chinese got as much as "they" say, then it was the
    bloody US intelligence that was at fault. But even under a
    worse case scenerio, there are far more war heads floating
    around Russia (that could get into the hands of far more
    adversarial characters than China) and the former USSR than
    China can ever hope to produce.

  11. Troll Added by: Karlo
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 12:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I once thought dj was an angry person of color, but I've
    revised my theory to believe he's just another white guy
    doing a little trolling. Nobody could really be this
    ignorant of the main event of this century. Do the words
    U-2 Incident, Cold War, and Mutually Assured Destruction
    ring a bell? How about "Cuban Missile Crisis"? If you don't
    include the Cold War, no other generalizations you care to
    make about 20th Century history are to be taken seriously.

  12. mark Wilster's words down Added by:
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 13:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    "But even under a
    worse case scenerio, there are far more war heads
    around Russia (that could get into the hands of far
    adversarial characters than China) and the former USSR
    China can ever hope to produce. "

    Wilster your pathetic little colonial yank upbringing may
    cloud your vision, but do not insult a country with 5,000
    years culture that you can never hope to understand.

  13. might i add, wilster Added by:
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 13:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Poms like us laugh at little yanks like you who bitch and
    moan about human rights this, human rights that, and then
    financially support dictators just because they kiss
    american asses.

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