
Skews the selected object by the specified angle, using the designated handle as the fixed point.

Command constructor

PSkew(short cHandle, long dAngle);
short cHandle;
Handle to use as fixed point of skew:
Top handles (each results in the same skew):

Middle handles (each results in the same skew):

Bottom handles (each results in the same skew):
long dAngle;
Angle to skew object (from -85 to +85 degrees; up to 2 decimal places; positive values are measured clockwise from y axis) in thousandths of a degree (45.000 degrees = 45000)
Normal orientation. Zero degrees is the normal, unskewed position of an object.

Skewing not cumulative. Skewing is not cumulative. Always specify the degrees in relation to the unskewed position of the object. For example, skewing a text block 30 degrees twice results in a 30-degree skew, not a 60-degree skew.

Text blocks, not individual characters. This command skews whole text blocks, not individual characters or groups of characters within a text block. You must select a text block with the PSelect command or the pointer tool, not the PTextSelect command or text tool.

Text automatically recomposed. When text is skewed, PageMaker recomposes the text to wrap around any object that has text-wrap attributes (as specified with the PTextWrap command or Text Wrap on the Element menu).

cHandle for transformed objects. If the selected object was previously skewed, rotated, or reflected, cHandle corresponds to the handle position before the object was transformed. For example, leftTop always refers to the original left-top handle of an object, not the handle that is currently the left-most top handle.

Layout view only. The PSkew command works only in layout view.

Example. The following example selects the third object drawn and skews it 25 degrees, centered around the lower-left corner.

PSkew(kEdgeBottomleft, 25);

See also

The PTextWrap command

The PGetTransform query

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Element > Text Wrap

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Window > Control Palette

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