
Renames an existing master page.

Command constructor

PRenameMasterPage(const char * sOldMasterName, const char * sNewMasterName, PMBool bOverwrite);
const char * sOldMasterName;
Name of master page to rename (maximum of 31 characters)
const char * sNewMasterName;
New name to assign to master page (maximum of 31 characters)
PMBool bOverwrite;
false to leave existing master unchanged (if one exists with same name)
true to overwrite existing master (if one exists with same name)
Document Master and None. You cannot rename the prenamed master pages, Document Master and None.

Unique name. When you rename a master page, make sure you are not overwriting an existing master page. Use the PGetMasterPageList to determine the names of all existing master pages.

Example. The following example renames the master page "Editorial"to "Two-column editorial," overwriting an existing master page of the same name (if it exists).

PRenameMasterPage("Editorial", "Two-column editorial", true);

See also

The PDefineMasterPage, PDeleteMasterPage, PMasterPage, and PSaveAsMasterPage commands

The PGetMasterPage, PGetMasterPageInfo, and PGetMasterPageList queries

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Window > Master Pages

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