
Specifies the left, first-line, and right indents forparagraphs. The extent of the action depends on which tool is active, whether any text is selected, and whether a publication is open when the command is executed.

Command constructors

This command has two constructors.

PIndent(long xLeftIndent, long xFirstIndent, long xRightIndent);

long xLeftIndent;
Indent from left edge of text block (from 0 to a maximum of 21 inches) in twips
long xFirstIndent;
Indent of first line of a paragraph relative to xLeftIndent value (from -21 inches maximum of 21 inches) in twips
long xRightIndent;
Indent from right edge of text block (from 0 to a maximum of 21 inches) in twips
PIndent(const PGetIndent& theIndent);
Use the corresponding PGetIndent query object to set the indents.
Hanging indents. For hanging indents, specify a negative number for the xFirstIndent value.

xFirstIndent and xLeftIndent values. The value of xFirstIndent may be less than the value of xLeftIndent. Together they must be greater than or equal to 0 (zero).

xLeftIndent and xRightIndent values. The value of xLeftIndent plus xRightIndent should not exceed the width of the column.

Example. The following example indents text one-half inch from the left edge of the text block in a publication. It also indents the first line of the text an additional quarter of an inch. It does not indent text from the right edge of the text block.

PIndents(twips("0.5i"), twips("0.25i"), 0);

See also

The PMeasureUnitscommand

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Type > Indents/Tabs

Adobe PageMaker 6.5 Help > Commands > Type > Paragraph

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