
Sends the selected object back one position, decreasing its drawing order by one. Multiple objects retain their stacking order in relation to each other.

Command constructor


Drawing order. The first-drawn object on a page (or pages for facing pages) has drawing-order number 1 and is the bottom-most object. The top-most object is drawn last and has the highest drawing-order number.

A group is considered an object and has a drawing-order number like any other object. If you send the group backward, the objects within the group retain their stacking order in relation to each other, but their drawing-order numbers each decrease by one.

Example. The following example selects the fourth object drawn and sends it backward, changing its drawing order to three.


See also

The PBringForward, PBringToFront, PMove, and PSendToBack commands

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Arrange > Send Backward

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