Alphabetic list of commands

PAddition Runs an installed menu plug-in from the PageMaker Plug-ins submenu.
PAddPrinterStyle Saves the current print settings as a printer style of the given name.
PAddWord Adds the specified word to the user dictionary for spell checking and hyphenation.
PAlignment Specifies paragraph alignment.
PAssignLayer Assigns the currently selected objects from one layer to another layer.
PAttachContent If the object is specified, this command attaches selected objects to the selected frame. If no object is specified it attaches the selected object to the selected frame.
PAutoflow Sets autoflow on or off. If set on, the next text placed will flow automatically.
PBasedOn Specifies the style on which the style being edited is based.
PBlackAttributes Sets the values that control the trapping and automatic overprinting of "black" objects.
PBook Creates the book list with the specified publication names and sets up automatic renumbering.
PBox Draws a box from the top-left coordinates to the bottom-right coordinates.
PBreakLinks Breaks the links of the selected frames.
PBringForward Brings the selected object forward one position, bumping up its drawing order by one. Multiple selected objects retain their stacking order in relation to each other.
PBringToFront Moves the selected text or graphic to the front or top layer of the page.
PCascade Cascades the displayed windows of either publications in the layout view or stories in story editor. The Cascade command stacks the windows on top of each other, offsetting them so that each title is visible.
PCase Formats text as normal, all capitals, or small capitals. The extent of the action depends on which tool is active, whether any text is selected, and whether a publication is open when the command is executed.
PChange Replaces the first occurrence of the specified text, searching the selected range, the active story, or all stories of the current publication. Leaves the new text selected.
PChangeAll Replaces all occurrences of the specified text in the selected range, the active story, or all stories of the current publication.
PChangeEnv Rebuild one of three dynamic lists maintained by PageMaker: font metrics information (for example, kern pairs or track-kerning information), the font submenu or pop-up menu, or the PageMaker Plug-ins submenu.
PChangeNext Searches for the next instance of the Find What text specified in the last PChange, PChangeAll, or PFind command and replaces it with the Change To text specified in the last PChange or PChangeAll commands, using all the same settings. Leaves the new text selected.
PChangeParaAttr Sets paragraph attributes (paragraph style, alignment, and leading method) to be used for the search text in the PChange and PChangeAll commands.
PChangeTypeAttr1 Sets the text attributes (font, point size, type style, position, and case) to be used for the search text in the PChange and PChangeAll commands.
PChangeTypeAttr2 Sets additional text attributes (set width, tracking, color, and tint) to be used for the search text in the PChange and PChangeAll commands.
PChangeWindow Opens or closes the Change dialog box.
PClear Deletes the currently selected graphic or text without storing it on the Clipboard.
PClose Closes the specified publication without saving changes. If you do not specify a particular publication or all the publications, PageMaker closes the currently active publication.
PCloseStory Closes the active story in story editor.
PColor Applies a color to the selected text or graphics or, if nothing is selected, to the next object drawn or placed.
PColorPalette Displays or removes the Colors palette, a scrollable window that lists the colors available for the text and graphics in the publication.
PColumnGuides Creates evenly sized columns with the specified gutter size on the currently displayed page or pages.
PControlPalette Displays or removes the Control palette.
PConvertEnhMetafile (Windows only) Converts the selected enhanced metafile into a Windows metafile. The enhanced metafile must be stored in the publication.
PCopy Copies the currently selected text or graphics to the Clipboard, from which it can be pasted elsewhere.
PCreateIndex Creates an index.
PCreatePolygon Creates an open, irregular polygon.
PCreateTOC Creates a table of contents.
PCrop Crops the selected imported image.
PCut Cuts selected text or graphics to the Clipboard.
PDefaultDir Sets the specified path as the default folder for subsequent commands that access files.
PDefaultPrintClrSpace Sets the color space for the print job.
PDefineColor Defines a new color or tint and adds it to the Colors palette, or redefines an existing color.
PDefineInk Defines (or redefines) the screen angle, screen ruling, and default neutral density value for the specified HiFi ink.
PDefineMasterPage Creates or redefines the named master page, setting the specified margins and columns. Turns to the specified master.
PDelete Deletes the selected text, text block, or graphics.
PDeleteContent Delete the content from the selected frame.
PDeleteHoriz Deletes the specified horizontal guide, using either its location or drawing-order number.
PDeleteLayer Delete a layer and move its objects to another layer, or remove a layer and its objects altogether.
PDeleteMasterPage Deletes the specified master page and sets None as the master page of any pages to which the deleted master had been applied.
PDeletePrivateData Deletes the private data and private strings associated with the specified input criteria. Using kParmDontCare for parameter values, you can delete all private data and strings associated with any of the following: your plug-in; your plug-in and a class of objects; your plug-in, a class of objects, and a private ID; or your plug-in, a class of objects, a private ID, and a specific element.
PDeleteRulerGuides Deletes all ruler guides on the current page.
PDeleteUnusedLayers Deletes all the unused layers in a publication.
PDeleteVert Deletes the specified vertical guide, using either its location or drawing-order number.
PDeselect Changes the active tool to the pointer tool (if necessary) and deselects all currently selected text or graphics.
PDictionary Selects the language dictionary for hyphenation and spelling. The extent of the action depends on which tool is active, whether any text is selected, and whether a publication is open when the command is executed.
PDisplayNonPrinting Displays or hides all non-printing objects (text blocks and graphics that have the non-printing attribute applied).
PDisplaySpecial Displays or hides special characters in the story active in story editor. Characters displayed include spaces, tab characters, hard returns, and soft returns (Shift-Return).
PDisplayStyleNames Displays or hides paragraph style names in a sidebar in the left margin of the story active in story editor.
PDownloadWebContent Copies a file off of the internet onto the local hard drive.
PDragSelect Deselects the current selection and then selects all of the objects enclosed within the rectangle specified.
PDragSelectExtend Adds the objects that are enclosed within the specified area to the current selection list.
PEditLayout Switches to layout view of the current publication.
PEditOriginal Launches the originating application (or the specified application) of the selected linked graphic or story.
PEditStory Invokes the story editor.
PExecuteText Execute a PageMaker script.
PExit Exits (quits) PageMaker without saving the changes to the open publications.
PExport Exports text from the text block that currently contains the insertion point to the specified filename, using the selected format.
PFillAndLine Sets the fill and line attributes of the selected objects: style, color, overprint attribute, weight (lines only), and tint percentage. Acts on PageMaker-drawn objects only.
PFillStyle Applies a fill to the selected object or objects.
PFind Searches for the first instance of the specified text in the selected range, the active story, or all stories of the current publication. Selects the first match it finds.
PFindNext Searches for the next instance of the text specified in the last PFind, PChange, or PChangeAll command, using all the same settings. Selects the first match of the search text it encounters.
PFindParaAttr Sets the paragraph attributes (paragraph style, alignment, and leading method) to be used as the search text in the PFind, PChange, and PChangeAll commands.
PFindTypeAttr1 Sets the text attributes (font, point size, type style, position, and case) to be used for the search text in the PFind, PChange, and PChangeAll commands.
PFindTypeAttr2 Sets additional text attributes (set width, tracking, color, and tint) to be used for the search text in the PFind, PChange, and PChangeAll commands.
PFindWindow Opens or closes the Find dialog box.
PFont Specifies the font for text. Action depends on which tool is active, whether any text is selected, and whether a publication is open when the command is executed.
PFontDrawing Specifies whether to preserve line spacing and character shape in TrueType.
PFrameContentPos Set alignment and scaling parameters for a frame.
PFrameInset Set the inset, or margins, around the inside of a frame.
PGoBack Return to the previously displayed page.
PGoForward Move forward through a hyperlink, or page jump that is in the page history.
PGroup Groups the currently selected objects.
PGuideHoriz Creates a horizontal ruler guide at the specified location on the page.
PGuides Displays margin guides, column guides, and ruler guides (including any guides created on master pages).
PGuideVert Creates a vertical ruler guide at the specified location on the page.
PHyperJump Follow a hyperlink.
PHyperlinkPalette Displays or hides the palette that contains the hyperlinks panel.
PHyphenation Sets the hyphenation characteristics. The extent of the action depends on which tool is active, whether any text is selected, and whether a publication is open when the command is executed.
PImageSaveAs Exports the selected image to the filename.
PImageSaveForSep Saves the selected bitmap color image as either a CMYK or high-fidelity color image, based on settings in the Color Managment System Preferences dialog box, and the CMS Source Profile dialog box.
PImport Imports the specified graphic or text file and sets how the object is to be placed.
PIndents Specifies the left, first-line, and right indents forparagraphs. The extent of the action depends on which tool is active, whether any text is selected, and whether a publication is open when the command is executed.
PIndexAuto Indexes the selected text by inserting an index marker before the text and adding the selection to the index.
PIndexAutoName Indexes the selected text as a proper name. Inserts an index marker before the text and adds the selection as an entry to the index, placing the first word after the remaining words and separating the last two words with a comma (for example, the index entry for "Frida Kahlo" would become "Kahlo, Frida").
PIndexFormat Specifies all the format settings for an index.
PInkND Sets or resets the neutral-density value for an ink, whether a process ink or a spot color. Setting overrides the calculated neutral-density value PageMaker would normally use for that ink (a spot color's ND value is derived from its CMYK equivalent).
PKernText Kerns the selected text by the specified amount.
PLayAdjOpts Changes the preferences for layout adjustment.
PLayerOptions Change the attributes for a layer.
PLayerPalette Displays or hides the palette that contains the layers panel.
PLeading Specifies the leading for text. The extent of the action depends on which tool is active, whether any text is selected, and whether a publication is open when the command is executed.
PLetterSpace Sets the space from the left edge of one letter to the left edge of the next letter. The extent of the action depends on which tool is active, whether any text is selected, and whether a publication is open when the command is executed.
PLine Draws a line from the point specified by the x1 and y1 coordinates to the point specified by x2 and y2 coordinates.
PLineStyle Applies a line style to the selected line, box, or oval; or, sets the line style of the next object drawn.
PLinkFrames Link the specified frames.
PLinkOptions Sets the link options of the currently selected graphic or text block; if nothing is selected, determines how subsequently placed graphics and text are stored and updated.
PLock Changes the lock status of the selected objects.
PLockGuides Locks or unlocks column and ruler guides in place.
PLockLayers Performs either a Lock Others function, which locks all but the target layer, or an Unlock All.
PManualKerning Changes the kerning for the selected text or the pair of characters separated by the insertion point.
PMask Masks the selected objects, using either the specified object as the mask, or, if no object is specified, the top-most selected box, oval, or polygon (drawn in PageMaker).
PMasterGuides Resets the column and ruler guides on the current page to match those on the master page or pages.
PMasterItems Displays or hides all text and graphics from the master page or pages on the current page.
PMasterPage Applies the named master pages to the range of pages specified (or to the current pages if you do not include a range).
PMasterPagePalette Displays or removes the Master Page palette.
PMeasureUnits Specifies the default measurement system used for the open publication settings or, if no publication is open, for future publications.
PMiniSave Saves a copy of changes made to the open publication and appends those changes to the original file.
PMove Moves the selected object to the specified location, aligning the designated handle to the new location.
PMoveColumn Moves a left or right column guide to the specified location.
PMoveLayer Moves the specifed layer forward or back in the drawing order.
PMultiplePaste Pastes the currently copied object or objects a specified number of times, offsetting each copy by a specified amount.
PMultPasteOffset Sets the default offsets that appear in the Multiple Paste dialog box.
PNew Creates a new publication with the specified number of pages.
PNewLayer This command creates a new layer at the top of the layers list.
PNewStory Creates a new, empty story (same as clicking the text tool except that y1 designates the top of the text block).
PNewStorySized Creates new empty text block and sizes it to the specified coordinates (same as drag-clicking the text tool).
PNextStyle Specifies the style that follows the style being edited or defined.
PNoBreak Sets the Break/No Break setting of the highlighted text, which determines whether the selected text can be broken between lines or kept together on same line.
PNonPrinting Sets the print state (non-printing or printing) of the selected objects (graphics and text blocks).
PNudge Moves the selected object the amount specified.
POpen Opens the specified publication or template as either an original or a copy.
POpenStory Opens story editor to the specified story or, if story editor is already open, switches to that story.
POval Draws an oval from the top-left coordinates to the bottom-right coordinates.
PPage Displays the specified page of the open publication.
PPageMargins Sets the page margins of the Document Master master page.
PPageNumbers Specifies the starting page number, the restart numbering option, the numbering style, and the table of contents and index prefix. Deselects all selected objects.
PPageOptions Sets the double-sided and facing-pages options on or off in the current publication. Deselects all selected objects and resets the zero point.
PPageSize Sets the page size of the current publication. Deselects all selected objects and resets the zero point.
PPaintWindow Redraws the specified window as if PageMaker had received and processed an update event for it.
PParaOptions Sets paragraph options. The extent of the action depends on which tool is active, whether any text is selected, and whether a publication is open when the command is executed.
PParaSpace Adds extra space between paragraphs. The extent of the action depends on which tool is active, whether any text is selected, and whether a publication is open when the command is executed.
PPaste Pastes the contents of the Clipboard into the open publication.
PPasteLink Pastes the OLE-linked object from the Clipboard.
PPasteRemembers Set whether pasted objects are put on the same layer they were copied from, or onto the target layer.
PPasteSpecial Pastes the object from the Clipboard using the format specified.
PPickColor Defines a new color, or redefines an existing color, using a definition from a color library.
PPlace Places the contents of the loaded place icon on the page, at the specified location.
PPlaceNext Clicks the top or bottom windowshade of the selected text block and loads the text icon so that you can place the adjoining portion of the story.
PPlaceSized Places the contents of the loaded place gun at the specified location, resizing it to fit the specified coordinates.
PPolygon Draws a polygon that lies either within or on the rectangle defined by the specified coordinates.
PPolygonAttribs Sets the polygon attributes for the currently selected polygons, or, if none are selected, sets the default polygon attributes.
PPolygonJoin Joins the currently selected polygons into a single irregular polygon. The new polygon takes on the attributes of the last polygon in the selection list.
PPolygonMiterLimit Sets the miter limit for the selected polygon.
PPolygonType Sets the type of a polygon.
PPolygonVertices Replaces the currently selected polygon the polygon defined by the specified points.
PPosition Sets the position (normal, superscript, or subscript) of text. The extent of the action depends on which tool is active, whether any text is selected, and whether a publication is open when the command is executed.
PPreferences Sets a variety of preferences for customizing the publication window.
PPrint Prints the current publication using the print options set by the various print dialogs and commands. Optionally, specifies the number of copies, page range, and, for printing to disk, the name of the print file and the name of the PC printer.
PPrintColor Specifies the color options executed with the PPrint command.
PPrintDevicIndpntColor Enables printing device independent color.
PPrintDoc Specifies miscellaneous options executed with the PPrint command.
PPrinterResol Sets the target printer resolution to be used when resizing bitmap images using magic stretch. (Magic stretch resizes a bitmap for optimal resolution, based on the target printer resolution and the resolution of the bitmap. To magic-stretch an image, hold down the Macintosh Command key or the Windows Ctrl key while resizing.)
PPrinterStyle Applies the printer style to the currently open publication. (To print the publication using these settings, follow with the PPrint command.)
PPrintFeature Selects the specified option from the indicated pop-up menu in the Features print dialog box.
PPrintInk Sets the attributes of an ink to be used when printing.
PPrintOptions Specifies non-PostScript print options executed with the PPrint command.
PPrintOptionsPS Specifies PostScript-specific print options executed with the PPrint command.
PPrintPaperPS Specifies paper-related print options executed with the PPrint command (for PostScript printers only).
PPrintTo Specifies a PostScript printer description (PPD) and, for Windows only, the name of the printer.
PPrintEPSPreviews Sets the output to print EPS preview information rather than the EPS content itself, when printing to an RGB device. This is useful when printing publications for online viewing.
PPrintScreenRGBs Sets the output to print display RGB values when printing to an RGB device. This is useful when printing publications for online viewing.
PPrivateData Associates private data with the specified graphic, image, page, master page, story, text block, or publication, by passing a handle to the buffer containing the data.
PPrivateString Associates a string with the specified graphic, image, page, master page, story, text block, or publication. You can add private strings to more than one object at a time if the objects are the same type (class).
PQuit Exits PageMaker without saving the changes to the open publications.
PRedraw Controls whether PageMaker redraws the screen in either layout view or story editor, depending on the view displayed when the command is sent.
PReflect Reflects the selected object, either vertically or horizontally, along the specified handle.
PRelink Relinks the selected object to the specified file or to its original file.
PRemoveColor Removes the specified color from the Colors palette and applies Black to any objects of this color.
PRemovePages Deletes the specified range of pages and their contents from the open publication.
PRemovePrinterStyle Removes the specified printer style.
PRemoveStyle Removes the named style.
PRemoveUnusedColors Removes all colors and inks not being used in the publication from the color palette and ink list.
PRemoveWord Removes the specified word from the user dictionary for spell checking and hyphenation.
PRenameMasterPage Renames an existing master page.
PRenderClip (Macintosh only) Renders the contents of the PageMaker internal clipboard to the external Clipboard, or vise versa, overwriting the current contents of the receiving clipboard.
PResize Changes the size of the selected object.
PResizePct Resizes an object to the specified percentage.
PRestoreColor Removes a PageMaker-applied color from the currently selected imported image.
PReversePolyVertices Reverse the order of vertices of selected polygons.
PRevert Restores the most recently saved version of the publication or template, deleting all changes made since the last time it was saved or minisaved.
PRotate Rotates selected objects by the specified degrees, centering the rotation on the specified object handle.
PRoundedCorners Assigns a shape to the corners of the selected rectangles or squares, or, if nothing is selected, sets the corner style for subsequently drawn rectangles or squares.
PRuleAbove Turns the Rule Above paragraph option on or off, and sets paragraph rule attributes. The extent of the action depends on which tool is active, whether any text is selected, and whether a publication is open when the command is executed.
PRuleBelow Turns the Rule Below paragraph option on or off and sets paragraph rule attributes. The extent of the action depends on which tool is active, whether any text is selected, and whether a publication is open when the command is executed.
PRuleOptions Specifies the vertical placement of paragraph rules and establishes a leading grid to ensure the alignment of baselines. The extent of the action depends on which tool is active, whether any text is selected, and whether a publication is open when the command is executed.
PRulers Turns the horizontal and vertical rulers on or off.
PSave Saves the active publication.
PSaveAs Saves the active publication, using the specified filename, as a publication or template. Also copies linked documents, if specified.
PSaveAsMasterPage Copies the content, guides, and margins of the current pages to the specified master page, either creating a new master or overwriting an existing one.
PSaveStatusOff Turns off the save status of the current publication.
PScroll Centers the specified location within the publication window.
PScrollbars Turns the scrollbars off and on.
PSelect Selects a text block or graphic by drawing order or by location.
PSelectAll Selects all objects (both text blocks and graphics) on the current page and pasteboard, or selects all the text in the story, depending upon the tool that is used and whether layout view or the story editor is active.
PSelectExtend Extends the selection to include the specified object without deselecting other selected objects.
PSelectID Selects a text block or graphic in the current publication by unique ID.
PSelectIDExtend Extends the selection to include the specified object (if it is on the current page) without deselecting other selected objects.
PSelectLayer Selects the objects on the current page that are assigned to the specified layer.
PSendBackward Sends the selected object back one position, decreasing its drawing order by one. Multiple objects retain their stacking order in relation to each other.
PSendToBack Moves the selected text or graphic to the bottom layer, behind other objects.
PSendToPage Moves all selected objects to the specified page. Text must be selected with the pointer tool.
PSeparateContent Separate the content from the selected frame.
PSetTextCursor Selects text from the specified location to the ending location, turning the page as appropriate. If the ending location is the same as the beginning loca tion, the cursor moves to that location without selecting any text.
PSetWidth Specifies the printed width of text characters. The extent of the action depends on which tool is active, whether any text is selected, and whether a publication is open when the command is executed.
PShowErrorAlert Turns on or suppresses the display of error alerts normally suppressed when a plug-in or script is running.
PShowLayers Performs either a Hide Others function, which hides all but the target layer, or a Show All.
PShowPages Briefly displays each page of the active publication, starting at the first page and proceeding by page spread.
PSize Specifies the point size of text. The extent of the action depends on which tool is active, whether any text is selected, and whether a publication is open when the command is executed.
PSizeBump Changes the size of the text to a standard size.
PSkew Skews the selected object by the specified angle, using the designated handle as the fixed point.
PSnapToGuides Turns Snap to Guides on or off.
PSnapToRulers Turns Snap to Rulers on or off.
PSpaceOptions Sets spacing attributes for text. The extent of the action depends on which tool is active, whether any text is selected, and whether a publication is open when the command is executed.
PSpell Checks for misspelled words in the selected range, the active story, or all stories of the current publication. Selects the first unrecognized spelling it encounters.
PSpellWindow Opens or closes the Spelling dialog box.
PStoryEditPref Establishes the story-editor display preferences.
PStyle Sets the specified paragraph style. The extent of the action depends on which tool is active, whether any text is selected, and whether a publication is open when the command is executed.
PStyleBegin Marks the beginning of a style definition. Until PageMaker receives a PStyleEnd command, it uses any type- and paragraph-related commands that follow PStyleBegin to define (or edit) the specified style rather than applying them directly to text.
PStyleEnd Marks the end of the current style definition.
PStylePalette Turns the Styles palette off and on.
PSuppressAutosave Suppresses or activates the automatic mini-save feature.
PSuppressPalDraw Suppresses or enables updating the specified palette if it is currently displayed.
PSuppressPI Suppresses or turns on the display of progress indicators.
PTabs Specifies the number of tab stops and sets the kind, the offset from the left side of the text block, and a leader characters (if any) for each. The extent of the action depends on which tool is active, whether any text is selected, and whether a publication is open when the command is executed.
PTargetLayer Makes the named layer the target layer.
PTextCursor Moves the insertion point (text cursor), by the specified range.
PTextEdit Positions the insertion point in front of the first character in the text block when the text block is selected with the pointer tool or with the PSelect command.
PTextEnter Enters text at the location of the insertion point (text cursor).
PTextSelect Selects text from the position of the insertion point forward or back by the selected range. If text is currently selected, it extends the selection or deselects text, depending upon the direction specified.
PTextWrap Specifies how the text will wrap, or flow, around an independent graphic.
PTextWrapPoly Creates a custom, text-wrap polygon for the selected graphic, based on specified points.
PTile Tiles the displayed windows, whether these are either publications in layout view or stories in story editor (from the current publication only). Tiling resizes and repositions the windows so that they all fit on the screen.
PTintSelection Tints the selected text or graphics or, if nothing is selected, sets the default tint for the next object drawn or placed.
PToggleFrame Toggle the selected objects between frames and graphics.
PTool Selects the designated tool in the Tool palette.
PToolbox Displays or closes the toolbox.
PTrack Adjusts the space between letters and words (track kerning) of selected text or of the next text typed. The extent of the action depends on which tool is active, whether any text is selected, and whether a publication is open when the command is executed.
PTrapSettings Sets the main settings that determine how PageMaker traps overlapping elements in a publication (found in the Trapping Options dialog box).
PTypeOptions Specifies the sizes and positions of small caps, superscript, and subscri text, as well as the amount and direction of a baseline shift. The extent of the action depends on which tool is active, whether any text is selected, and whether a publication is open when the command is executed.
PTypeStyle Switches the specified type-style on or off. The extent of the action depends on which tool is active, whether any text is selected, and whether a publication is open when the command is executed.
PUngroup Ungroups the currently selected groups, leaving each individual item selected.
PUnlink Removes links from the selected object.
PUnmask Unmasks the selected objects and any objects masked by the selected objects. If a selected object is masked, its mask is removed. If a selected object is a mask, all objects it masks (regardless whether or not they are currently selected) are unmasked.
PUnselect Deselects a single object either by drawing order or by location. Other objects that are selected remain selected.
PUnselectID Deselects a single object by its ID.
PView Sets the page view display.
PWindow Activates either the named publication (in layout view) or the named story (in story editor).
PWordSpace Sets the acceptable range of space between words in justified text. The extent of the action depends on which tool is active, whether any text is selected, and whether a publication is open when the command is executed.
PZeroLock Locks the zero point where the rulers are located.
PZeroPoint Moves the zero point of the rulers to the specified x and y coordinates.
PZeroPointReset Resets the rulers' zero point to the default position.

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