Extra waste bins for recyclables for Sheffield households

Up to 7,500 households in Sheffield are being given an extra waste bin - the Blue Box - into which they can put paper, glass, cans, plastics and batteries for recycling. The Blue Boxes will be collected weekly and loaded separately onto a specially designed collection lorry.

'Up to 7,500 households in Sheffield are being given an extra waste bin - the Blue Box - into which they can put paper, glass, cans, plastics and batteries for recycling'

The Blue Box collections are part of Recycling City, a project initiated by Friends of the Earth, with the aim of developing model recycling facilities in four cities. The project operates as a partnership between industry, government and the voluntary sector, with sponsorship provided by British Telecom and funding for a full evaluation to assess the practical and economic viability of the new recycling operations in Sheffield.

Rebecca Gwynn-Jones, Friends of the Earth, 26-28 Underwood Street, London N1 7JQ (tel 071 490 1555).

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