This topic was created by questioner
[Wed 26 May, 4:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Amigo I read your words on the Shroud of Turin but I have an
interesting question for you on another topic. I think
someone already asked you this question before and I don't
think you answered it, I was disapointed so I'll ask it
again. It is, How did Noah collect two of each of the
millions of species regardless of their geographical
distribution on the planet, including all subspecies of
nematodes and freshwater plankton? I'd like to hear this

[There are 21 posts - the latest was added on Wed 26 May, 11:11]

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  1. Well Questioner, Added by: Amigo
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 5:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Noah didn't collect the animals - God caused them to come to
    him. And who says he needed to take "millions of species"?
    Two of each "KIND" the Bible says! Creation scientists have
    calculated that only a few thousand pairs of animals would
    have needed to be taken, and many of these would have been
    tiny. The animals would have taken up no more than
    one of the three floors of the ark. And surely you don't
    think plankton and other organisms that can live in water
    needed to be taken on board?

  2. another question? Added by: questioner
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 5:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I guess so but where did all that water come from during the
    Great Flood, wasn't there more than 40 feet of water? The
    water covered the whole earth, so could they see Everest
    which I think is about 30,000 feet? Really?

  3. Thats a good question! Added by: Amigo
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 5:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well Questioner, the water came from two sources, according
    to the Bible (1) "the windows of heaven" - probably the
    collapse of a water vapour canopy and (2) "fountains of the
    great deep" - water from inside the earth. There is no need
    to think that pre-flood mountains were as high as today
    (Everest is 29,000 feet high now).

  4. hi, me again Added by: student
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 5:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'd like to know if Adam and Eve's children commited incest?

  5. Wrong Question Added by: Karlo
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 5:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The question isn't where the water came from, but where it
    went. "Forty feet" must be being confused with "40 days and
    40 nights"; 30,000 feet would have been required.
    So the animals all assembled in pairs on short notice from
    all over the world in Palestine to be saved. The question
    then arises, what did the tree sloths find to eat when they
    landed on Ararat, how did they make their way from there to
    South America over a drowned and lifeless landscape, and
    where did the trees and insects, etc., required to make the
    Amazonian ecosystem come from to sustain them on arrival?
    Did Noah have two of each kind of mold, fungus, insect, etc.
    on hand as well?
    God, I'd love to have seen a pair of plucky millipedes
    hoofing it across the Atlantic.

  6. To student Added by: Amigo
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 5:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I was asked that once before, but my answer is NO. Laws
    against incest came in Moses' time. Adam and Eve's
    children(see Genesis 5:4) intermarried without problems
    because there were no harmful mutations at that early stage
    of human history about 6 thousand years ago. This is a
    brief answer but I hope that helps? Addios.

  7. ya but..... Added by: questioner
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 5:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ........when did the continental drift and the break up of
    Pangea occur?

  8. Boy I'm getting a lot of questions again! Added by: Amigo
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 5:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Questioner, I'd say the continental drift occured probably
    during the flood or soon after.

  9. Where did the water go? Added by: John
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 5:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'd say the water went back where it came from karlo, if the
    environment can produce it then it can re-produce it.

  10. thats stinks Added by: fartman
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 5:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]


  11. . Added by: .
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 5:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]


  12. question again about evolution you talked about Added by: questioner
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 6:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Why is 99% of our DNA structure the same as Chimpanzes?

  13. To Questioner Added by: Amigo
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 6:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well my friend, the figure usually given is nearer 95%
    similarity. Why wouldn't God have been effecient and used
    similar plans for different members of His creation? The
    differences between apes and humans are VAST! For instance,
    apes don't send E-mail and ask questions about how they came
    to be!

  14. What about the Big Bang? Added by: student
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 6:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Is there proof for the Big Bang theory?

  15. To student Added by: Amigo
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 6:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Man you guys have to many questions, why do you ask me? Why
    don't you find a scientist(creationist) who can answer you
    even better than I? Anyway student, about the weak Big Bang
    theory, my answer is NO. After all who was there to witness
    how the universe bagan? God was there, and He has told us
    how He did it! Read your Bible.

  16. amigo Added by: caz
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 6:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    you're really good! You've got an answer for everything.
    It's still all made up though

  17. ? Added by: ?
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 8:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]


  18. Morning! Added by: Mr Apostrophe
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 9:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Back at work again and have 'read myself in' through the
    overnight posts on the Turin topic. Amigo you're being
    naughty again. You can't prove your point by finding one
    exception and then evading half the argument. Viz:
    There may well have been a jade statue that threw up carbon
    dating anomalies. That doesn't make the countless millions
    of other corroborating experiments using carbon dating
    invalid. There is not 'a mad scientist' who is singly
    responsible for one or two bits of carbon dating. Evbery bit
    of carbon dating every performed would have to be out by a
    factor of thousands to support your 6000 year claim.
    Science, as you singularly fail to recognise, is about
    making observations, gathering data, performing experiments,
    checking them agains previous results, adjusting the
    hypothesis and then making more observatiosn.... It does not
    start with a pre-supposed belief that is solely supported by
    the elements of the pre-supposed belief. (The Bible is true
    because it's God's word because the Bible tells us God
    We've been through this Ark thing before but once again,
    it's just not possible to build a re-established population
    from one breeding pair. Even the most illiterate Malian
    herdsman knows that you can't breed sibling goats together
    without severe defects showing up before long. That's why
    virtually every society on Earth has incest taboos,
    including our Judaeo-Christian one.
    Your geological assertions are pretty laughable. Continental
    drift is measurable and our continents didn't just start
    surfing rapidly around a few dozen centuries ago. Your
    Biblical mountains would have been much the same height as
    they are now. Mountains are not pimples. They don't pop up
    and down over centuries but are formed by geological
    pressures that act over time.
    By the way, where in the Genesis time line does the Flood
    occur? How long after Adam & Eve?

  19. Tut tut, Amigo. Added by: Delver
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 10:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Not two of each kind. Read it again.Two of each kind of
    every beast that was unclean. Clean beasts were brought into
    the ark in sevens as were flying creatures.(Genesis 7:2-3)

  20. Age Added by: Mr Apostrophe
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 11:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    From today's science news. Note, as I'm sure Amigo will,
    that there is some discrepancy, but only a factor of 10%,
    which for purposes of discerning if the universe is only
    6000 years old doesn't really enter the equation. (I also
    like to include both sides of the argument.)
    Yahoo! News AP Headlines
    Tuesday May 25 5:26 PM ET
    NASA: Universe 12 Billion Years Old
    By PAUL RECER AP Science Writer
    WASHINGTON (AP) - Precise measurements of the distance to
    certain stars suggests the universe is about 12 billion
    years old, somewhat younger than earlier estimates, a team
    of NASA astronomers announced Tuesday.
    Other experts, however, immediately said NASA's results are
    in error and that a solution to one of the basic questions
    in astronomy is still unknown.
    A team of 27 astronomers funded by NASA and led by Wendy
    Freedman of the Carnegie Institute of Washington announced
    completion of an eight-year effort to measure the distance
    to 800 special stars in order to calculate the speed at
    which all of the galaxies in the universe are moving apart.
    Calculating that separation speed, called the Hubble
    constant, was a top priority of NASA's space telescope
    because the result is a critical factor in determining the
    age of the universe, Freedman said Tuesday at a news
    Freedman said that the Hubble constant was determined to an
    accuracy of 10 percent and when this value is combined with
    other measurements it gives an estimated age of the universe
    of about 12 billion years.
    This number may rise slightly, to perhaps, 13.5 billion
    years, she said, if assumptions about the amount of matter
    in the universe change with further study.
    NASA's announcement was quickly denounced by Allan Sandage,
    a legendary astronomer and head of a Carnegie Observatories
    team in Pasadena, Calif. that has searched for the Hubble
    constant since 1968.
    ``If NASA is giving the impression that the problem is
    solved, then we would dispute that,'' Sandage said in a
    telephone interview. ``They have announced a final number
    and they are not correct.''
    Astronomers have been searching for the Hubble constant
    since 1929 when astronomer Edwin Hubble first found that
    distant galaxies are moving away from the Earth faster than
    are nearby galaxies. Astronomers express the Hubble constant
    by measuring the acceleration rate for every 3.26 million
    light years in distance.
    Calculations using ground telescopes have ranged up to 558,
    but Freedman said new measurements taken with the space
    telescope has refined acceleration rate to 70 kilometers per
    second. This means that a galaxy is moving 160,000 miles per
    hour faster for every 3.3 light years it is away from the
    Earth. Freedman said her figure was accurate within 10
    Sandage said NASA's new number is still too high.
    ``We've said all along that the correct number is about
    55,'' he said. This would give an age of the universe of 14
    to 18 billion years, depending on what is assumed about the
    mass in the universe, Sandage said.
    The expanding universe supports the Big Bang theory, the
    idea that the universe began when all matter was compressed
    into a single point that then exploded. The theory states
    that the universe has been expanding ever since.
    Recent studies also have shown that the universe probably
    will expand forever. Some researchers also believe that the
    expansion is speeding up due to a force that accelerates
    matter. Existence of this force is still controversial.
    Freedman said that the age of the universe will finally be
    determined when other researchers have more precisely
    measured the mass and the effect of the mysterious force.
    The NASA team reached their Hubble constant number by
    measuring the distance to a type of star, called a Cepheid,
    that pulsates at a known rate and strength. By measuring
    Cepheids in 18 galaxies out to 65 million light years, said
    Freedman, the team established the rate of expansion.
    Sandage said his team measured distances to nine star
    explosions, called supernovae, and then confirmed these
    distances with Cepheid measurements. He said this method is
    more accurate.
    Both teams used the Hubble Space Telescope which can study
    stellar detail that is unseen by ground telescopes.
    Despite the difference in numbers, Robert Kirshner of
    Harvard, head of a third team studying the Hubble constant,
    said astronomers are slowly moving toward agreement.
    ``We used to disagree by a factor of two,'' which he said
    was ``like arguing about having one foot or two.''
    A disagreement of 10 percent, said Kirshner, ``is like a

  21. Faith or Science, Amigo? Added by: Steve
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 11:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey Amigo, I like your statement in your post #1 explaining
    how the animals got to the ark: "God caused them to come
    to him." Seems you are moving away from your pseudo-
    scientific theories, and getting back to a faith based
    argument that I think everyone here will find a lot more
    acceptable. I would have a lot more respect for you if you
    just gave up your bogus scientific approach, and just
    accepted your beliefs based entirely on faith.

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