
Exports the selected image to a file.

This command is new in PageMaker 6.5

Command constructors

This class has three constructors, depending on whether you wish to save the image as a TIFF, JPEG, or GIF file.

The first constructor is used to save an image as a TIFF file.

PImageSaveAs(const char * sFilename, PMBool bLinkOption, PMBool bProfile, PMBool bCropped, short nCompression, short nFormatStyle, PMBool bSaveForSep, short nTIFFOption);

const char * sFilename;
File name to use to save image. If a file with this name already exists, it will be overwritten.
PMBool bLink;
true changes the link to the new file
false keeps the existing link
PMBool bProfile;
true to include color management profile with image
false do not include profile
PMBool bCropped;
true to save cropped image
false to save the entire image
short nCompression;
0 for none
1 for minimum
2 for maximum
3 for maximum lossy
short nFormatStyle;
0 Normal interleaved
1 Normal planar
2 Tile interleaved
3 Tile planar
PMBool bSaveForSep;
true save for separation
false save composite
short nTIFFOption;
If bSaveForSep is true, then nTIFFOption indicates the Preview mode:
0 for none
1 for best
2 for draft

If bSaveForSep is false, then nTIFFOption indicates the color depth:
0 for 2 colors (black and white)
1 for 16 colors
2 for 256 colors
3 for millions of colors
The second constructor is used to save an image as a JPEG file.

PImageSaveAs(const char * sFilename, PMBool bLinkOption, PMBool bProfile, PMBool bCropped, short nQuality, short nResolution);

const char * sFilename;
File name to use to save image. If a file with this name already exists, it will be overwritten.
PMBool bLink;
true changes the link to the new file
false keeps the existing link
PMBool bProfile;
true to include color management profile with image
false do not include profile
PMBool bCropped;
true to save cropped image
false to save the entire image
short nQuality;
0 for low
1 for medium
2 for high
3 for maximum
short nResolution;
0 to keep the image at its current resolution
1 to save the image at 72 dpi
The third constructor is used to save an image as a GIF file.

PImageSaveAs(const char * sFilename, PMBool bLinkOption, PMBool bProfile, PMBool bCropped, short nTransparency, PMBool bInterlaced, short nColorPalette, short nColorDepth, short nResolution, const char * sCaption);

const char * sFilename;
File name to use to save image. If a file with this name already exists, it will be overwritten.
PMBool bLink;
true changes the link to the new file
false keeps the existing link
PMBool bProfile;
true to include color management profile with image
false do not include profile
PMBool bCropped;
true to save cropped image
false to save the entire image
short nTransparency;
0 for none
1 for wihte
2 for black
PMBool bInterlaced;
true for interlaced
false for non-interlaced
short nColorPalette;
0 for Exact
1 for Adaptive (dithered)
2 for Adaptive (not dithered)
3 for Netscape
4 for System
short nColorDepth;
0 for 4 colors
1 for 8 colors
2 for 16 colors
3 for 32 colors
4 for 64 colors
5 for 128 colors
6 for 256 colors
short nResolution;
0 to keep the image at itís current resolution
1 to save the image at 72 dpi
const char * sCaption;
A caption for the GIF image.
Example. This example saves the currently selected image as a TIFF file

PImageSaveAs("myimage.gif", true, false, true, 0, 0, true, 1);

See also

The PImageSaveForSep command

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