
Pastes the contents of the Clipboard into the open publication.

Command constructor


Clipboard limit. The maximum amount of text that can be stored in (or pasted from) the Clipboard is 64K.

Pasting with the pointer tool active. When you paste using the pointer tool, the position of the pasted text block or graphic depends on whether or not the place on the page from which it was cut or copied is still visible on the screen. If it is displayed, PageMaker pastes the text block or graphic at a slight offset from its original position. If the position is no longer displayed, PageMaker centers the text block or graphic on the screen.

Pasting with the text tool active. If you paste a graphic when the text tool is active and an insertion point exists, the graphic becomes an inline graphic at the insertion point.

You can paste text in two ways using the text tool:

Pasting items copied outside of PageMaker (Macintosh only). PageMaker for the Macintosh uses an internal clipboard, not the standard Macintosh Clipboard. To paste externally copied or cut data into PageMaker for the Macintosh, you must first render those items to the PageMaker internal clipboard using the PRenderClip(false); command.

Story editor: graphics. When you paste a graphic or image from the Clipboard into story editor, it is pasted as an inline graphic at the location of the insertion point.

Story editor: no pasting in dialog boxes. Unlike Paste on the Edit menu, the PPaste command does not paste text into the Find, Change, or Spelling dialog boxes. Instead, it pastes text at the location of the insertion point in the current story, regardless of whether one of the dialog boxes is displayed.

Example. The following example pastes the contents of the Clipboard.


See also

The PMultiplePaste, PPasteLink, and PPasteSpecial commands

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Edit > Paste

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Edit > Paste Special

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