
Draws a line from the point specified by the x1 and y1 coordinates to the point specified by x2 and y2 coordinates.

Command constructor

PLine(long x1, long y1, long x2, long y2);
long x1;
x-axis coordinate of the first end point in twips
long y1;
y-axis coordinate of the first end point in twips
long x2;
x-axis coordinate of the second end point in twips
long y2;
y-axis coordinate of the second end point in twips
Line locations. Horizontal lines hang down from the points specified, vertical lines hang right from the points specified, and others are centered between the points specified.

Layout view only. Use the PLine command only in layout view.

Example. Assuming the rulers' zero point is at the upper-left corner of the page, the following example draws a horizontal line starting one inch from the left edge of the page, two inches down from the top, and stopping eight inches from the left edge of the page.

long x = twips("1i");
Pline(x, 2 * x, 8 * x, 2 * x)

See also

The PLineStyle, PZeroPoint, and PZeroPointReset commands

The PGetLineStyle and PGetZeroPoint queries

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Element > Fill and Line

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