
Closes the specified publication without saving changes. If you do not specify a particular publication or all the publications, PageMaker closes the currently active publication.

Command constructors

Close the currently active publication.
PClose(const char * sPubName);
Name of publication to close, exactly as it appears on Windows menu (maximum of 63 characters).

"all" to close all open publications

Specifying "all." If you specify the keyword "all"while a publication titled "All" is open, PageMaker will close that publication. Otherwise, PageMaker will close all open publications.

Caution: No prompt for unsaved or changed publication. Unlike its menu counterpart, the PClose command does not warn you if you have not saved the latest changes to a publication, nor does it prompt you to name an unnamed publication. Use the PSave or PSaveAs commands first if you want to save changes to the publication or name it.

Path okay. While not part of the name displayed in the Window menu, you can include the path with the name of file you want to close.

Example. The following example saves a publication as "mypub"(and copies any linked documents), and then closes the publication.

PSaveAs("myfloppy:myfolder:mypub", publication, linked);

See also

The PMiniSave, PSave, and PSaveAs commands

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > File > Close

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > File > Save As

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