Environmental Legislation Ideas Bank

Guy Dauncey

We need an Environmental Legislation Ideas Bank, to gather together actual and proposed laws and regulations from all over the world, and to list them by category. Then if you wanted to find out what kinds of laws have been enacted to encourage recycling, for instance, you could simply look up 'recycling', take your pick, and shape it for local circumstances. With an Ideas Bank on computer network, regular user feedback could be included from people living under the new laws. Once established, legislators would also presumably be keen to file any new legislation, so as to gain credit for their work. The Bank might become self-supporting, on a subscription basis.

'We need an Environmental Legislation Ideas Bank, to gather together actual and proposed laws and regulations from all over the world'

Extracted from 'Building a Green Future - Ten practical ideas for environmental organisers and activists' by Guy Dauncey (details above).

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