Global ecological alliance

Guy Dauncey

We need a new global alliance of ecologically-minded countries - a Global Ecological Alliance. Canada, the Scandinavian countries, Holland, Austria, Australia and New Zealand could take the lead.

'We need a new global alliance of ecologically-minded countries - Canada, the Scandinavian countries, Holland, Austria, Australia and New Zealand could take the lead'

Member countries could develop bold joint initiatives to address the destruction of the tropical rainforests, the greenhouse effect, the ozone hole, Third World debt, oceanic pollution, soil erosion, etc and could work on positive measures such as ecological development initiatives, world youth-link initiatives, planetary celebrations of nature, etc.

Extracted from 'Building a Green Future - Ten practical ideas for environmental organisers and activists' by Guy Dauncey (intended for Canadian readers), Canadian $2-50 from Guy Dauncey, 2069 Kings Road, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada V8R 2P6 (tel 604 592 4472 h; 592 4473 w, tel and fax).

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