
Sets the default offsets that appear in the Multiple Paste dialog box.

Command constructors

This class has two constructors.

PMultPasteOffset(long xOffset, long yOffset);
long xOffset;
Horizontal difference between each pasted copy (maximum 45 inches) in twips
long yOffset;
Vertical difference between each pasted copy (maximum 45 inches) in twips
PMultPasteOffset(PGetMultPasteOffset& offset);
Use a corresponding PGetMultPasteOffset query object to set the default offset. This is useful to restore settings to a prior value (see example, below).
Multiple Paste changes defaults. Each time you use the PMultiplePaste command, it sets the default offsets in the Multiple Paste dialog box. Use the PMultPasteOffset command to reset the default offsets either to a different value or back to their original value.

Example. The following example selects and copies the third object drawn. It queries for the current default offset, pastes five copies, and then resets the default offsets back to their previous values.

PGetMultPasteOffset savedOffset;
// reply 3, 3
PMultiplePaste(5, twips("0p4"), twips("0p9")); // sets offsets to new values
// resets offsets back to previous values

See also

The PCopy and PPaste commands

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Edit > Multiple Paste

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