All sorts of stuff. (inside)

This topic was created by Scott
[Wed 19 May, 21:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hi, why am i back here? We've got a new set of egocentric
wankers.On the plus side,i don't bother going in unless
it's posted by someone
Sally,Debs,Hurricane,@play,Tabatha,RMM. there are more of
you but names won't come to mind.
Ok, I just had fun checking out Aussie Rules teams O/S. it
seems that Nth America is catching up fast. NA Jeb was
telling us more about playing for a carolina team below.
O/wise i enjoyed the Copenhagen Crocs and the Tokyo Goannas
(club song too!).
So far my cards ain't worked,but it's early days..only 2
attempts :).
Nash, as some-one who comes from a broken home, until i got
out of that situation,it was very hard to see melbourne,and
Australia,in a positive light.It's very hard to change when
everyone around you is negative,and there is no economic
way out.So i can see your point,but it's an ind. thing.
@play, what turns me on,if I remember rightly it's your
post girls being natural,spontaneous,and
generally eyes and voices have a big effect on me.
Let's hope little Johnny Howard is hamstrung by princess
Meg and we end up with a compassionate version of the GST.
Dems get my vote next time though. the rest is forgotten so it can't have been too
See you in a few days. SCOTT :)

[There are 9 posts - the latest was added on Mon 24 May, 9:17]

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  1. Well Scott Added by: Debs
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 22:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thanks mate. First time I've smiled at a post for ages.

  2. Hi Scott Added by: Sally
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 23:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    And debs....two more aussie night owls.

    I have my fingers crossed, but I never trust those democrats. Never forget they were spawned as disaffected Libs. Jackboot Johnnie - humph.

  3. Hmmm a compassionate GST Added by: Debs
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 23:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    interesting concept.
    Poor Old Dems, Keeping the bastards honest is not as easy
    as it sounds.

  4. I laugh at the current state of politics in Australia Added by: inflames
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 23:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    This country isn't going to gain any friends
    internationally whicheevr tax system you got, cos no one
    cares quite frankly.

    This GST or no GST debate has been raging since 1993. In
    this time America has invented the World Wide Web and now
    taken over the world with it. In Australia we are still
    pitifully debating the same shit. We still have made no
    progress in reconciliation(remember Mabo was also aruond
    1993 and so was the Repulican debate started around then).

    Instead of fuckin' around with the tax system if this
    country had *real* leadership we could have built up an IT
    industry in the 6 years from ground up to world
    competitive, trained a world class group of IT
    proefssionals to run the country's economy and told the
    farmers to get fucked as subsidised farming industry does
    nothing for the country's longterm unemployment problem but
    subsidised manufacturing with concentration on the IT
    industry would.

    Instead of debating over some bullshit Republican
    conventioon and referendum and meaningless procedural
    PEDANTIC head-of-state argument, some real leadership in
    Canberra could have conducted a debate, easily, over the
    last 6 wasted years on what it means to be an Australian,
    who is Australian, what are the central Australian values,
    and bond the country together as one.

    But, no, that is too much to expect, isn't it? In America,
    with a much harder country to govern, in 6 years the
    leadership can fight a few wars, invent an industry to
    dominate the global economy over the next 50 years, and
    then even get into a few blowjob scandals. In Australia
    NOTHING is done and we sit here and tolerate this shit.

  5. Scott Added by: inflames
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 23:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Now wouldn't it have been nice had Natasha Stoo-Despoja
    been in control of the Democrats now? That would make news
    compulsory viewing.. instead we got to deal with Meg Lees.
    By the way are you on the Democrats newsletter list? hehe I
    just got mine this week.

  6. inflames Added by: Observer
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 0:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    you said you were not going to post here again, ultimate
    loser. Fuck off already.

  7. How predictable Added by: the Real Observer
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 0:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    a good thread again waiting to go down the drain with the
    last one by fake observer..

  8. Scott ... Added by: @play
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 9:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey Scott.

    I'm surprised someone actually listened to me.
    See ya when you get back.

  9. Hi Scott Added by: Hurricane
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 9:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hear from you soon

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