
Exports text from the text block that currently contains the insertion point to the specified filename, using the selected format.

Command constructor

PExport(const char * fFilename, const char * sFormat, PMBool bTags);
const char * fFilename;
Exact name of file to which selected text is to be exported, including optional pathname to folder and disk (maximum of 91 characters for each name and path)
const char * sFormat;
File format exactly as it appears in File Format list box (maximum of 31 characters)
PMBool bTags;
false: don't export tags (style names)
true: export tags
Range or entire story. Unlike the options in the Export dialog box, this command does not provide a parameter to explicitly choose Entire Story or Selected Text Only. If there is a selection range in the story, PageMaker exports it; otherwise, PageMaker exports the entire story.

Exporting style names. The bTags parameter exports the style names with the exported file. They appear in angle brackets at the beginning of each paragraph. Later, if the file is placed in PageMaker, PageMaker uses the styles to format the text.

Caution: No prompt for overwriting files. Unlike its menu counterpart, the PExport command does not prompt you if a file with the same name already exists. Instead, PageMaker overwrites the file directly.

Example. The following example exports selected text to "myfile,"in text-only format and with style names attached.

PExport("mydisk:myfolder:myfile", "Text-only", true);

See also

The PGetExportFilters query

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > File > Export

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