Happy birthday "Grundgesetz"

This topic was created by ro
[Tue 25 May, 20:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

50 years of German constitution.
Our grandfathers generation lived in a fascist system
responsible for the death of millions that devastated the
continent - now we┤re living in the 51st year of one of the
worlds most liberal and attractive constitutions that serves
as an example for young nations.
Happy birthday!
It may not be perfect, but after all it┤s a success story,
don┤t you think so?

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Wed 26 May, 5:13]

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  1. Right on! Added by: Truffledog
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 23:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    definetly a success story!
    the young people are (perhaps because of the past) amongst
    the most pacific in the world, hitch-hiking is the fastest
    on the planet, there are no speed limits on the autobahn
    and even kids can buy beer! And geriatrics can still play
    for the national side (Matthaeus) :)
    Seriously, though, where Germany really does lead the world
    is in the fact that it is the first large country where
    energy consumption per-capita is actually declining (ditto
    for solid waste levels, which are amongst the lowest in the
    western world), thanks to a powerful green movement, and in
    fact stands at half of the new world's, despite having
    similar or even higher GDP levels.
    The re-unification has proved that on an administrative
    level Germany has done more in ten years than Italy in
    fifty with it's mezzogiorno (southern areas).
    Despite problems (rising unemployment, increasing numbers
    of neo-fascists, resentment against guest workers, etc...
    but then again these problems are common to all of Europe
    if not the world), congratulations are most certainly in
    order, and I agree with ro's sentiment that the most civil
    society Germany has ever known can indeed serve as an
    example for young nations.

  2. Alle stehen auf, die Nationalhymne zu singen! Added by: Dagobert
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 5:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Deutschmark, Deutschmark ⁿber alles,
    Uber alles in der Welt,
    Wenn auch der Durchschnittsenturist
    Reisecheques in Dollar hΣlt!
    Pfund und Franc zum Teufel gehen,
    Euro uns gar nicht gefΣllt--
    Deutschmark, Deutschmark ⁿber alles,
    Uber alle anderen Gelt.

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