The Green town of Davis

An article by Richard St George in Resurgence (No 134, L2-40 from Ford House, Hartland, Bideford, Devon EX39 6EE) describes how the town of Davis, near Sacramento in California, has been 'greened'. In the sixties, students working with local people produced an alternative local plan. Riding on this 'Green Ticket' three students were elected to seats on the local council. One of those original students, Bill Carter, is now the mayor. Changes made include:

- The planting of 17,000 trees, one in front of every house and parking lot, to give shade and natural cool.
- Houses are restricted to two storeys and business premises to four. New building regulations demand better standards of insulation, double glazing and require solar water heating. New housing developments concentrate on passive solar design.
- Allotments are available for flat owners with no gardens of their own.

'In the sixties, students working with local people produced an alternative local plan. Riding on this 'Green Ticket' three students were elected to seats on the local council. One of those original students, Bill Carter, is now the mayor'

- Material for recycling, pre-sorted, is collected from the streets by specially designed dustcarts.
- Cyclists have the right of way everywhere, with 42 km of bike lanes in the town and 28 km in the suburbs. There is even a unit of cycle police to regulate the bicycle traffic.
- No council decisions are made without a public hearing. The council members sit in a semi-circle facing the public galleries from which comments and suggestions can be considered.

Richard St George, 22a West Mall, Clifton, Bristol BS8 4BQ (tel 0272 743111). 'I have since been warned,' Richard St George writes, 'that my article presents a somewhat too-rosy picture of what is happening in Davis.'

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