
Sets additional text attributes (set width, tracking, color, and tint) to be used for the search text in the PChange and PChangeAll commands.

Command constructor

PChangeTypeAttr2(short dSetWidth, short cTrack, const char * sColorName, short nTintValue);
short dSetWidth;
Percentage to scale character width from 5.0% to 250.0%; normal is 100.0% in tenths of a point, (250.0 = 2500)
kParmAny for Any set width (i.e., to not include set width settings in search criteria)
short cTrack;
kParmAny for Any tracking (i.e., to not include track settings in search criteria)
const char * sColorName;
Name of color exactly as it appears in Colors palette (to maximum of 31 characters)
"Any" for Any color (i.e., to not include color in search criteria)
short nTintValue;
Percentage of color (from 0 to 100), in whole percentages in tenths of a percent (100.0% = 1000), although command uses only whole percent ages and decimal values are rounded
kParmAny for Any tint amount
Story editor only. The PChangeTypeAttr2 command works only in story editor. If the story editor is not active, PChangeTypeAttr2 throws a CQ_LO_INVALID_MODE exception.

All attributes cleared first. The settings you include with the PChangeTypeAttr2 command replace all existing attribute settings.

Example. The following example changes all purple text in the current publication to 93% tint of Purple. Notice that it first sets all other Find and Change attributes to Any.

PFindParaAttr("Any", kParmAny, kParmAny);
PChangeParaAttr("Any", kParmAny, kParmAny);
PFindTypeAttr1("Any", kParmAny, kParmAny, kParmAny, kParmAny, kParmAny);
PChangeTypeAttr1("Any", kParmAny, kParmAny, kParmAny, kParmAny, kParmAny);
PFindTypeAttr2(kParmAny, kParmAny, "Purple", kParmAny);
PChangeTypeAttr2(kParmAny, kParmAny, "Purple", 93);
PChangeAll("", "", kFCSAllStories, false, false, false);

See also

The PChange, PChangeAll, PChangeNext, PChangeParaAttr, PChangeTypeAttr1, PChangeWindow, PFind, PFindNext, PFindParaAttr, PFindTypeAttr1, PFindTypeAttr2, and PFindWindow commands

The PGetChangeParaAttr, PGetChangeTypeAttr1, PGetChangeTypeAttr2, PGetChangeWindow, PGetFindParaAttr, PGetFindTypeAttr1, PGetFindTypeAttr2, and PGetFindWindow queries

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