
Sets the link options of the currently selected graphic or text block; if nothing is selected, determines how subsequently placed graphics and text are stored and updated.

Command constructor

PLinkOptions(PMBool bUpdAutoText, PMBool bAlert1stText, PMBool bStoreInPub, PMBool bUpdAutoGrph, PMBool bAlert1stGrph, PMBool bDefault = false);
PMBool bUpdAutoText;
true to automatically update publication upon opening if linked text has been modified; if graph ics are selected, this parameter is ignored
PMBool bAlert1stText;
true to alert user before PageMaker automatically updates modified text (if bUpdAutoText is set to 1); if graphics are selected,this parameter is ignored
PMBool bStoreInPub;
true to store linked graphic in publication (not necessary for text or EPS files, which are already stored in publication); if text is selected, this parameter is ignored
PMBool bUpdAutoGrph;
true to automatically update publication upon opening if linked graphic has been modified; if text is selected, this parameter is ignored
PMBool bAlert1stGrph;
true to alert user before PageMaker automatically updates a modified graphic (if bUpdAutoGrph is set to 1); if text is selected, this parameter is ignored
PMBool bDefault;
false to set link options for selected object or, if in story editor, for current story (default)
true to set default link options for publication
Link status checked upon open and print. PageMaker checks the status of linked files each time a publication is opened or printed.

Setting default options. If bDefault is 1, or no objects are selected, the PLinkOptions commands sets the default options for the publication. If no publication is open, the command sets the PageMaker default link options, which apply to any publications created subsequently.

Example. The following example sets the publication default link-options so that PageMaker alerts the user first, then automatically updates all subsequently placed text and graphics and stores graphics outside the publication.

PLinkOptions(true, true, false, true, true, true);

See also

The PGetLinkInfo, PGetLinkOptions, and PGetLinksqueries

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > File > Links

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Element > Link Options

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