
Depending upon the parameters, rebuilds one or all of the following: Use this command when you have changed, deleted, or added font metric files, fonts, or plug-ins during this session with PageMaker.

Command constructor

PChangeEnv(long cEnvChange);
kEnvFontMetrics to force PageMaker to reload font-metric information
kEnvInstalledFonts to force PageMaker to rebuild the font list for Font submenu (and pop-up menu)
kEnvPlugins to force PageMaker to rebuild the PageMaker Plug-ins submenu.
Example. The following example forces PageMaker to rebuild the font list for the Font submenu (and pop-up menu) and to rebuild the PageMaker Plug-ins submenu.

PChangeEnv(kEnvInstalledFonts + kEnvPlugins);

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