
Displays the specified page of the open publication.

Command constructor

PPage(short nPage, const char * sMasterName = NULL);
short nPage;
Number of the page, or
kPageLeftMaster for left master page of specified master
kPageRightMaster for right master page of specified master
kPageNext for next page (except when the current page is the last page in the publication)
kPagePrevious for previous page (except when the current page is the first page in the publication)
const char * sMasterName;
Name of master to switch to if nPage is kPageLeftMaster or kPageRightMaster
Specified page must exist. The page specified must exist in the current publication.

Switching to master pages. If you set nPage to kPageLeftMaster or kPageRightMaster, but do not specify a master page, the PPage command switches to the left or right page of Document master.

If the master page is a single-page master, you can set nPage to either kPageLeftMaster or kPageRightMaster.

Layout view only. Use the PPage command only in layout view.

Examples. The following example displays the previous page of the open publication.


The following example displays the right page of the master page named Document Master.

PPage(-3, "Document Master");

See also

The PShowPages command in this chapter

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Layout > Go to Page

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