
Turns the Rule Below paragraph option on or off and sets paragraph rule attributes. The extent of the action depends on which tool is active, whether any text is selected, and whether a publication is open when the command is executed.

Command constructors

This class has two constructors.

PRuleBelow(PMBool bRuleOn, short cStyle, const char * sLineColor, short cLineWidth, long xLeftIndent, long xRightIndent, short dWeight, short bOpaque, short nLineTint = -2);

PMBool bRuleOn;
false to remove the rule above
true to display the rule above the paragraph
short cStyle;
kParmDontCare to leave the line style unchanged
kLineNone (these are defined in PKeywords.h)
for a solid line of weight specified by dWeight
const char * sLineColor;
Line-color name exactly as it appears in Line Color pop-up list (maximum of31 characters)
short cLineWidth;
0 to have rule span the width of text
1 to have rule span the width of column
kParmDontCare to leave width unchanged
long xLeftIndent;
Amount of rule indent from the left column guide or from the left edge of the text, depending on the value for cLineWidth in twips
long xRightIndent;
Amount of rule indent from right column guide or from right edge of text, depending on setting for cLineWidth in twips
short dWeight;
Weight of a custom line in tenths of a point (5.5 = 55).
kParmDontCare to leave line weight unchanged or for predefined line weights (e.g., hairline)
short bOpaque;
false for transparent background behind dotted, dashed, or compound lines
true for opaque background behind dotted, dashed, or compound lines
kParmDontCare to leave transparency setting unchanged
short nLineTint;
Percentage of color to apply to rule (from 0 to 100) in tenths of a percent (100.0% = 1000), although command uses only whole percentages and decimal values are truncated.
kParmDontCare to leave tint setting unchanged (default)
PRuleBelow(const PGetRuleBelow& ruleBelow);
Use the corresponding PGetRuleBelow query object to set the rule below parameters.
Parameters ignored if bRuleOn is off. If the bRuleOn parameter is off, the rule below the selected paragraph is turned off and all other parameters are ignored.

dWeight parameter overrides cLineStyle. Set the dWeight parameter to kParmDontCare unless you are defining a custom line. The value of dWeight overrides the line weight specified in cStyle.

Example. The following example selects the text block at the top of the left column, inserts the insertion point before the first character of the text block, displays a rule below the first paragraph in the text block, and specifies the rule as a three-point, 20% red line that runs the width of the column, with quarter-inch indents from the column edges.

PRuleBelow(true, custom, "Red", 1, twips(".25i"), twips(".25i"), 30, 0, 200);

See also

The PParaOptions and PRuleAbove commands

The PGetRuleOptions queries

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Type > Paragraph

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