
Opens or closes the Spelling dialog box.

Command constructor

PSpellWindow(PMBool bOpen);
false to close Spelling dialog box
true to open Spelling dialog box
Story editor only. The PSpellWindow command works only in story editor.

Exceptions. If story editor is not active, the constructor throws a CQ_LO_INVALID_MODE exception and disregards the command.

Change and Find closed in Windows. Windows allows only one dialog box to be open at time. PageMaker for Windows closes either the Find or Change dialog box before opening the Spelling dialog box. Since the Macintosh allows more than one open dialog box, PageMaker for the Macintosh can open the Spelling dialog box without closing either the Find or Change dialog box.

Example. The following example opens the Spelling dialog box.


See also

The PAddWord, PRemoveWord, and PSpell commands

The PGetPMInfo, PGetSpellResult, and PGetSpellWindow queries

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Utilities > Spelling

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