A Botanical Peace Corps

Whole Earth Review in California announced the formation of a Botanical Peace Corps, a decentralised and leaderless network for amateur ethnobotanists willing to take direct action to save valuable plants. A 'wish list' of needed plants has been published and a field guide for those tourists willing to help collect specific seeds and plants. 'Most people don't enjoy the idea of being tourists,' they write. 'They want to respect and contact some authentic experience of forest or jungle environments. With a short period of training in the identification of endangered useful plants along the path of their itinerary, the right reference materials, a good illustrated guidebook and a list of local contacts, a traveller can become an explorer and contributor to the effort to save the most important parts of our dying botanical heritage.'

'A traveller can become an explorer and contributor to the effort to save the most important parts of our dying botanical heritage'

- Botanical Peace Corps, PO Box 1368, Sebastopol, CA 95473, USA. Send a self-addressed envelope with international reply coupons from the post office with details of your journey.
- See also 8 pages of details in the Whole Earth Review No 60 (back issues $7, subs $24 in US bank cheque only), PO Box 38, Sausalito, CA 94966-9932, USA (tel 415 332 1716).

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