
Marks the beginning of a style definition. Until PageMaker receives a PStyleEnd command, it uses any type- and paragraph-related commands that follow PStyleBegin to define (or edit) the specified style rather than applying them directly to text.

Command constructor

PStyleBegin(const char * sStyleName);
Name of the style to define (to a maximum of 31 characters)
No nested definitions. The PStyleEnd command completes the definition. Style definitions cannot be nested; you must complete a style definition with the PStyleEnd command before beginning the next style definition.

Use PStyleEnd command to end definition. If you do not complete a style definition with the PStyleEnd command (e.g., by omitting the PStyleEnd command or by not completing the definition due to an error), PageMaker remains in the style-definition state until you either send the PStyleEnd command or:

While in the style definition state, the Define Styles command remains dimmed in the Type menu. Until PageMaker receives the PStyleEnd command, all subsequent commands and queries relevant to paragraph styles (such as type, paragraph, hyphenation, and color commands) apply to the style being defined.

Commands that comprise a style. The commands that comprise a style definition are:

PAlignment     PPosition
PBasedOn       PRuleAbove
PCase          PRuleBelow
PColor         PRuleOptions
PDictionary    PSetWidth
PFont          PSize
PHyphenation   PSpaceOptions
PIndents       PTabs
PLeading       PTrack
PLetterSpace   PTypeOptions
PNextStyle     PTypeStyle
PParaOptions   PWordSpace
Style based on current style. If you do not base the style on a specific style (using the PBasedOn command), PageMaker bases the style on the current style. The current style is the style of the text containing the insertion point, or, if either the pointer tool is active or no publications are open, the default style.

Example. The following example defines Heading 1 as point-size 24 in the font Times.

PStyleBegin("Heading 1");

See also

The PStyle command

The PGetStyle and PGetStyleNames queries

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Type > Define Styles

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