Wanted: Enemies of the Earth and Greenwar International

Anthony Judge

An adapted extract from a letter to the Institute.

I propose the creation of two new organisations: Enemies of the Earth and Greenwar International. These bodies would function as 'counterparts' to Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace International. Their purpose would be to focus attention on the efforts of those who are endeavouring to degrade or destroy the Earth in one way or another. If the Earth is to be the scene of an archetypal battle between its Friends and its Enemies, then it is only fair that the heroes on both sides should be appropriately honoured.

'If the Earth is to be the scene of an archetypal battle between its Friends and its Enemies, then it is only fair that the heroes on both sides should be appropriately honoured'

Needless to say it is to be expected that people may be somewhat shy about declaring their membership in either body. They will need assistance. So we need a small trust of 'well-wishers' to set up the legal structures and to administer the secretariats. The trust could then invite nominations for membership - those who have demonstrated outstanding commitment to the degradation of the Earth.

As in any serious organisation, profiles of members will be carefully built up to indicate the domains in which they have demonstrated degrading capacity or in which they are anxious to do so. These profiles, with addresses, can be published in directory form. They should provide a source of income to cover general expenses.

A panel, modelled on the Nobel Prize Committee, could be appointed to select annually - on the basis of nominations - laureates in different domains such as: war, eco-destruction, disinformation, cultural degradation, health depletion, deprivation, weapons research, conspicuous consumption, betrayal of hope and human misery.

So that is the proposal. I trust that it tickles your imagination. Of course it would need to be done right. Maybe it would be better to do it rather than talk about doing it. One has no trouble in recognising ideal members.

Anthony Judge, Union of International Associations, rue Washington 40, 1050 Brussels, Belgium (tel 32 2 640 18 08; fax 32 2 649 32 69).

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