
Suppresses or activates the automatic mini-save feature.

Command constructor

PSuppressAutosave(PMBool bSuppress);
false to activate automatic mini-save feature
true to suppress automatic mini-save feature
When minisaves occur. When SuppressAutosave is off (the PageMaker default state), PageMaker performs a minisave if you: The PageMaker default. The PageMaker default state is with the minisave feature turned on.

Caution: Always turn off PSuppressAutosave at end. Always turn off the PSuppressAutosave command before returning control back to PageMaker. This command has no menu equivalent, so the user would need to run a script to return PageMaker to its default state. The automatic minisave feature is a safeguard for users and allows them to recover work since the last save or minisave.

Example. The following example suppresses automatic minisaves.


See also

The PMiniSave command

The PGetSuppressAutosave query

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