
Removes all colors and inks not being used in the publication from the color palette and ink list.

Command constructor

PRemoveUnusedColors(PMBool bYesToAll = true);
false to display an alert before deleting each color or ink, so the user can choose which ones to delete, and then listing the number of colors and inks removed

true to remove all unused colors and inks and suppress the summary report of the number of colors and inks removed (the default)

Example. The following example deletes all unused colors and inks in a publication.

PRemoveUnusedColors(true); // equivalent to "PRemoveUnusedColors();"

See also

The PDefineColor, PInkND, and PPrintInk commands

The PGetColor, PGetColorInfo, PGetColorNames, PGetInkNames, PGetInkInfo, and PGetInkND queries

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Element > Define Colors

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