Free trees from Tree Bank

The Dendrologist's Tree Bank Register records details of trees that are available free if they are for planting by amenity or conservation groups. The Register is run by the Dendrologist - a quarterly bulletin (costing L4 p.a.) of tree news and information for amateur enthusiasts and others who care about Britain's trees and woodlands. Details of trees offered, whether native, conifer or exotic, together with your name and address should be sent on a postcard to the Dendrologist. Requests for free trees should always be accompanied by an SAE as the scheme is run entirely by volunteers.

'The Tree Bank Register records details of trees that are available free if they are for planting by amenity or conservation groups'

The Dendrologist's Tree Register, The Dendrologist, PO Box 341, Chesham, Bucks HP5 2RD.

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