Postcards to ungreen companies

Clive Akerman

Pre-printed postcards might be produced to give feedback to the 'baddie' ungreen companies - so that we Green sympathisers who are spurning the 'baddies' and patronising the 'goodies' can tell the baddies what we have done and why.

For instance:

To the Marketing Director, ______________________________

Dear Sir,

I have this day spent _____ Pounds buying ___________________ from your
competitor _______________________________________. While I accept that
your equivalent product is of similar performance at a similar price, I
chose to purchase from your competitor because


Yours faithfully,


Address ____________________________________


Loss of market share will cause a company to change - telling them WHY they have lost market share, and implicitly or explicitly telling them that they will be forgiven (we shall return to buying their products) if they mend their ways, will help us to move towards a society more sensitive to future generations.

The other two aspects of such a campaign should be:

1. Identify a list of the current 'Top Ten' most undesirable consumer products, with the reasons for their undesirability and a short list of 'OK' easily obtained alternatives.

2. Publicise the list, with the reasons and the alternatives. This can be by television consumer or current affairs programmes or newsletters. The mechanism must be legal, but otherwise anything within the reach and taste of the pressure group concerned is acceptable.

'Identify a list of the Top Ten most undesirable consumer products, with the reasons for their undesirability and a short list of 'OK' easily obtained alternatives'

Clive Akerman, 92 Sandbrook Road, London N16 OSP (tel 071 241 0866). This simple idea won a prize in the Social Inventions Awards.

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