
Sets the type of a polygon.

This command is new in PageMaker 6.5

Command constructor

PPolygonType(short nType);
0 - the polygon becomes a regular polygon and the current number of sides and inset value are applied to the polygon.
1 - the polygon becomes an open, irregular polygon. If the polygon was a regular polygon, it will be converted to irregular, and will look the same, except that it is missing one side.
2 - the polygon becomes a closed irregular polygon. If the polygon was regular, it becomes irregular, and looks the same as it did as a regular polygon.
Example. This example turns all selected polygons into open, irregular polygons.


See also

The PCreatePolygon, PPolygonJoin, PPolygonMiterLimit, and PPolygonVertices commands

The PGetPolygonMiterLimit, PGetPolygonType, and PGetPolygonVertices queries

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