Tugglite, a Swedish eco-village

Extracted from BladSUSet No. 6, newsletter of the Swedish Institute for Social Inventions (SISU).

'Composting toilets are installed. Bath water etc is used for watering plants. Greenhouses lean-to on every house'

Tuggelite was completed in 1984. The 16 dwellings are built as terrace houses with a community house which has a child care centre. There are underground larders for storing eg root vegetables. Composting toilets are installed. Bath water etc is used for watering plants. Greenhouses lean-to on every house, so that incoming air is preheated in the greenhouses. The house external walls are built as two shells with 38 cm of unbroken insulation in between. There is 65 cm of roof insulation. Resource use has been cut by about two thirds. The capital costs are slightly higher, but the running costs are thus substantially lower.

The residents share many activities: weaving, photo lab, gymnastics, sauna, carpentry, song group, purchase of fruit and vegetables. Some group tasks such as caretaker are rotated, with adults on the rota every fifth week.

SISU - see address above.

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