
Sets paragraph attributes (paragraph style, alignment, and leading method) to be used for the search text in the PChange and PChangeAll commands.

Command constructor

PChangeParaAttr(const char * sParaStyle, short cAlignment, short cLeadingType);
const char * sParaStyle;
Name of style exactly as it appears inStyles palette (maximum of 31 characters)
"Any" for Any paragraph style (i.e., to not include paragraph style in search criteria; default setting)
"No style" for No Style
short cAlignment;
kFCAttrAny for Any alignment (i.e., to not include alignment in search criteria; default setting)
kAlignmentLeft for Left
kAlignmentCenter for Center
kAlignmentRight for Right
kAlignmentJustify for Justify
kAlignmentForce for Force Justify
short cLeadingType;
kFCAttrAny for Any leading method (i.e., to not include leading method in search criteria; default setting)
kLeadProportional for Proportional
kLeadTopOfCaps for Top of Caps
kLeadBaseline for Baseline
Story editor only. The PChangeParaAttr command works only in story editor. If the story editor is not active, PChangeParaAttr throws a CQ_LO_INVALID_MODE exception.

All attributes cleared first. The settings you include with the PChangeParaAttr command replace all existing attribute settings.

Example. The following example changes all left-aligned text in the current publication to full-justifed text. Notice that it first sets all other Find and Change attributes to Any.

PFindTypeAttr1("Any", -3, -3, -3, -3, -3);
PChangeTypeAttr1("Any", -3, -3, -3, -3, -3);
PFindTypeAttr2(-3, -3, "Any", -3);
PChangeTypeAttr2(-3, -3, "Any", -3);
PFindParaAttr("Any", kAlignmentLeft, -3);
PChangeParaAttr("Any", kAlignmentJustify, -3);
PChangeAll("", "", kFCSAllStories, false, false, false);

See also

The PChange, PChangeAll, PChangeNext, PChangeTypeAttr1, PChangeTypeAttr2, PChangeWindow, PFind, PFindNext, PFindParaAttr, PFindTypeAttr1, PFindTypeAttr2, and PFindWindow commands

The PGetChangeParaAttr, PGetChangeTypeAttr1, PGetChangeTypeAttr2, PGetChangeWindow, PGetFindParaAttr, PGetFindTypeAttr1, PGetFindTypeAttr2, and PGetFindWindow queries

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