
Draws a polygon that lies either within or on the rectangle defined by the specified coordinates.

Command constructor

PPolygon(long xLeft, long yTop, long xRight, long yBottom, PMBool bRegular);
long xLeft;
x coordinate of top-left corner in twips
long yTop;
y coordinate of top-left corner in twips
long xRight;
x coordinate of bottom-right corner in twips
long yBottom;
y coordinate of bottom-right corner in twips
PMBool bRegular;
false to place all outer vertices of the polygon on the rectangle, varying segment length and angles as needed
true to constrain the polygon to fit within the rectangle, with all segments equal and all angles equal (outer vertices lie on largest circle that fits within rectangle)
Example. The following example draws a polygon with the default attributes (number of sides and percent star inset). Since bRegular is specified as true, each segment of the polygon will be of equal length.

PPolygon(500, 400, 700, 600, true);

See also

The PFillAndLine, PFillStyle, PLine, PLineStyle, PBox, POval, and PPolygonAttribs commands

The PGetPolygonAttribs query

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Window > Toolbox

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Element > Polygon Settings

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