Environment and Ecology

Best Ideas

  1. Why future generations matter
  2. If you were a multi-millionaire wanting to help future generations ...
  3. The Sacred Cow Syndrome and Gaia principles
  4. Ecopsychology
  5. Equanimity needed to face accelerating changes
  6. A vision of future evolution
  7. 12.5m Earth globe with interior computer projections
  8. A memorial for extinct species
  9. 20 million optimum population for Britain
  10. A Flu from Hell to reduce human numbers
  11. Mass extinctions threatened by gamma rays
  12. The Natural Step's progress
  13. Local Agenda 21 as a way to influence councils
  14. Getting funds from large firms by 'swing-purchasing'
  15. Lifestyles of frugal beauty
  16. Balancing the carbon budget
  17. Negawatts, feebates and food-miles
  18. Beckerman in Wonderland
  19. A teenager's world-changing letters
  20. Community-Supported Agriculture
  21. Forest gardens, network marketing and learning poetry
  22. Owners to donate land for community gardens
  23. Permaculture as a social invention
  24. A community forest garden in Islington
  25. Permaculture farm and campsite - progress report
  26. Cornish eco-hamlet
  27. £30m Earth Centre in Yorkshire
  28. Growing hemp for clothes
  29. Thyme - a grass lawn alternative
  30. A £25 home-made compost toilet
  31. Squatters select waste collector
  32. No garbage _ no garbage bill
  33. Picking up other people's litter on the tube
  34. Lottery rewards for good deeds
  35. Microwaving waste less polluting than incineration
  36. Making town maps showing Green initiatives
  37. Re-creating our cities
  38. An environmentally concerned hotel
  39. Recyclable telephone directories
  40. Hawks keep pigeons out of town
  41. Pheremone spray for dogs' mess
  42. Less stress for chickens in red light
  43. The emotional lives of animals
  44. Weather changes will increase depression
  45. Stickers of earth from space

Social Inventions

  1. The best uninhabited island in the world?
  2. Eating grasshoppers
  3. Signs with farm phone numbers for walkers
  4. A Forest Garden inspired by Robert Hart
  5. Manchester's first Forest Garden
  6. Permacamp - a year-round camp site
  7. School For Self Sufficiency
  8. Lost pet ads in California predict earthquakes
  9. Suspend planning laws during recession
  10. Straw houses and other uses for straw
  11. Coconut dust as replacement for peat
  12. Clay balcony pots for composting
  13. Recycling myths
  14. Hillman's Musings:
  15. Packaging tax needed
  16. Inadequate EC Ecolabelling and environmental auditing
  17. The Environmental Law Foundation
  18. Archie's Eco-Checklist
  19. Sustainable Society study group
  20. Bamberton new town for 12,000 - controversy
  21. Auction the whale
  22. Less weeds if plough by night
  23. The Earth Chant

Book of Visions

  1. The Council for Posterity
  2. The Rights of Nature
  3. A Declaration of the Rights of Nature
  4. The Natural Step - A National Plan for sustainability
  5. A Global Strategy for Sustainability
  6. A National Trust for the future, run by Third Agers
  7. Software for saving the planet
  8. Act as if you were going to live to be five billion years old
  9. The Laws of Vested Interest
  10. A sunshine limit to growth
  11. Property rights in air and water
  12. From Consumers' to Users' Association
  13. New Consumer
  14. Shopping for a Better World
  15. Postcards to ungreen companies
  16. The Valdez Principles, a Green code of conduct for companies
  17. Wanted: Enemies of the Earth and Greenwar International
  18. Ecology Begins At Home
  19. How Green are YOU?
  20. Avoiding Armageddon by redirecting space debris
  21. Meteor stream key to earth's climate
  22. Satellite-verified incentives to help save the rainforests
  23. The Forest Peoples' Fund
  24. Show Brazilians value of forest
  25. A Botanical Peace Corps
  26. School seeds study for Kew database
  27. Buy an acre of tropical forest
  28. The erosion of civilisations
  29. Saving the planet with gravel dust
  30. The planet fertile for 10,000 years every 100,000 years?
  31. 52 million trees = 1 factory
  32. Free trees from Tree Bank
  33. Mulching better than fertiliser for tree planting
  34. Trees and hippopotami
  35. An Agroforestry vision
  36. The Forest Garden
  37. Non- poisonous slug control
  38. Garlic-absorbing trees for protection from rabbits
  39. Giving gardens to the needy
  40. Six pounds a week to save woodland
  41. Rights for Swedish animals
  42. Getting free range chickens to go outside
  43. A new order of knighthood, the Knights of Gaia
  44. Parishes competing to be ecological guinea pigs
  45. Ecological Village Association
  46. Tuggelite, a Swedish eco- village
  47. Welsh solar village
  48. The Green town of Davis
  49. A Green town for 12,000
  50. Against a free market in agriculture
  51. State support for Organic Agriculture (outside UK)
  52. A charter for agriculture
  53. The Land Heritage Trust
  54. Vetiver grass - a new Green Revolution?
  55. Phosphates will mean the end of cities
  56. Otters to test river purity
  57. Solving the slurry problem
  58. Need for a dual sewage system
  59. Sewage marshes as nature sanctuaries
  60. Converting human sewage into quality fertiliser
  61. The Eco Lavatory
  62. Sweet-smelling food for pigs
  63. Hawthorn hedges on estates
  64. Quiet Zones
  65. Deposits on newspapers
  66. Cow to eat 4.5kg of newsprint daily
  67. Hemp - 'a plant to save the world'?
  68. All containers recycled by law
  69. Recycling with worms
  70. Curitiba - reycling as a popular and heroic activity
  71. Extra waste bins for recyclables for Sheffield households
  72. Mandatory deposits on containers
  73. Incentives to reduce rubbish
  74. Underground street litter containers
  75. Sponsored recyclers
  76. Deposit on car batteries
  77. Energy used to clean old bottles 15 time more than for new
  78. Recycled paper means less trees
  79. Imaginative environmental events
  80. Global ecological alliance
  81. Environmental Legislation Ideas Bank
  82. Save the World Club
  83. A Calendar with 28 day months
  84. Changing the clocks for more daylight

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