From Consumers' to Users' Association

Valerie Yule

We live in the Age of Waste and so we have a Consumers' Association. But if we can wake up quickly enough to what is ahead the name will soon be changed to the Users' Association.

The aim of the redefined Association will be for buyers to get the best that we can without ruining the future - without taking all the irreplaceable natural resources, ruining the arable land and spreading the deserts.

'The Users' Association will include in its evaluations of a product: how durable it is; how repairable; and how recyclable'

The Users' Association will include in its evaluations of a product some or all of the following:

- How durable it is;
- How repairable, and whether DIY, local repairer or back to the manufacturer;
- How recyclable.

Tables for product comparison will be extended to include the following:

- Pollution Index. rating of how much pollution is involved in the making, in the using, and in the disposing.

'Rating how much a product will be laying a cost on future generations'

- Future Cost Index. One Future Cost rating is how much a product will be laying a cost on future generations by taking up irreplaceable natural resources, such as oil or mercury, in its making or operation. A lesser Future Cost rating is how much it takes up renewable resources that are not being renewed properly - like rain-forest timber.
- Energy Index. Units of fuel required for operation.

Valerie Yule, 57 Waimarie Drive, Mount Waverley, Victoria, Australia 3149 (tel 807 4315).

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