
Sets the main settings that determine how PageMaker traps overlapping elements in a publication (found in the Trapping Options dialog box).

Command constructors

This class has two constructors.

PTrapSettings(short bEnable, long xDefWidth, long xBlackWidth, short dStepLimit, short dCentThresh, short dTextLimit, short bTrapOverImp);

short bEnable;
false to disable trapping
true to enable trapping
kParmDontCare to leave enable state unchanged
long xDefWidth;
Width of non-black traps in twips
kParmDontCare to leave width unchanged
long xBlackWidth;
Width of black traps in twips
kParmDontCare to leave black width unchanged
short dStepLimit;
Percentage for step limit, from 1% (1.0) to 100% (100.0) in tenths of a percent (100.0% = 1000).
kParmDontCare to leave step limit unchanged
short dCentThresh;
Percentage for centerline threshold, from 0% (0.0) to 100% (100.0) in tenths of a percent (100.0% = 1000).
kParmDontCare to leave centerline threshold unchanged
short dTextLimit;
Point size above which text is trapped, from 4.0 to 650.0 in tenths of a point (650.0 = 6500).
kParmDontCare to leave text limit unchanged
short bTrapOverImp;
false (zero) to disable trapping where foreground objects overlap imported graphics
true to enable trapping over non-PageMaker graphics (i.e., to trap to a PageMaker object underneath an imported image, not to the image itself)
kParmDontCare to leave state unchanged
PTrapSettings(const PGetTrapSettings& trapSettings);
This constructor executes the command using the corresponding PGetTrapSettings query object. This is useful for saving/restoring the state of the trap settings.
Example. The following example enables trapping of the publication and uses quarter-point widths for non-black traps, half-point widths for black traps, a step limit of 20%, a centerline threshold of 70%, a text limit of 23.9 points, and no trapping over imported graphics.

PTrapSettings(true, twips("0p0.25"), twips("0p0.5"), 200, 700, 239, false);

See also

The PBlackAttributes command

The PGetBlackAttributes queries

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Utilities > Trapping Options

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