Changing the clocks for more daylight

The Policy Studies Institute (PSI) issued a report on the costs and benefits of moving the clock one hour ahead of its current setting throughout the year. That would mean British Standard Time (BST) in the winter and Double British Summer Time (DBST) in the summer.

'Moving the clock one hour ahead of its current setting throughout the year'

There is now a likelihood of the government taking action to implement this change. The suggested smooth transition would be, after the necessary legislation, to maintain BST through the winter. In the spring of the following year, clocks would be put forward by a further hour to DBST, and in the autumn they would be put back by one hour to BST and so on, with thereafter the two clock changes each year, as at present.

The advantages

- There would be an extra hour of evening daylight on every day of the year, whereas for most people there would effectively be an extra hour of morning darkness in only the depths of winter.

'There would be a reduction of about 850 fatalities and serious injuries in road accidents'

- There would be a reduction of about 850 fatalities and serious injuries in road accidents.
- More daylight journeys for social and recreational purposes could be made, benefiting the old and children particularly.
- There would be an increase of over a quarter in the number of hours for outdoor leisure activities after school or work. As the Times diary put it: 'Cricket under the midnight sun - who could resist such a prospect?'
- An improvement in general health and well-being is predicted from the increase in exercise in daylight and sunlight.
- Earnings in tourism would rise by about L600 million annually covering those activities governed by the availability of daylight.
- Additional annual earnings of about L150 million for the leisure industries.
- An increase of jobs in the leisure and tourism industries.
- An annual saving of about L100 million in fuel costs and improved efficiency in electricity generation.
- Clock times between the UK and 93% of the EC would be identical for all twelve months of the year. This would be welcomed by the UK's EC partners.
- Businessmen would be able to make round trips to the continent within a day. Increased revenue for British airlines of L30 to L50 million would be generated.
- A large majority of organisations surveyed during the PSI study were in favour of the change.

The disadvantages

- It would exacerbate the already depressing start to the day in winter, especially for those whose work has to begin early irrespective of the availability of daylight, such as the postmen, milkmen, others in public services, and some farmers.
- It would be especially depressing for those living in Scotland, where daylight in mid-winter would not begin until 9.30 - although there would be the compensation of the extra hour of daylight in the afternoon.
- People may psychologically prefer to have daylight on rising than later in the day, if they have to choose between them.
- Unions in the agricultural and construction industries are likely to be strongly opposed, without equally powerful countervailing bodies.
- There will be adverse political repercussions in Scotland, although there are some who argue that Scotland could have its own time zone.

The conclusion

Bill Daniel, the Director of the Policy Studies Institute, comments: 'The government is inclined to believe that there is no such thing as a free lunch. The Policy Studies Institute judges that the advantages of reform relative to the low costs of making the change add up to a free and regular banquet.'


Michael Young (Lord Young of Dartington) chaired a conference on this theme and praised Dr Mayer Hillman's booklet, 'Making the Most of Daylight Hours' (published by Policy Studies Institute). 'It is a remarkable job,' he said. 'If Britain enters into a new relationship with the sun, it will be due to the work of one person who had an idea ahead of his time. It will be thanks to his dedication and research. The book is very solid, with the issues well delineated. It means the public debate will not be carried one way or the other by emotion and prejudice to the extent that it would otherwise have been. His proposal is a social invention, which is as important as a technological one, though rarer. In fact his case is almost too good to be true. It is a researcher's dream that all the points in favour should come out like this. A referendum on the issue might well produce a vote in favour even in Scotland.'

'If Britain enters into a new relationship with the sun, it will be due to the work of one person who had an idea ahead of his time'

At the conference, representatives of the Transport and Road Research Laboratory, Age Concern, the Rural Development Commission, Butlins Holiday Camps, the British Tourist Authority, the Sports Council and the CBI all spoke in favour, with the Building Employers' Federation, the Post Office and the National Farmers Union against (the three latter do not like early starts in the dark).

'It is an issue which ordinary people have not thought about,' Michael Young commented, 'and so public opinion polls may not produce meaningful results. But I do believe that the chances of the change occurring will be greater just because there is some opposition, otherwise the proponents might have sat back and not fought for it. Now it will be a lively debate, with small minorities showing strength of feeling on both sides.

'The strength of feeling against change is normally the greater, so the result is by no means an open and shut case'

'The strength of feeling against change is normally the greater, so the result is by no means an open and shut case.'

Following publication of a government Green Paper on the subject of the PSI proposal, two pressure groups were formed, one called Keep Summer Time British fighting against the change, and one called Daylight Extra, which is in favour. A government survey showed 55% of interest groups were in favour of the change and 34% were against. But most of the 4,000 letters and petitions have been against, particularly those from Scotland. Two public opinion surveys have recorded a 3 to 1 majority in favour of the change.

'The MPs were persuaded by the public outcry over horror stories in the press about children run over going to school in the dark on icy roads. The media had been unable to make a story about the larger number of unknown pedestrians saved by the extra afternoon daylight'

Interestingly, the previous similar experiment on these lines was ended by parliament on a free vote in 1970 by 336 votes to 81. The MPs then were largely persuaded by the public outcry over horror stories in the press about children run over going to school in the dark on icy roads. The media had been unable to make a story about the larger number of unknown pedestrians saved by the extra afternoon daylight.

'Making the Most of Daylight Hours' by Dr Mayer Hillman, is available at L4-95 incl. p&p from PSI, 100 Park Village East, London NW1 3SR (tel 071 794 9661 h; 071 387 2171 w; fax 071 388 0914). Dr Mayer Hillman won a 1989 Social Inventions Award for this proposal.

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