Save the World Club

Des Kay

From Des Kay's Save The World Club Newsletter.

Things are really hotting up at Save The World Club (STWC) at the moment - and boy, don't they need to! People are joining at an unprecedented rate - getting involved with all sorts of affiliated organisations - Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, CND etc - very encouraging. Remember you can still take advantage of free membership - the only requirement being a pledge to say 'I am a member of STWC, and today I will do all I can to help save the world' every day when you wake up.

'The only requirement being a pledge to say 'I am a member of STWC, and today I will do all I can to help save the world' every day when you wake up'

Down here at the Kingston branch the pace quickens as preparations for the Kingston Green Fair reach an exciting stage. Billed as an Environmental Extravaganza, with stalls, clowns, jugglers, food, cabaret, inflatables, music, games, face painting, workshops and competitions, it takes place on the Monday Spring Bank Holiday.

When it is over, Kingston STWC are organising a directory of all we have gleaned - plus listings of all the relevant and sympathetic groups, equipment and entertainers - for STWC members throughout the country to start a network of annual Green Fairs, the village fetes of the future.

Des Kay, Cadbury Gardens, Kingston-Upon-Thames, Surrey (tel 081 546 1827).

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