
Specifies the sizes and positions of small caps, superscript, and subscri text, as well as the amount and direction of a baseline shift. The extent of the action depends on which tool is active, whether any text is selected, and whether a publication is open when the command is executed.

Command constructor

PTypeOptions(short dSmallSize, short dScriptSize, short dSuperPos, short dSubPos, short dBaseline, PMBool bDirection);
short dSmallSize;
Small-caps size, specified as a percentage of the selected type size (from 1% to 200%) in tenths of a percent (100.0% = 1000).
kParmDontCare to leave current value unchanged
short dScriptSize;
Superscript or subscript size, specified as a percent age of the selected type size (from 1% to 200%) in tenths of a percent (100.0% = 1000).
kParmDontCare to leave current value unchanged
short dSuperPos;
Superscript position, specified as a percentage of the type size, to shift up from the baseline (from 0% to 500%) in tenths of a percent (100.0% = 1000).
kParmDontCare to leave current value unchanged
short dSubPos;
Subscript position, specified as a percentage of the selected type size, to shift below the baseline (from 0% to 500%) in tenths of a percent (100.0% = 1000).
kParmDontCare to leave current value unchanged
short dBaseline;
Amount to shift the baseline (up to one decimal point; positive values only) in tenths of a point (4.0 = 40).
PMBool bDirection;
false to shift baseline up (the default)
true to shift baseline down
Example. The following example selects an entire story and specifies: PSelect(1);
PTypeOptions(80, 70, 333, 333, 5, true);

See also

The PPosition command

The PGetTypeOptions query

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Type > Type Specs

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