Sweet-smelling food for pigs

Adapted from items in the Independent.

The slurry being spread on Richard Adkins' pig farm at Tatenhill in Staffordshire has become more acceptable to neighbours since he has started giving his 120 pigs deodorised food, treated with a solution containing a violet-smelling yucca base. 'The slurry now has a nice violet smell which everyone seems to like - even the pigs.'

'He has started giving his 120 pigs deodorised food, treated with a solution containing a violet-smelling yucca base. The slurry now has a nice violet smell which everyone seems to like - even the pigs'

Professor Denis Headon, a biochemist at Galway University in Ireland, says that yucca plant extracts, added either to the animal feed or to manure storage tanks, reduces the smell by combining with the ammonia. And now a Derbyshire-based nutrition company, Colbron-Dawes, has developed a product based on the yucca plant called De-Odorase, marketed by BOCM Silcock.

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